
Jespoke actually has a front position. Everyone is ready to hide when they see the acceleration door opening, but his shells are extremely fast and always hit several people at the right angle.

"I can’t wait until I’m better," the stone man typed
His big move is that a stone man with strong control hovers around looking for someone who can hold the other key and is about to rush.
Lu Zhan also put his finger on the Q key and waited for a ball to kill the enemy tower.
Chapter 4 Fierce Group Wars
Lu Zhan stared at the stone man’s head, and there was a small circle next to it. He waited for the stone man’s circle to turn green, which meant that the stone man had made a big move.
But surprisingly, before the stone man got better, the other side of the group first
First of all, the little girl Annie, with the advantage of team resources, has produced three pieces of output equipment, which hurts a lot.
She seemed to be swinging around, but she suddenly took advantage of the opportunity in front of the policewoman to make a fuss.
"yeah! Bos! " Annie flashed a big move without hesitation. A bear hit the policewoman on the head.
Broken fire!
Light it!
Annie’s passive folding to the fourth floor can stun people for 175 seconds, which is enough for her to release so many skills. Three skills have been used to make the policewoman directly disabled.
But it’s not over yet. The other cow’s head also rushed out, and the second company kept the policewoman in place.
The blind monk quickly kicked out the female gun and Jess also threw the output skills at the policewoman desperately, which symbolizes that the policewoman in Picheng law died before she could export it.
Annie and Niutou not only fainted to the policewoman, but also fainted to the policewoman’s side. The fire man, however, suffered less damage but was still bleeding.
Many singles like to hit as many people as possible, but in fact, this big move is definitely worth it if you can drop the opponent’s key characters at one time.
Annie, the other party, obviously understands this truth. The policewoman who develops best in the second is equivalent to pulling out the blue square teeth, and the toothless tiger can be slowly consumed to death.
This combo came too suddenly, and several blue people didn’t respond, so the policewoman died.
It’s hard for Jacques to join the league, but it’s still a situation of four to five.
Advance or retreat? There are four people left in Lu Zhan’s side who are obviously divided.
Fire Man and Nightmare chose to retreat, but Stone Man and Jax chose to charge.
"Boom!" The stone man just got better, and the big move finally came out.
This goal is very true, that is, the female gun and the Jessi stone man look at the blind monk and the bull’s head protruding in front.
Both the female gun and Jess were bounced by the stone man, and the stone man got closer. Jess hung up, slowed down, stuck and hit.
But Jess reacted quickly this time and directly hammered the stone man.
Lu Zhan Jax was beating the blind monk in the front row and saw Jess out of the E skill horse and shifted the target.
Jump and chop!
He jumped into Jess, swung the street lamp and continued to "bang".
At this time, everyone found out that Jax had played for a while first, and the blind monk was trying to stack up his passivity while waiting for Jess to develop E skills.
This time, Lu Zhan charged first, Q, and the other person’s face was flat again. This was calculated. The attack frequency happened to be accompanied by big moves, passivity and brilliance. The additional damage was very considerable. He reset Ping A again and smashed it. This time, Lu Zhan was lucky, and the glory CD just ended, which triggered the additional damage of brilliance again.
This set is that Jacques read the information before he even recruited Lu Zhan. It said that it would not come out at that time, but after several attempts when the road was alone, it was almost touched
This attack cycle has two skills, Q and W, two flat A injuries, two brilliant injuries and one big move injury. In an instant, it broke out with great fighting power, knocked out Jess without meat, and Lu Zhan also hung a light for Jess in his busy schedule.
And the three forces are attached to accelerate, so he can stick to Jess and continue to output.
Jess was hung up by the stone man when he came. Slow down and reduce the attack speed. At this time, he can’t leave, so he can choose to fight with Jax recklessly.
Fortunately, after Lu Zhan finished, he didn’t start E skills. Jess and the female gun next to him can still do harm to Jacques.
However, Jax’s output of the three broken items is really too high, and he has already killed Jess before one of his E skills improved.
There were no soldiers around, and poor Jess went back to guard the future without using Q skills to escape.
At this time, Jacques turned his head with a street lamp and looked at the female gun next to him with a smile.
The sexy woman’s gun has a sudden heart. She has not flashed. She can cut it flat and deal with Jacques.
Jax jumped in front of her mercilessly and ravaged her. Soon, the female gun’s charming body was running out of blood. The female gun was retreating while fighting. At this time, it had retreated to the attack range of the second tower
When she decided to put all her eggs in one basket and made her own big move against Jacques,
However, only two rows of bullets were fired, which was interrupted by Jax’s stunned E skill, and soon she was killed, too.
Killing another man, Lu Zhan, Jax didn’t have much blood. He quickly escaped from the attack range of the defensive tower and observed the situation on the field.
When Jacques rushed in, the blind monk tried to save his back row, but Nai was stopped by the stone man, and the fire man and nightmare found that the team battle was still being fought and turned back to output. However, this time, the purple side three people first besieged the stone man, and the stone man was very resistant to beating after all, and soon he was bleeding.
The cow’s head is made of meat, the blind monk is made of meat, and the output of half meat depends on Anne. At this time, Anne folded a fire ring and continued to burn the stone man to death. At the same time, she fainted to output the nightmare. Anne received a Q skill and cooperated with the bear injury to cripple the nightmare.
And the fire man is also a beautiful blind monk. Unfortunately, his range is limited, and he can hit the front row but not Annie.
But just because he can’t hit it doesn’t mean that others can’t. At this time, Jacques cut the soldier and sucked a little blood, and once again waved the street lamp and rushed at Annie.
But this time, the purple side didn’t let him succeed. The auxiliary tauren seems to have been waiting for Jax to return to see Jax’s shadow. The tauren simply turned his head to protect Annie regardless of the blind monk. After all, Annie is alive now to continue fighting.
The tauren turned back decisively, and the brutal collision of W skills hit a small soldier and moved to the front of Jacques.
But after all, Jacques still has a jump. He jumped into Annie’s body and output a bull’s head to react and chase Jacques back.
Jax, nightmare, and fire man are all residual blood. If Anne folds up dizziness again, it will be a steady group to stop the rhythm.
Lu Zhan must drop Annie as quickly as possible, but at the moment there is still a bull’s head in front of him, and the bull’s head is still holding a blow to fly Jacques to jump and chop, but it has already passed.
At this time, Jax’s blood volume is not too much. If he is involved with the tauren again, I’m afraid Root will not be able to get close to Annie, and this wave will not be won.
After all, some time ago, Jess had the advantage here, and it was so simple for Lu Zhan to make a quick comeback.


A pair of neon eyebrows raised, "How can you touch the trace of magic repair so quickly?"

She has no joy.
But a little worried.
Those demons in the Sacred Heart Temple are a group of frightened birds, and they are well hidden one by one.
Now it’s so easy to be found …
It can be said that there is a great possibility-those sacred heart temple magic repairs are about to have a big move!
The so-called "big move" by the magicians …
It can never be a good thing!
For example, Qinghe County had found traces of magic repair, and as a result, Qinghe County was almost infiltrated into a sieve by magic repair, and even the county official was almost controlled by magic repair.
And the most important thing is that the magic repair in Qinghe County was killed and it didn’t take long for the magic repair to stir up.
There must be something urgent that the monks are eager to finish.
Fu Shuangni thought of the information that the white monk told her.
"Give orders!"
Fu Shuangni cautiously said, "Let all county government departments in the 5-mile range of Fiona Fang in Qinghe County center step up their vigilance and let them draw in some people who practice scattered cultivation and cultivate immortals in the clan to fight against the magic cultivation conspiracy."
"At the same time, you sent a message to the state capital asking them to send a large number of troops immediately!"
Fu Shuangni had a bad feeling that "something bad might happen"
The state official was so serious that he didn’t dare to neglect the Princess Hall.
Hurriedly replied, "Here!"
Chapter one hundred and seven Criminal gangs in the monster beast
night falls
Qinghe county looks very quiet at night. After all, most ordinary people dare not go out at night. Who knows if they will suddenly encounter any monsters?
For those ordinary people, even an ordinary wandering ghost is enough to scare them out of their wits.
Worse …
Qinghe county mixed with magic repair a few days ago. I don’t know what happened all over the county.
This led to Qinghe County, and everyone was in a panic.
Even ordinary wandering souls and wild ghosts are afraid on weekdays.
Not to mention killing people without blinking an eye!
this moment
Fu Shuang neon has let go of everything in it, and the cooling of the simulator for cultivating immortals has ended.
Her mood is slightly uneasy.
The reason for being uneasy is naturally that I am worried about whether I can enter the cultivation simulator again.
not bad
When I saw the familiar words pop up, I was secretly relieved in my heart.
I can also enter the simulator myself!
[Welcome to cultivate immortality simulator again! You currently have two choices-]
[Choose 1 to continue a simulated life. This choice will inherit a simulated life attribute and a newborn talent, but it needs to be started from scratch]
[Option 2: Start a new life. This option will re-select primary talents and re-assign personal attributes randomly. Everything will start from scratch]
[Please select! 】


Even the village dogs are gathered here waiting to eat bones because of the smell here.

Zhang Ting, when they came over, it was time to prepare dinner.
A full face of joy came forward to meet the village chief Hao, and his face turned white when he saw Hao Ren running around Hong Wang.
Hurriedly accelerated the pace to Hao Ren their side came along.
"Wang report, you’re here, report. Forgive me. I didn’t know that the report was coming. Please don’t blame it." This is the first time that Hao Village Chief has seen such a superior person.
Hong Wang Ye glanced at Hao Village Head.
Know that this is the head of Haojia Village.
I know that the village chief Hao still took care of himself when he was a child.
Immediately, Lord Hong was a little more friendly when he replied to Village Head Hao.
"You are the village chief Hao, aren’t you so polite?"
Hao village head bent half-bent with an uneasy mood to welcome Hong Wang Ye and others to the largest table in this field.
This table has been occupied by three old people with white hair.
Hao Renqian respectfully shouted "Hello, Uncle, Second Uncle and Third Uncle" to the three old people.
The three old people’s faces changed after hearing the village chief Hao whispering in their ears.
The three men quickly got up with the help of their great-grandchildren and made a salute to Prince Hong.
"Get up. I told you today that you are not so polite. If you do this again, I will be angry." Wang Hong felt a little uncomfortable when he saw these people being so polite to himself.
As Lord Hong’s words fell, the face of village head Hao and these three old people changed.
I’m so nervous that I dare not go out of the atmosphere.
Seeing the cold atmosphere here.
Zhang Ting and Hao Ren looked at each other.
Zhang Ting stretched out his hand and hit Hao Ren’s arm and told him to think of a way to slow down the atmosphere now.
Hao Ren was urged by Zhang Ting to bite the bullet and break the embarrassing atmosphere in front of them.
"Don’t be nervous about the village chief’s uncles. In fact, my father is joking with you. He doesn’t like people around him to treat him as a sovereign. He likes everyone to treat him as an ordinary person."
Chapter 27 panic!
Hao village head and others listened to Hao Ren’s explanation and sneaked a peek at Hong Wang’s side one by one.
I’m really not angry to see this Lord Hong. Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.
"Sit down and talk." Hong Wang Ye took the lead in sitting down and then told these people in front of him.
"Where is my grandson? Hold him over and let him sit with me." When Prince Hong sat down, he suddenly thought of his precious grandson.
Princess Hong jumped around her whole body with her cloak carefully.
Hearing the words of Lord Hong, Princess Hong shook her head and smiled, got up and jumped in her arms.
"Sun is yours, you should take good care of him for me. If he freezes to a little, I’ll see how I get even with you when I get back." Princess Hong lost this warning to Prince Hong when she left.
Hong Wang Ye’s face was frozen and his hands were a little tight.
Looking down at Sun Wang’s letter in his arms, the grandfather’s eyes seemed to be full of confidence again.
Halfway through the dinner, Hao Ren suddenly got up and looked at the dozen people at the table in front of him and said, "I know everyone has a question in their hearts, and I’m afraid that Hao Ren will follow them back to Beijing to enjoy life after recognizing his biological parents. Now I’ll make it clear to everyone that everyone is worried about not sleeping well."
When the villagers heard Hao Ren take the initiative to talk about this matter, they were so nervous that they didn’t even say anything about their meals, staring at Hao Ren’s side with big eyes.
Hao Ren smiled and said slowly again, "I won’t leave Hao Jia Village if I don’t leave. This is my Hao Ren’s house. I won’t leave everyone and I’m not worried that we will leave."


After China surprisingly swept the strong Costa Rican team, their dark horse status was finally affirmed, but most people still think that they have come to an end in this competition, because their opponent in one competition will be Brazil, the favorite team to win the championship.

However, even if it stopped in the semi-finals, this China junior team still created the best result of the China junior team in the World Junior Games. Therefore, not only many well-known sports newspapers in China sent reporters to Finland, but even CCTV Sports Channel sent people to broadcast the Finnish side. However, although it was finally settled, it was impossible for China to participate in the semi-finals due to time constraints. There is always a game behind the semi-finals. That live broadcast can still be guaranteed.
At this time, Liu Chunming did his best to be a head coach. He rudely kept those reporters out so that the team could prepare for the war with peace of mind, which made Gao Jun have a little confidence in a game.
However, this year’s Brazilian national team is really strong. Although there are no future football superstars, the team’s tactical coordination is very skilled and the defense is quite good. History is often like this. The fact that the Brazilian team is the most horrible is that this Brazilian team may be the strongest in history. The 17-year-old Brazilian youth team can look at the history and their invincible record will be white.
However, in the juvenile competition, the maximum age of players should not exceed 17 years old, the gap between countries is far less than that of adult teams, and their play is even more unstable, so there is still a chance of surprise, especially now that the team has the core of the second-generation high army attack
On the 27th and 23rd, Beijing, the FIFA 17-year-old World Youth Football Championship in Finland entered the ninth competition day and entered the semi-final competition. Among them, the match between Brazil and China was held at the Latina Stadium in Tampere, a city in southwestern Finland, with 7675 spectators attending the match.
Only three minutes after the game, China team created a murder weapon and boldly assisted to the frontcourt. Zhang Chenglin suddenly shot back after receiving the ball from teammate Li Chunyu 3 meters away from the goal, but Brazilian goalkeeper Bruno was very attentive. He struggled to jump up and block the ball.
Chapter 23 The Strongest Brazil
Then China’s offensive went from wave to wave and even kept Brazil in the half-court for ten minutes, but perhaps the previous game ran out of luck. China’s attack was always fruitless, and even the shot was as sure as a gun. Gao Jun was no exception. A powerful shot from the restricted area hit the post and a good chance popped up. The header hit the door and flew off the crossbar, which made him hate to beat his thigh.
The wave opportunity really deserved retribution. In the 15th minute, Brazil seized the only chance to take the lead after the game. Abodah, the top scorer in the team, jumped high in the restricted area of China and received the ball hammer from teammate Jonathan. The previous four games were the first to take the lead, and China finally tasted the taste of losing the ball first.
With this goal, Brazil quickly found the rhythm of the game and completely controlled the situation. However, Brazil’s heavy pressure made China see the opportunity to fight back. Nine minutes before the end of the half-time game, China’s left-back Yu Hai and left-back Hao played a beautiful two-over-two match, and Yu Hai broke into the penalty area and volleyed vigorously. However, in this game, Brazilian goalkeeper Bruno miraculously saved the ball, but the ball did not fall far. Gao Jun, a master of leakage, appeared in a dangerous position and grabbed his foot in front of the Brazilian defender to shovel it.
After scoring goals, I always don’t like to celebrate. Gao Jun waved his arm and shouted at his teammates, "How can you lose when you finally hit here?" What about Brazil? Kill him as well! "
"That’s right! Kill Brazil! Advance to the finals! " The boys of the China team are fearless of age, and the good performance in this World Cup has made their confidence burst. Now they are greatly boosted by the morale of Gao Jun.
After the game became more and more fierce, the two sides moved more and more. Li Jian, the core of China’s midfield, was injured after being maliciously fouled by Brazilian players. Because of the yellow card suspension, a lower back was unable to play. At this time, Liu Chunming had to send Li Jian, who had just turned 14 years old, to replace the injured one, but gave Brazil a yellow card, which would be a big loss for China.
Although * * Peng has a promising future, now he still can’t compare with Li Jian, especially in offense, and he is too rough in defense. This loophole was immediately seized by the Brazilian team with strong tactical literacy and desperately attacked.
In the 72nd minute, the Brazilian team got a quick counterattack opportunity. Ivanderoli deftly and easily crossed Peng’s shovel and took the ball forward. Cai Xi, the main defender of the China team, quickly came to make up for the defense, but Ivandero did not entangle with him at this moment, but accurately gave the ball to Abodah Abodah. After receiving the ball, he pushed the ball from the far corner and was a little slow. He could watch the ball roll into the net from his armpit and Brazil pulled the score again.
"Don’t worry, you are still very long. Keep attacking!" Gao Jun saw that his teammates seemed to be hit by this lost ball, and he quickly spoke encouragingly. In the fifth minute, Gao Jun suddenly sent a straight plug to the ribs after he got the ball. Yu Haishi’s high-speed forward insertion was offside, and after successfully receiving the ball, he continued to take two steps forward, then pushed the ball across the door to Gao Jun and easily pushed the ball into the net. This record was like a goal of teaching science to equalize the score again!
After a while, the normal time ended at 9 minutes, and the two sides entered overtime with 22 draws.
At this time, the weakness of China players’ general poor physical fitness has been fully exposed. In Brazil, the flood of offensive can support hard and it is not easy to have a quick counterattack opportunity. However, Yu Hai was destroyed by the opponent’s defender because of his physical decline. Fortunately, due to the opponent’s physical consumption, he also moved and somewhat deformed. He wanted to kick the ball out of the sideline, but he kicked the ball to the corner flag and gave the China team a corner kick.
For China, which has many high points, corner kick is also a good chance to score, but Hao Junmin, who takes the penalty corner kick, also consumes a lot of physical strength, and his skills are severely deformed. He always has a good footwork. As a result, the Brazilian central defender easily pushed the ball out.
But just when the Brazilians breathed a little sigh of relief, the young substitute, Peng Peng, volleyed at the top of the restricted area against the falling ball. Although the quality of the ball was good, the angle was still a little off, but who knew that the ball happened to hit an unlucky Brazilian player and changed direction and refracted and flew into the net. The score became 32. According to the rules of this World Cup, the Brazilian team suddenly died! China was lucky to win this tough game!
It’s hard to accept the harsh reality that the goalkeeper of Brazil watched the net roll the ball with a dull face. He performed almost perfectly in this game. Why did this happen? Gao Jun, on the other hand, has rushed to the young hero and threw him to the ground, almost out of control and cried, "You really are my lucky general!"
Gao Jun said that * * Peng was his blessing for a reason. When he first entered Gao Jiajun, his abilities in all aspects were actually not excellent. At that time, Gao Jun had to plan ahead and turned the national team into a base for training new people. Peng Cai got into the national team early because of this, but his personal ability was not excellent at that time, but he was always able to score key goals, most of which were very lucky, such as refraction. Considering that he played as a right back at that time, there were not many chances to get a shot. I have to say that he was indeed a lucky general, and Gao Jun successfully survived the initial crisis of taking over the national football team with his savior several times. When he won the reform of the national football team, he didn’t expect that Peng was a lucky star of Gao Jun after crossing.
China and Brazil decided the winner, then another semi-final was held, and the winner was quickly decided. The Spanish team launched a tidal offensive in the unfavorable situation of falling behind 2, and finally equalized the score and entered overtime. When the game was about to enter the penalty shootout, another city suddenly killed the powerful Argentine team, and they became an opponent of China.
Chapter 24 decisive battle in Spain ()
On Monday, I rushed to the list to continue to ask for recommended votes and members to click _
In this game, Spain scored 26 shots and the possession ratio reached a frightening 62% (the opponent was Argentina), showing a strong attack, while Fabregas, the core midfielder of Spain, scored two goals by himself.
"Fabregas? This is my first world-class star across the back, right? Although he is a world-class star in the future, "Gao Jun, the hotel room, silently watched the screen and ignited an unprecedented fighting spirit in his heart."
Now Fabregas is only 16 years old, but he has already reached a fairly high level of competition. You know, after more than a month of history, he played for Arsenal in official competitions, and his strength can be seen. It is really enviable to think about it.
However, Gao Jun’s self-confidence will not be lost to himself. Although he has just entered the puberty, all other physical qualities except his height have surpassed the semi-mutilated body in his previous life. Moreover, after three young people’s training, he has completely adapted to this new body and almost recovered to the level of subversion in that year. Some of his skills are still very good. That is to say, Gao Jun has now surpassed himself in the past. That is to say, when he plays the position of second striker or shadow striker, his strength has reached the top of the country and the first-class level in Asia. In most cases, he is worried about injuries because his body is
However, the football match is not one-on-one, and Fabregas’ teammates are suspected to be stronger than Gao Jun’s teammates, and the Spanish team is terrible because they are becoming more and more mature in ball control, and they can even reach 62% of the ball control rate against Argentina, a team with strong technical skills. If China is much rougher in technology, it is possible that China players will be tired and exhausted after running after the ball, especially most of China’s players will be physically weak and consume badly in the semi-finals.
However, after all, this Spanish team is not the one that won N world championships in the future, nor is it a weakness. Gao Jun has specially conducted targeted tactical training for several players in the frontcourt, such as cracking it with confidence.
Now Gao Jun gradually discovers that Liu Chunming, a coach, dares to give it to him although his professional level is very low. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with this guy continuing to take it with him. Of course, if he has a choice, Gao Jun still hopes to have a high-level coach. After all, he certainly can’t see the problems in the game so clearly.
"Hello, fans and friends in front of the camera, I’m Huang Jianxiang, and this is the CCTV sports channel. The final match of the 23 Finnish 17-year-old World Youth Football Championship will be held in Helsinki. The two sides are the Chinese national youth football team and the Spanish national youth team. I am familiar with Zhang Lu Zhang’s guidance and we will explain it together." The famous football commentator Huang Jianxiang, the guest of V Studio, Zhang Lu, talked with a big smile about the wonderful performance of the China junior team in the previous games.
"Zhang directed the China junior national team to perform well in the World Junior Championships in Finland, and a recording and broadcast reversal of the lore of the Brazilian team won the applause of the fans. It is rare in recent years whether it is skill, tactics or volition. Can you analyze why this junior national team can perform so well?" Huang Jianxiang smiled and asked Zhang Lu.
"Hey, hey (Zhang, hey, hey), this is first of all a tactical approach to building Xiang. You see, the advanced technical play of the country’s less ground ball cutting is almost the same as that of our national security small fast spirit (boasting one by the way), which is very advanced." Zhang Lu pointed to the screen to play the first few games.
"Director Zhang is right. If China football wants to have hope, it must adhere to this technical flow style for a long time." Huang Jianxiang responded very well
"And then, hey, hey, that is, the team has a core player with a better level. Although Gao Jun is not tall, he has scored a goal and an assist in this competition, which is second only to Cesc Fabregas of Spain (5 goals and 6 assists), and he has also played one less game. These two players have performed far better than other players, which one is more powerful is also a highlight of this competition." Zhang Lu continued to analyze.
"When this Gao Jun was called’ China Diego Maradona’ by Xu Genbao Xu before, I still thought he was exaggerating. Now it’s great to look at this child!" Huang Jianxiang couldn’t help but praise, but immediately worried, "But there are too many things that China football" hurts Zhongyong ".I hope he won’t follow the old path of Li Huajun and others."
Zhang Lu also followed a sigh, but he thought that Gao Jun’s excellent performance in the World Cup should attract many European professional clubs, even the top five leagues. If we can seize the opportunity to go abroad as soon as possible, the chances of becoming a talent are much greater than staying in China.
Seeing that the teams on both sides of the screen have entered the arena, Huang Jianxiang quickly stopped chatting and said in a positive voice, "Well, the game is coming soon. Regardless of whether the China team can win or not, they have already created the history of China football, but I believe all China fans like me hope that they can go further."
Few people could have predicted that China took the lead in scoring just after the game, and the way of scoring surprised almost everyone.
"Is this a long punching crane?" Huang Jianxiang asked with a face of language.
"Sort of," Zhang Lu mused, forgetting to say the iconic "Hey, Hey" because of meditation. "I said how to push Lang Zheng to the winger position, but it is really rare to have such a long punch."
"What do you mean?" Huang Jianxiang asked like a curious baby.
"Generally speaking, we say that the long-distance hanging is to hang the ball to the center, route the high center’s header to attack the goal directly or ferry it to teammates to shoot, but now the national junior team puts the tall players on the side and hangs them to the side and the middle. Because the high center often faces two opposing defenders, it is not easy to handle even if he has an advantage in height. But now the China team is hanging to the side. Because the other side usually has a defender and the full-back is generally shorter than the central defender, our tall player has a great advantage. Not only can we head the ball to our teammates, but we can also benefit the physical advantage to squeeze the other side’s full-back to bring the ball back from it. That’s what happened to the goal just now. It’s really difficult for Lang Zheng to guard against him. However, the quality of Lang Zheng’s ball just now is actually very general, and Gao Jun was able to grab the first point and score the ball. The ability to seize the opportunity is really strong. "
Chapter 25 Battle of Spain ()
Thank you for your "I’m interested in reading" to reward again the recommended votes, collections and members who are in urgent need during the new listing period.
Only five minutes later, China team expanded the score again with the same style of play, and this time it was even uglier. Yu Hai headed the ball to the middle of the penalty area on the left side, and he was 1 meter tall and strong. Forward Jiang Chen jumped high and headed the ball in the relay way, which increased his number of goals in this competition to the second place in the five Fabregas tied scorers list.
Gao Jun’s strange play was made when he led the team to play in the league, but there was nothing he could do at that time. There were three 1.9+foreign AIDS in the team and an opponent’s full-back was very short, so he came up with this strange trick. As a result, the other team had the world’s top striker like Drogba of Warcraft, but he still lost in his crazy three-tower tactics.
Spanish players are generally short, and European players rarely change their ages, so most of their physical development is still incomplete (Spaniards are from southern Europe, which is not much earlier than that of China, and when they grow up, they are almost as bad as those from China, which is even worse than that of northerners). This time, the taller of the two full-backs of the Spanish team has just reached 1.7 meters, so Gao Jun came up with the idea of bullying people again, and it really worked wonders.
However, the head coach of the Spanish team was not stunned by the surprise attack of the China team. In his opinion, it is impossible to prevent the attack. The tall winger certainly has an advantage in the middle, but speed and physical strength are bound to be a big problem when defending. Modern football is an important player to defend China. The little demon base does not defend the left wing. The tall trotters will stay in the frontcourt and fight back. Now the right winger can’t defend, so China’s defense will be too weak
Sure enough, Gao Jun immediately scratched his head after the Spanish team pressed heavily, and let Lang Zheng come back to play as a central defender, and the style of play also returned to the regular 442. Although the Spanish team quickly regained the advantage of the scene, it repeatedly missed many scoring opportunities because of impatience. When the China team stabilized, the two goals were lost in vain
"This is a three-legged axe. This Spanish team can’t do it well. If China is behind by two goals, it will have a chance to fight back. Yu Hai, Gao Jun, Jiang Chen and Hao are all fast players. Well, Mao Jianqing also won five fast horses. What should the Spanish team do?" Huang Jianxiang smiled with a relaxed face. Although the strange style of play is not good-looking, the result is the first in this tournament system. If this is not white at all, his explanation for so many years will be in vain.
However, Mao Jianqing didn’t help China to expand the score. On the contrary, because he never defended, lost the ball and rarely grabbed it, China was in danger in front of the door. Fabregas had scored five goals in the previous game, and he seized the opportunity to make a long shot to narrow the score gap to one goal.
However, in a few minutes, Mao Jianqing, who was in a bad state but was extremely angry, was maliciously violated by the Spanish defender when he took the ball back. This fellow did not hesitate to fight back on the spot and was immediately punished by the referee. This change made everyone stunned.
Huang Jianxiang is also very dissatisfied with Mao Jianqing’s performance. "Xiao Mao’s performance in this World Youth Championship is simply a bit of a contribution, but after receiving a red card in such a key game, the national youth and Olympic coaches have to seriously consider whether to recruit this potential anxiety factor again."
Although the team played more and played less, China was more determined to retreat and left Gao Jun alone in the frontcourt. The problem that Spain could not seize the opportunity became more serious. After the siege when stubbornly resisting the Spanish captain, China finally got a quick counterattack opportunity.
When Gao Jun was about to break into the 3-meter area of the frontcourt with the ball, he was thrown to the ground by the Spanish defender’s tactical foul. China got a position, but Hao Junmin sent the ball out of the frontcourt. The short Spanish defender jumped up and competed for the top. Although he failed to top the ball, it just fell in front of Jiang Chen. The score of the hot striker in this game was unceremoniously shot and broke the net, which expanded to 31 again.
"Zeng Cheng’s big foot went out and Gao Jun received the ball. He pulled the ball beautifully and passed the Spanish player who was watching him. Er, he was hooked by the other side. The referee showed a yellow card. China team also got a chance to kick the ball in the frontcourt about 35 meters away from the goal." Huang Jianxiang was excited. "Hao Junmin sent the ball off and shot directly? No, he hit the ball in the sea, but he caught the ball in the opposing defender and flew directly into the air. Jiang Chen flew to Jiang Chen! The Spanish defender tried to squeeze him, but the size was too far. Jiang Chen hit the opponent’s body and didn’t move. He scored! Jiang Chen leaned against the opponent’s defender’s chest and stopped the ball. After that, China volleyed the net and expanded the score to 31 great performances! The youngster has scored six goals in this competition, second only to his teammate Gao Jun, Spain, who performed better, and tied for second place in the scorer list. "
Then the Spanish team went crazy and stormed around the China team’s restricted area. Although it finally scored a goal, the China team fought back sharply and scored two more goals. Jiang Chen and Yu Hai privately sent out two beautiful straight plugs, but they were called "black holes in the stadium" by some media. The score of Gao Jun was finally fixed at 52. China was less than one person in the field. The unfavorable situation miraculously won the victory over his own Spanish national team. Huang Jianxiang was so excited that he lost his voice.
"Congratulations to China, who won this great game. They proved that they are not dark horses, but the strongest team in the world at this age. Congratulations again! I hope that these young geniuses will not take the old road of their predecessors, and China football will bring a beautiful day! " Huang Jianxiang, who has been incoherent, now has a hoarse voice and sent his blessing to the national junior team, which also ended the broadcast of this game that made the national football fans excited.
It was incredible that the result of this game was that most of the world football teams at that time thought it was caused by the unstable state of the youth teams. It was not until several years later that some people realized that this World Junior Tournament was the first successful response of modern ground technology in the world arena.
Chapter 26 Arsenal Chief Scout
After the final, the World Junior Championships also came to a complete end, while the powerful Brazilian team won the third place in the previous third place competition by relying on excellent defense and sharp counterattack.
In the end, Gao Jun won the Golden Globe Award for his perfect performance in helping the team win the championship with nine goals and three assists in less than one match. Cesc Fabregas, the core midfielder of Spain, won the silver ball award for his outstanding performance of six goals and six assists, while the bronze ball award was surprisingly awarded to Bruno, the goalkeeper of Brazil, who was brave in the last match.
The winner of the Golden Boot Award is even more suspenseful. Gao Jun won it with amazing nine goals, while China team Jiang Chen won the silver boot award with seven goals and Spanish team core Fabregas won it with bronze boots. To say that the most depressing thing about this competition is that Fabregas not only failed to win two individual gold medals, but also shrank. Although it will not affect his bright future, Fabregas still deeply remembers Gao Jun, a guy who was born and robbed of honor.


For the older generation, this is a casual topic, and it doesn’t really mean to show off the box office with humility.

Li Yan nodded, and he said that he can’t worry about this kind of thing, so he can take his time.
I chatted with Li Yan here, and it was noon soon.
"Uncle Yan, since you’re all right, I’ll go back to the steel plant first. After all, I came to you directly after the plane. I haven’t even gone to my father. He should know that he should scold me in his heart."
Longyou is really telling the truth.
Now that we’re here, how can Li Yan let him go? Greet him for dinner at home.
"No, you can’t go today! I’m really angry with your uncle Yan if you leave! Don’t refuse to eat for a long time! Otherwise, it’s really unhappy. "
Li Yan a serious said
I know that I can’t get rid of Longyou this time. Naimo wipes her mouth. "Okay, since Uncle Yan said so, it would be really unappreciative for me to refuse again. Then thank Uncle Yan for his hospitality!"
Li Yancai nodded happily when he heard that he was willing to stay for dinner.
Then I went into my bedroom and took out a pot of wine in a short time. It’s been a long time, and it’s been a few years since it was stuffed with that red’ color’ cloth!
This really stunned Longyou. After all, I have seen this wine.
It seems that Li Yan, who noticed Longyou’s vision, proudly said, "Do you know what wine this is?"
Longyou shook his head.
"This is your uncle Yan, and I have treasured it for more than 30 years."
As she spoke, Li Yan opened the jar, and the piece of red cloth suddenly smelled of pure wine, which made Longyou feel a little drunk and drunk before drinking.
"You wait here for Uncle Yan, and I’ll ask your aunt to make you some side dishes that I’m good at, and you’ll want to eat them after eating them."
Say that finish Li Yan went into his small kitchen.
At this time, Long Jingui called because Xiao Si said that Longyou flew back to China today, but now he has not come to the steel plant, so he was suddenly worried that something would not happen, right?
So I quickly gave him a message.
"Hey dad, what’s the matter?"
Took the words longyou quickly asked
Long Jingui, on the other end of the sentence, heard his own voice, and then he let go of his hanging heart. After all, so many people died in the plane recently, but it was scary!
"You said! You flew back to China long ago. Why haven’t you seen anyone yet? Where did the ghost go? "
The first thing I did when I thought of Longyou’s return to China was not to go back to the steel mill to see his own work, but to run around everywhere. Suddenly, I was so angry that I spoke a little bit.
How could Longyou be so clever that he couldn’t hear the tone in his master’s words and quickly explained, "Dad, when Uncle Yan went abroad before, he was worried that he would come back to China now. Come and see the place quickly. Don’t be angry when he delayed returning to the steel plant!"
I heard that it was Li Yan here that Long Jingui’s anger subsided a little-after all, he didn’t go out to do other things, and he and Li Yan looked so good at him, which meant watching himself.
"All right, then you, uncle Yan, come back for a while! After all, our steel mills need you. "
At this time, Long Jingui’s tone of voice softened, and it was no longer as stiff as before, which made people feel uncomfortable.
Knowing that his father’s anger was eliminated, Longyou smiled and answered him. "I know that Uncle Yan has to stay here for dinner, so I can’t just refuse!" How rude that is! Don’t worry, I’ll go back after dinner. Don’t worry! "
Then he hung up. At this time, Li Yanduan came along with several fried dishes.
"Longyou! Who are you calling? "
Li Yan put these dishes on the table, wiped her head and sweated, then asked
Looking at the table full of sweet and delicious food, Longyou suddenly felt that the saliva was flowing in his mouth, and he quickly held back before saying to Li Yan, "It’s my dad. He didn’t think it was time. I didn’t go back to the steel plant when I got off the plane. What happened to me? It’s really hard for you to ask Uncle Yan to cook so many dishes!"
Li Yan wiped his head and said with a smile, "What’s the matter? You come to see uncle Yan. Uncle Yan is naturally happy. How hard it is worth it! Let’s drink to each other. "
With that, he brought two small wine glasses to fill the’ female’ red inside and handed it to Longyou.
"Don’t be strict, uncle. You’re not well. Don’t drink. Why don’t you drink juice?"
"What words! Uncle Yan is in good health! Hurry up! "
Longyou hurriedly politely’ sex’ took a glass of wine, and the aroma of the wine in the glass suddenly made him dump himself, but he had never met such a sweet and mellow wine!
After touching Li Yan in a hurry, Longyou took the cup and gulped it down.
Suddenly, I went from a red face to a bogen and then to the body. I felt a burst of heat and unbearable. Look at the opposite face. Yan Yan is also blushing and thick. You can see how high this wine is.
But Li Yan doesn’t seem to want to let Longyou go so easily and give him another drink.
Fiction network
Chapter 324 Fuling powder
Hold it high and say with a smile, "Longyou, come to this cup of Uncle Yan, I respect you. I hope you can watch Changhong and get a blockbuster box office! Let’s win glory! "
"Borrow uncle yan favorable that here is the first thank uncle yan! I also did this cup! "
Say that finish longyou once again took a cup of plump and drank it in WWWianhuaangla.—
This cup is even worse than one … no wonder it is said that this wine is old, the higher the degree, but the more mellow it is, the two cups are really unbearable!
Longyou felt as anxious as a stove. Look at the other side. Yan Yan is also sweating, but he is not much better than himself.
I didn’t think that this third cup was actually poured into the cup by Longyou.
At this time, he saw that everything was ghosted. It was silly to hold the cup towards Yan Yan and said, "Uncle Yan! This cup is for you! I’ve always admired you, and you’ve done your best to that Li Shuren, but he’s not a thing. I don’t forgive you for your pains. What happens to such a person deserves it! Come and let’s do it! "
Say that finish directly swallowed.
Followed by the’ fan’ and’ fan’, it seems that I also saw the lie prone table in the hazy, and it is a shame to save no one to accompany myself.
In my dream … this wine smells good … it smells good …
When he woke up again, he lay in bed.
At this time, Li Yanduan came in with a cup of black’ color’ and’ medicine’ soup and said very earnestly, "Oh, you can wake up. Uncle Yan is old, but you can’t help but scare me. If you have a drink and come out somehow, your grumpy dad can’t eat me alive! This is sobering soup. Drink it quickly to sober up and warm your stomach. "
Took the bowl of black things Longyou held his nose and swallowed it.
Then I returned the bowl to Li Yan and looked at the clock. It was already six o’clock in the evening and I slept for four hours! ! ! No, I have to go back to the steel plant now. There are so many things waiting for him, but I can’t delay a minute!
Thought of this, I got up quickly and said to Li Yan, "Uncle Yan is really sorry that I can’t be here with you. You know, the steel mill has to do a lot of things myself, so I’ll go first. I’ll see you again in a few days. Thank you for your hospitality!"
"All right! I can understand that you are busy, so you must come sometime! Let’s get drunk again! "
Li Yanshan said
Walking from the’ bed’, Longyou quickly nodded and then smiled at Li Yan before leaving his house.
"Hello small four where are you now? Hurry to take me back to the steel plant. "
Longyou dialed small four words eagerly said
"Yeah, I see. I’ll be right there. Brother Lung, wait a moment."
I got the news. Xiao Si came here at once.
In a short time, I drove to the intersection and waited for Longyou to pick up the car.
"What did you do?"


Chapter one hundred and seventy-six Three flame fan
, JiFangPing words, it is said that the hearts of the scattered practitioners are sharp, and the scattered practitioners are torn under them. They can’t help clapping their hands. Some of them are grumpy and do things without considering the consequences, and even point directly at the disciples of the True Spirit Gate to scold their mothers. Throughout the city of Feixian, the bristle broke out one after another, which was quite lively. More than 20 monks in the air in the middle period of Yuan’s baby all looked angry. They didn’t expect that Xi Fangping should scold so directly. No wonder people say that Fang Xi’s mouth is worse than his golden hammer.
Under such circumstances, Liu Changhe still looks gentle. At least on the surface, there is no sign of anger at all. He still gently shakes the folding fan and says softly, "Fang Daoyou, you can’t say that. We did exactly what you asked. If you think it’s wrong, you can also give us back the magic weapon you took and then destroy your body. We can think about it and let your Yuan Ying escape."
Xi Fangping laughed wildly: "Little joke. Is this the kind of person we are used to? Besides, even if I self-destruct, will you really let me go? Now that I’ve hit this level, I’ll fight you to the end. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if my concubine accidentally touches a friend and is stunned. Lao Tzu’s master is quite justifying a fault, so he will naturally come to your trouble. Come on, gigolo, I want to show you what a real man is. Don’t think that just because you have a face, you can run wild on the Pleiades. "
Scold again and again, even the clay figurine will have fire, but Liu Changhe didn’t, as if he had regarded Xi Fangping as a dead man. Liu Changhe smiled and said softly, "In that case. You’re welcome next time. "
Liu Changhe speaks quite politely. However, hands on, but it’s not ambiguous at all. After saying no, he recited the formula. Then, he shook the folding fan and a fire dragon suddenly flew out from the fan. This fire dragon is a hundred feet long, and the head melon seeds alone are several feet big. With a horrible sharp mouth, he jumped straight at Xi Fangping.
It was not until the fire dragon approached the melee that Xi Fangping twisted his body and escaped the fire dragon’s attack. See the dragon, XiFangPing immediately put down more than half of the heart, the dragon although aggressive on the surface, however, its body contains fire aura is not strong, compared to the fire dragon lizard, sent a hundred miles, even if directly sprayed on their own, also won’t cause too much damage to yourself.
Just, XiFangPing so risks and risks to avoid the fire dragon, in the eyes of others and even Liu Changhe. XiFangPing hiding quite embarrassed, is indeed has reached the point where the oil lamp withered. Liu Changhe’s face showed a grimace of a grin, and the folding fan in his hand shook again, and one share of fire waves came out again. Straight at Xi Fangping. This fire wave. Compared with the fire dragon just now, the power is obviously enhanced, but. It also poses no threat to Xi Fangping. Xi Fangping saw it. The other party didn’t intend to kill himself at once, just holding the idea of cat and mouse and playing with himself slowly. Estimation is Liu Changhe see XiFangPing unexpectedly got the support of so many scattered repair, deliberately to humiliate him in front of scattered repair. In particular, Xi Fangping’s repeated insults made Liu Changhe not want to be so cheap, and he must kill Xi Fangping after suffering, so he didn’t try his best.
XiFang calm down and exultation, the other party after seeing his kill the big fellow, still so lightly. It’s suicide. With the strength of XiFangPing now, it is not difficult to kill Liu Changhe, but there are more than 20 Yuan infant monks watching. If Liu Changhe is easily killed, how can those guys automatically come to die?
Xi Fang moved calmly, and the pagoda suddenly flew out of the storage bag with a clap of his hand. Suspended above his head, colorful light shone on the pagoda, which joined together to form a light curtain, just covering Xi Fangping as a whole.
"Colorful glass tower?" Liu Changhe was taken aback, and the folding fan in hand couldn’t help but pause: "Did you sacrifice it so quickly?"
Xi Fangping laughed and said, "What’s the matter? I just have this ability. You bit me. "
Liu Changhe look a change, then returned to normal: "boy, don’t think you have colorful glass tower, I’m afraid of you? You are just a monk in the early days of Yuan Ying, and with one or two magic weapons, you occasionally go beyond the challenge to succeed. Do you think you will always be so lucky? Tell you, even with the colorful glass tower, can you stop me? The three-flame fan in my hand is not much worse than the colorful glass tower. Besides, you have run out of oil and lamps, and you are dead. "
Say that finish, even dozens of fingerprints, then, in the hands of three flame fan, suddenly rose to about ten feet, Liu Changhe holding three flame fan, a wave of his hand, a black flame, suddenly emerged from the sector, directly sprayed on the screen. Coloured glaze colorful tower immediately out of the buzz. The light curtain also shook in waves and was almost defeated.
Black flame? Xi Fangping was taken aback. Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary folding fan has such a function. Even the millions of practitioners below could not help but hold their breath. Monks all know that the highest temperature flame in the fix true world, that is, black flame, can melt gold and iron almost instantly, which is very serious. Even if it is a small state of Yuanying, it can only be done with the magic weapon of excellent quality if it is based on the spirit and spirit in the body alone. From this, we can be sure that this three-flame fan handle has reached the level close to the ancient treasure. No wonder Liu Changhe is so confident. True Lingmen is really deep-pocketed, like a magic weapon close to the ancient treasure. In other sects, all the elders are qualified to use it. Unexpectedly, the monks in the middle period of Yuanying will hold it even if it is a true spirit gate. It used to be a colorful glass tower, but now it’s a three-flame fan. How many such good things are there in the hands of the True Spirit Gate?
However, with such a black flame, I want to hurt Xi Fangping, but it is still a little worse. XiFangPing hurriedly take a deep breath, reiki fast running in the body, soon, colorful glass tower milli light more sheng. It can block the attack of black flame. In fact, this is why Xi Fangping didn’t want to expose his strength prematurely. If it weren’t for this, Xi Fangping would have the confidence to easily block the black flame even without colorful glass towers.
But, even so, for Liu Changhe, it has been unexpected. Liu Changhe didn’t expect that Xi Fangping was turned down so much. Although on the surface, Xi Fangping’s face was even paler, and the sweat on his forehead increased more and more. However, Liu Changhe was no longer as talented and full of confidence. The reason is quite simple. The use of three-flame fans is quite reiki-consuming. With Liu Changhe’s strength, he can only swing three fans at most, and the body is already empty. Now, the first one has been blocked, and the next two. Will it work?
Liu Changhe’s face turned slightly white, and he regretted it. Why did he rush out so badly? If you wait until others consume some reiki in Xi Fangping’s body before attacking, it is almost certain. In order to earn back face, but also to get back the colorful glass tower. The True Spirit Gate has rewarded me handsomely. Anyone who kills Xi Fangping will get a considerable reward. These more than 20 famous young Junjie in the True Spirit Gate. Half because of the command, the other half, but all staring at those rewards, Liu Changhe is also for those things, this just rushed out, unexpectedly, XiFangPing seemingly crumbling, but it has such a tenacious fighting capacity, which made him a little caught off guard.
However, it is too late to regret now. Think of true spirit door that harsh to the extreme. Liu Changhe couldn’t help but worry deeply. He twisted his body and suddenly flew to a place only half a mile away from Xi Fangping. He struggled to lift the three-flame fan and snapped it at Xi Fangping. Just finished fanning, Liu Changhe’s face. It’s as white as paper, and he’s panting heavily, and his chest is constantly fluctuating. Obviously, this one has exceeded his body’s endurance. Even if he wins this battle, he will have to retreat for at least a month or two.
A huge black pillar of fire rushed out from the fan, almost directly crashing into the colorful glass tower, instantly smashing the light curtain outside the pagoda. The buzzing sound of the pagoda suddenly made a big noise. When Liu Changhe was hesitating, Xi Fangping had already felt that he would strike with all his might, and secretly had put the aura in the body to about 70%. Although the black pillar of fire instantly tore up the outer curtain of the pagoda, Xi Fang stood upright and reacted. Close to the pagoda, the curtain suddenly showed extraordinary splendour and became extremely tough.
The seemingly invincible black light beam hit directly. The colorful light curtain shook, but it was continuous and always maintained its original shape.
After the black light disappeared, Liu Changhe was surprised to see that the colorful colored glass tower was still brilliantly suspended in mid-air, covered by a light curtain. Just paler, and there seems to be a lot more blood at the corners of the mouth. However, the whole body is intact, and even the body is as straight as before. The only thing that is a little different from just now is that hateful Fang Xi. There is a trace of fear on his face, obviously. I am also quite afraid of the power of the black light beam.
Liu Changhe ha ha sneer at it, he is convinced that XiFangPing this time is really oil lamp withered, completely with colorful glass tower, this just barely protect the whole body. Liu Changhe believes that as long as you work hard, you can definitely kill Xi Fangping invisibly. Although this final blow is likely to make Liu Changhe have to retreat for several years to recover, compared with the reward he will get, the loss of time in these years is still worth it. Not only does Liu Changhe think so about the true spiritual disciples around him, including the millions of scattered practitioners under the table, but also thinks so. Many scattered practitioners can’t help but close their eyes and can’t bear to see the horror that Xi Fangping was burned by the black flame and couldn’t even find the ashes.
Don’t give XiFangPing a chance to catch my breath, Liu Changhe suddenly spit out a mouthful of JingXie, face suddenly like gold paper, horribly yellow, at the same time, the three flame fan out the beep beep sound, sector, thick black tiny lightning constantly appear, the whole air, seems to be compressed by its great power, around the sector, unprovoked end rolled up a black wind, the black wind into the sky. It looks pretty scary.
Gritting his teeth, Liu Changhe almost put all his strength to use, and this just waved a door slowly. Just net, swing out, Liu Changhe’s body is like a scattered frame, slightly shaking up in the air, as if accidentally, it is possible to fall from the air. It’s not the same as a small talent in the net. It’s a small black light beam. Come up from the sector six this black light crazy deep extremely dog, slowly straight into the colorful glass tower, passing by, out of a crackling sound, as if the air is torn. Everyone’s heart lifted, and they all saw it. This small black light beam is much more powerful than the big light beam just now.
XiFangPing also clearly felt this, he didn’t expect, three flame fan should have such strength. Such a magic weapon with good quality should not appear on a monk who is only in the middle of Yuan Ying, but the monk who can really wield his power should be in the end of Yuan Ying. However, in fact, it is also good for Zhenlingmen to do so. As anyone can see, this Liu Changhe is not the same as the previous Zhong Zhen. He didn’t become an elite just by virtue of his relationship. He really has such ability, and his cultivation has reached the peak of Yuan Ying’s mid-term. Therefore, Zhenlingmen gave him this fan just to let him get familiar with it first. After a few hundred years of advanced Yuanying, they naturally got another expert in Zhenlingmen. However, it seems that. True spirit door idea is dashed, met with XiFangPing, can only blame this Liu Changhe unlucky.
XiFangPing look a tight, ninety percent of the spirit force in the body, all injected into the colorful glass tower, colorful glass tower above the milli light, also had a change. The light curtain, which used to cover the surrounding site of five or six feet, suddenly shrank inward to only five or six feet. However, the light curtain is more tenacious, like a transparent stone with extraordinary splendour. There is a sacred and inviolable coercion. This magic weapon, in the hands of Zhong Zhen, is just a scary thing, but in the hands of Xi Fangping, it really wields its power close to the low-order ancient treasures.
The tiny black light beam hit the screen without any sound, just like a sharp knife stabbing a piece of leather, and it suddenly rushed in about three feet. In Liu Changhe’s feeling, that piece of leather is not tough and it doesn’t take much effort to pierce it, but. That piece of leather is horribly thick, easy to pierce, and the length of the knife is obviously not enough, and it goes in three feet later. I’m stuck. I can’t go any further. Just one breath, the aura contained in the black light beam is consumed. Seven seven eight eight. The power is no longer. Xi Fangping’s eyes flashed with different light, twisted with a jerk, and his body suddenly disappeared. Then, he appeared beside Liu Changhe and punched out with a jerk. Liu Changhe didn’t even think that XiFangPing had spare capacity to fly out from under the cover of coloured glaze colorful tower, and he didn’t have time to respond. His face was dismayed when a small giant fist appeared on the net, and he had already firmly hit Liu Changhe. Liu Changhe, which has run out of lights and oil. I couldn’t bear this punch at all, and I was suddenly smashed into a fleshy foam. Yuan Ying just escaped and was taken away by the net that Xi Fangping later offered.
XiFangPing want to also don’t want to, then pinch out Liu Changhe yuan baby, and then, hand a copy. The net just grasped the three-flame fan that had lost control in its hand, and with a wave of his hand, the colorful glass tower quickly contracted and flew to Xi Fangping’s hand. All this, just born in one breath, is so fast that even the monks in the middle period of Yuanying have no time to react. When they realized that Liu Changhe had been killed, they were thinking about grabbing the three-flame fan. It was too late, and the three-flame fan had fallen into the hands of Xi Fangping, who was playing with it with great interest.
The whole feixian city was quiet for a long time. Millions of monks gave a cheer. Cheers came and went, almost shaking the tall walls slightly. XiFangPing gently wiped the corners of the mouth that deliberately out of blood, a wave of his hands cheers immediately stop. It also increased his heart to kill Xi Fangping. Xi Fangping actually had such a great influence in the practice of Sanxiu. If he escaped from Feixian City and screamed outside, it would probably cause considerable damage to the rule of Zhenlingmen.
While throwing a folding fan, Xi Fangping casually took out half a bottle of jade bee pulp from the storage bag and poured it all into his mouth. Just now, the first world war, although there is no danger for Xi Fangping, however, the cost of reiki in his body is also quite large, especially the small black light beam in the end, which drove Xi Fangping to transport 90% of the spiritual force, which just missed the resistance. Of course, Xi Fangping also knows that if it is not for the purpose of testing the power of colorful glass towers. He could have beaten Liu Changhe faster. Xi Fangping has seen that the three-flame fan is powerful, but it has some fatal weaknesses. First, each fan hits. The cost of reiki is too much, even if a guy like Liu Changhe has the strength of several peaks in the middle of Yuan Baby, he can only barely hit three fans, and he will not even come out with one fan. Secondly, the black flame from the fan is powerful, but. Rotation is not flexible, and it is not very effective to deal with monks with particularly good posture like Xi Fangping. Of course, it is used to deal with ordinary monks. Perfect. After all, most monks. You don’t take the time to practice your posture.

Chapter one hundred and seventy-seven Contact
The bee pulp is eaten. Xi Fangping’s spiritual strength, the ancient horse added to the promotion of Jiang Jiang’s self-cultivation, and now it basically has no effect, but its role in the battle is much larger than that of ordinary Dan medicine.
This thing, it is estimated that the whole fix true world, also can have the Xi Fangping, red bees in other places, can generate jade bee pulp almost no, this kind of good thing, if put on the market. It is estimated that a bottle will sell for millions of lingshi. The monks will also scramble for it.
The vigor came up, but Xi Fangping’s face was quite ugly, sallow. It seems that if you push it gently, you may fall from the sky. For the mask you wear. Xi Fangping is quite satisfied. This kind of mask, however, is for monks’ use. On the Magic Star, one piece is worth hundreds of lingshi, which is quite expensive. Ordinary monks can’t afford it at all, let alone mortals. The biggest feature of this mask is that. As long as the aura is injected into it, the color of the mask will change accordingly, and it will become whatever color you want. It is not difficult to simulate the failure of both qi and blood, as long as you practice it a few times at ordinary times. Xi Fangping has been doing business on Cepheus for a long time, and has never seen or heard of this kind of mask on Cepheus. Therefore, this kind of mask should be a specialty of the extinct star, which is perfect for deceiving people.
Xi Fangping seems to be reluctant to suspend himself in mid-air, pointing to the more than 20 disciples of the True Spirit Gate, and loudly saying, "Hey, aren’t you bastards thinking of engaging in wheel-wheel warfare?" Now it’s the Zha "turn to come out quickly, Lao tze to send him to hell. "More than 20 yuan baby brother motionless, don’t have a dare to come out. In a word, among these monks in the middle period of yuan baby. Liu Changhe’s strength is the strongest. His cultivation has reached several peaks in the middle of Yuan Ying, and he is holding a three-flame fan, and he is a monk at the end of Yuan Ying, a small sect. You may not be able to beat him. Originally, according to the plan, Liu Changhe should be the last Zha, come out to fight. However, seeing that there were advantages to be accounted for, Liu Changhe was eager to make contributions and went to war in advance. As a result, he was killed in the hands of Xi Fangping. Imagine, who dares to take the initiative to go out?
Just now, after the first world war with the big fellow, Xi Fangping looked like the oil was exhausted, but. Still killed Liu Changhe. Moreover, everyone present saw that after killing Liu Changhe, Xi Fangping took out a bottle of potions from his belt. Although I don’t know what the hell it is. However, those fine and slippery guys can guess that what Xi Fangping is taking is definitely something that can partially restore spiritual strength, so that. There are even fewer people who dare to go out and fight.
Seeing each other’s fear, Xi Fangping laughed: "OK, if you like to fight, you don’t fight. I can’t help it. I don’t want to be here with you. I went back to sleep. When you find the right opponent, just come back and tell me. "
Say that finish, yawned very affectedly. Turn around and get ready to fly down. Xi Fangping’s action caused a burst of laughter from the scattered practitioners. It’s not a problem for a monk who hasn’t slept for decades. How can he yawn in front of so many people? Xi Fangping, it is clear that you are sweeping the face of the disciples of the True Spirit Gate.
The faces of those true spirit disciples showed anger. However, after looking at each other for several rounds, no monk dared to come out to fight. According to the rules of the true spirit gate, once you come out to fight, it will be an endless situation. They can mix to this degree, but it is very rare. Who doesn’t cherish his own life? Is it worthwhile to quarrel with Xifangping?
Suddenly. A voice came from the sky: "Stop."
The voice is quite familiar, and Xi Fangping doesn’t have to guess. It’s the bad old man with a nasty goatee. Xi Fangping has inquired about it. This old bastard’s name is Che Zewu. He is one of the only two monks of Zhenlingmen in Feixian City, and he is also the commander of the garrison. His task, with 200,000 monks, is to search for the remaining party of Feixianmen and Xiji Firm in Feixianmen and nearby areas. Over the past 40 to 50 years, 80,000, if not 100,000, Feixianmen disciples have died at the hands of him and his subordinates, and many innocent Sanxiu have been affected by their fish and died. It can be said that this is an executioner whose hands are covered with the blood of Feixianmen and Sanxiu, and his fierce name in Sanxiu is quite large. Therefore, on hearing the old guy’s voice, Xi Fangping was so angry that he shouted, "You old bastard named Che, do you want to challenge yourself?" Are you all shameless people like you? .
Che Zewu’s figure appeared in front of Xi Fangping. He said darkly, "Is it worthwhile for the old man to do it himself against a junior like you? Don’t worry, since we promised not to send monks below the end of Yuan Ying to challenge in public, we won’t break our word.
Xi Fangping laughed: "In that case. Then why don’t you stay here and bark like an old dog in spring? If you want to fight one-on-one, fine, but you have to wait until a month later. When my brother comes, you two find a remote place and have a good fight. But … I have to advise you that you’d better prepare coffins, suicide notes and the like in advance. Yun Ran said that the monks didn’t care much about it. Ditch dead ditch buried. Bury in a pit. It’s good not to be quiet and not to prepare, so as not to be caught off guard. Even the body was eaten by wild dogs, which was miserable.
Che Zewu’s face is crooked, and he knows very well. When he bickered with Xi Fangping, he could only give Xi Fangping a bad look at himself. Instead of answering the words, he turned around and shouted at the middle-aged monks who were afraid of onions: "You are all elite disciples who have worked hard and finally cultivated. Don’t, you just look at this boy so insulting true spirit door and indifferent? At this rate, you say. How can we old people trust to give you the True Spirit Gate? "
More than 20 monks looked at each other in the middle of Yuan Baby, and their faces looked different, but no one took the initiative to stand up and challenge. Che Zewu’s face is getting darker. He said coldly, "It seems that I can only call the roll myself. Save this boy within the specified time, if you don’t kill this Fang Xi who insulted the True Spirit Gate in front of millions of scattered practitioners, if you don’t recapture the colorful glass tower and the three-flame fan of the sect, you people. Don’t even think about going back. Even if you go back, you know the rules of the True Spirit Gate, so don’t even think about living a good life like before.
After that, he casually pointed and said sharply, "You, come out first and fight this boy."
The fierce fighting lasted for three whole days, and the scattered practitioners in Feixian City were also fully satisfied for three days. Under the pressure of che zewu. Fifteen monks took turns to go into battle and fought to the death with Xi Fangping. Almost as soon as one monk’s net was killed and the baby was destroyed, another monk made it up, giving Xi Fangping no chance to rest. However, the more down, the more surprised the elite disciples of the true spirit gate are. Xi Fangping is simply a monster who can’t die. Even if the loss of aura is serious, as long as he steals something, he will immediately fight with each other again. Although the elite disciples of Zhenlingmen all adopted Yuto’s method, there was still no way to stop themselves from losing again. Especially. The colorful glass tower in Xi Fangping’s hands is too strong. Under its protection, those elite disciples who only have general magic weapons in their hands can’t do substantial harm to Xi Fangping at all.
The continuous fiasco has caused great psychological pressure to the elite disciples. When Che Zewu’s finger pointed to the 16th monk, that guy finally couldn’t bear the pressure, his face suddenly changed, his chest fluctuated a few times, then he suddenly turned around and flew away in the distance. Che Zewu was furious, and Li Fu showed his posture and chased him up. Without the presence of Che Zewu, six of the remaining eleven elite disciples turned and fled without thinking, and they would rather become scattered practitioners from now on. You have to bear the endless pursuit of the True Spirit Gate. I don’t want to fight hard with Xi Fangping.
There are five elite disciples, although they didn’t turn and flee like their companions, but they didn’t mean to challenge at all, just suspended there quietly, waiting for Che Zewu’s return.


Lin Ze and Rabine have already bumped into each other in an instant. Dark Moon has had a confrontation with frost gloves, but the sharp dark moon left a series of white marks on the surface of Rabine’s frost gloves, which didn’t break the defense of these gloves. The gloves were condensed from frost and had the characteristics of freezing …

Close combat has always been the strength of Bantu people. Now that Lin Ze and Rabine are close together, Rabine naturally won’t show mercy. That pair of frost condensed into gloves, and Rabine waved a tiger and gave birth to wind and punched Lin Ze in the chest.
However, Lin Ze doesn’t fall in the wind and the moon is sharp, which is definitely not something that Rabine can stop. Whenever Lin Ze stabs Rabine with his sword, Rabine has to avoid it, and he can stop Lin Ze with his pair of frost condensed into gloves.
"Dang dang dang-"
Dark moon frost knuckles collided together and even made a sound of gold and iron
Rabine has been waving ten fists at this moment, and Lin Ze is also extremely fast to display the ghost fencing.
One punch versus one sword, two people are evenly matched.
The trainer Ruuge nodded while watching two people fighting. The strength from Allard, Lin Ze and Rabine is really different.
Rabine’s snow-capped mountain children have been fighting in the snow since childhood, and their physique is definitely stronger than that of Allard’s national human beings. It is also extremely difficult for Lin Ze to compete with Rabine and say that Lin Ze has experienced exercise.
For the animal trainer Ruuge, it is very appreciated that children should work hard. In his mind, even if Lin Zefa defeats the avalanche Rabine, he will let Lin Zefa take Rabine Mountain to have a look. Mintai himself has indeed taken Rabine to stay in the Strou Mountain Range for too long.
Compared with the trainer Ruuge, Obese and Cecilia are both very worried about looking at the battlefield.
Both girls don’t want their supporters to lose. Obese knows that Lin Ze will definitely not make ghosts and gods power here. If ghosts and gods power, Rabine Root will resist Lin Zeli’s blow.
It is because of the power of the law that Obers will worry about Lin Ze.
And Cecilia looked at Lin Ze and gave off a strong dark force. The Walker girl could feel that Lin Ze’s physical strength had surpassed that of Rabine!
Rabine’s power should belong to the peak shadow clan according to Arad’s mainland grade, while Lin Ze’s power seems to have broken through the boundary of shadow clan and become the king of shadow.
All two girls know that they are not sure of winning on their side.
But two people on the battlefield don’t care what the battlefield people think. In the battle, Rabine was extremely afraid of Lin Ze’s sharp black sword.
I can’t be easily stabbed by this black sword, and Lin Ze * * seems to be very strong, and he was hit by several punches in a hurry. There is no avalanche at all. Rabine naturally doesn’t know how strong Lin Ze’s body is against frost. His punches have been greatly weakened when hitting Lin Zeshen …
I can’t do this. Rabine decided that he couldn’t save his strength. Seeing that he threw his fists at Lin Ze with a strong frost breath, Lin Ze seemed to feel the blow. He wanted to forcibly block Rabine’s fists in the dark, but when he touched these fists in the dark, Lin Ze was hit to the ground by Rabine.
Dumped his shoulders slightly numb. Lin Ze looked at Rabine with some surprise. He didn’t seem to know what Rabine had just been able to release such a big punch in an instant.
But when he looked up at Rabine again, Rabine’s whole body changed greatly. At this time, the original dark skin turned into light blue. At this time, Rabine seemed to have become an ice sculpture, and the whole body was covered with frost. The bright ice reflected dazzling sunlight, which made Lin Ze’s eyes narrow.
Is that Rabine’s card?
But this is Rabine’s own card frost armor, which is a skill that Rabine will only use when he meets an opponent with equal strength and sharp weapons that may cause harm to himself.
He doesn’t want to put energy waves in frost gloves to block Lin Ze’s dark moon attack. With this frost armor, Rabine can completely destroy Lin Ze with his own iron fists.
Seeing that Rabine showed his frost armor so quickly, animal trainer Ruuge also spoke highly of Lin Ze. He naturally knew that Rabine’s card could inspire Rabine’s card so quickly. This young filmmaker from Allard is really strong.
He knows that Lin Ze is a star shadow king, and his strength needs to be high in Birabi, but it doesn’t matter to Rabine that Rabine is a snow-capped mountain child, Lin Zeying’s soul force is even more than one level and two levels.
Rabine, who has frost armor, rushed to Lin Zechong again.
"When …"
Lin Ze Dark Moon stabbed Rabine in the chest accurately, but Rabine didn’t defend himself. Dark Moon seems to have broken through Rabine’s frost armor.
Because I didn’t know the defense force of this pair of frost armor, I attacked the place where it would be saved. Lin Ze didn’t do much defense when he stabbed out in the dark moon. However, because this frost armor completely blocked the sharp dark moon, he took a pair of iron fists with Rabine’s powerful power and slammed it on Lin Ze’s chest. Lin Ze was once again hit by Rabine.
But this time, Lin Ze’s appearance is much more than a mess.
Once, Lin Ze’s dark moon blocked Rabine’s fists, but this time, Lin Ze accepted Rabine’s fists attack on his chest!
A flush on Lin Ze’s face even if Lin Ze * * is very strong after several kinds of strength refinement, but face to face with Rabine with great power and iron fist Lin Ze still has some strength. After all, it is impossible for * * to be as strong as armor.
Watching Lin Ze fall to the ground, Rabine rubbed his shoulders and just punched his strength. Now he feels his shoulders are very weak, but with frost armor, he can finally attack Lin Ze without worrying about defense.
"Hey Lin Ze, how do you feel? Is the defense of my frost armor okay? Your black sword should be able to break my defense again. Do you have any cards? If so, it will disappoint me. "
Rabine rubbed his shoulders while watching Lin Ze fall in the snow. It seems that he is looking forward to getting up quickly in the forest …
Chapter 56 Avalanche Rabine’s strongest weapon
A smile appeared on Lin Ze’s face for Rabine’s kind taunt when he fell in the snow. Since the dark moon method broke your defense, he is a more powerful weapon! Lin Ze slowly climbed out of the snow and the dark moon disappeared instantly.
"Rabine, you don’t think you can beat me like this!" Lin Ze smiled politely, and everyone around Rabine felt a burst of heat in his hands.
A dark moon looks similar. A long red sword appears in Lin Ze’s hand. Does it still break your frost armor?
Feeling such intense flame power, the trainer Ruuge’s face changed. The flame frost is opposite, but how can Lin Zeshen’s dark shadow make the flame weapon!
Animal trainer Ruuge naturally doesn’t know that Lin Ze’s red emperor blade has the power to change the angel’s attributes.
Obese saw Lin Ze take out the red burn blade, and the power of the red burn blade is certain. She has seen it on the back of the day curtain beast …
Looking at Lin Ze’s hands constantly braving the blue flame, Red Emperor Blade Rabine is very wary of this huge flame power. So he is as confused as the animal trainer Ruuge. Isn’t Lin Ze a dark shadow? If these flames are the power of this sword, how can Lin Ze manipulate the power of flame attributes so accurately?
Rabine think impassability trainer ruuge think impassability Cecilia three people also think impassability …
However, when Lin Zeke didn’t, they introduced this frost armor that had just condensed from Rabine, which made him suffer a big loss. Now it is time for him to repay them.
Lin Ze pours the whole body dark attribute soul force into the red burn blade. It seems that he hates the climate in the snowy area of Sidon. The slender blade of the red burn blade emits a more intense blue flame.
Seeing this situation, Rabine can confirm that the flame of this red sword body can be manipulated by Lin Ze, although he doesn’t know what it is. But this flame sword can definitely bring him a great threat, and this frost armor may also block the power of this sword again.
Lin Ze corners of the mouth slightly Yang murder fluctuation has been released by him out of a few strange fluctuation seal has emerged in Linze head …
Lin Ze Jian’s body shape is disillusioned instantly. He has released the bully skill, and the Raptor is broken and chopped. Due to the fluctuation of the printing speed, Lin Ze released the Raptor and chopped very fast. When Rabine Gen didn’t respond, Lin Ze’s body shape instantly appeared in front of him.
Red burn blade like a red dragon fangs ruthlessly hit in Rabine frost armor is a Rabine, you can feel your frost armor is being red burn blade blue flame violently * * * * with cracking sound constantly into Rabine’s ear. He can feel the red burn blade blade flame blazing. Rabine’s body has also been broken by Lin Ze Raptors this time.
Lin Ze is really strong!
Rabine thought in his heart that although he was hit in the air, he had already thought about it in his heart. If he wanted to counterattack Linze and let him land, he was ready to let Lin Ze taste his iron fist again.
However, Lin Ze doesn’t seem to want Rabine to land. The Raptors cut off Lin Ze. Now the power can use four attacks, which is just the first paragraph.


"The loan was successful, and the Ultimate Healing started successfully and gained 30,000 experience points."

Seeing that Dragon Father’s body was quickly wrapped in gentle green light, just like being wrapped in cocoon, his wound was’ fleshy’, and the visible speed was constantly recovering. Soon, his body was broken and quickly closed, and his’ color’ gradually became rosy.
Slowly, the cocoon was broken, and the dragon father returned to normal again. After the successful start of shallow breathing at the tip of the nose, the dragon swims’ essence’ and is instantly’ pumped’ dry. Generally, the whole person leans against the window and feels dizzy.
"Little master, are you all right?" The flattering entity came out, and the whole person looked like a nine-day fairy in a white’ color’ veil.
Longyou shook his head and said, "I’m fine. Go and see my father."
E-mail explored the corners of Long Fu’s mouth with a reassuring smile. "Long Fu has been fine, and the wound has disappeared. But if you don’t prevent it, you still have to send Long Fu to the hospital, otherwise I’m afraid the young master will really be regarded as a monster."
"Yeah, I know." Longyou called King Kong and Xiao Si, who were driving in front, and asked them to drive to a nearby private hospital.
Private hospitals and public hospitals are different. If you want money, doctors will never ask you if you can solve things with money. That is not a problem.
Soon after arriving at the hospital, Dragon Father arranged everything. King Kong and Xiao Si urged Longyou to lose fluids.
Longyou dialed Chloe’s mobile phone to tell everything and let her tell the dragon mother that the dragon father has a fever and the hospital needs to observe it for a few days so that she doesn’t worry.
Chloe said that she knew it for a while and came to visit the dragon father with the dragon mother.
Dragon Father, who has been fascinated, gradually wakes up and always feels that his memory is blank and something is broken.
Looking at the infusion dragon swimming next to him, he said, "Xiaolong, what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with me?"
"Dad, don’t worry, you have a little fever and fainted. Passers-by saw you and sent you to the hospital. I’m fine. I’m just a little dehydrated." Longyou smiled and comforted.
Long Jingui shook his head and said, "I always feel that I have forgotten something. Generally, it may be that people are old and miss their bodies and don’t even know that they have a fever."
"Dad, where are you? You are still in the prime of your life." Longyou said indifferently towards him.
Just as the father and the mother were chatting, the dragon mother came in and saw that the years were full of sadness.
"You two fathers really don’t let me worry. Why don’t you know how to take good care of yourself?" "Mom, dad and I are fine. Don’t be sad." Longyou smiled warmly and comforted his mother.
Chloe hurriedly wiped her tears with a handkerchief. "Aunt and uncle are not all right now. I will help you talk about him when I go back."
Chloe was a little surprised to see the scene of Longyou infusion. Although she didn’t know what happened, she was still’ fine’ when she left. It was ten minutes before she saw her, so she became so worried.
Looking at Chloe’s worried expression, Longyou smiled gently and indicated that she had nothing to do.
"Husband, you and uncle have some water," said Chloe, pouring two glasses of water and handing them to Longyou Long Jingui respectively.
The dragon mother saw Chloe doing this, and the old Huai’ an comforted, "Hey, little dragon mother knows that you are a good boy, but you also take good care of yourself. Do you think you are anxious about Chloe and me?"
"How old are you? You don’t even know how dangerous it is to have a fever." The dragon mother suddenly fell ill and her eyes became moist at the thought of a generation of dependent people.
"It’s okay I this is not ok? It won’t be like this later. You cried so much that the children saw many jokes. "Long Jingui said so, but still handed the handkerchief to the dragon mother."
Seeing this naughty smile, Chloe wanted to ease a sad atmosphere and said, "We won’t joke. It says that uncle and aunt have a good relationship."
The dragon mother patted Chloe’s little head and said, "You’re such a nonsense and you canceled your aunt, aren’t you?"
"Aunt Chloe can’t. Chloe still likes aunt smiling. How beautiful!" Chloe said hurriedly.
Dragon mother smell speech corners of the mouth a slight smile "look at this child this mouth is really sweet"
After Chloe said so, the atmosphere in the ward also became better. Longyou’s eyes looked at her tenderly and found that she was hiding in her heart.
"Chloe, I promise you that I will take good care of myself every time." Longyou swore to heaven without an infusion hand.

Chapter 193 Anger
Longyou returned to the yellow wine bar after transfusion-
There are stars in the afternoon bar, where a few people get drunk during the day and sit at the bar on the second floor with an angry face.
Immediately before seeing the arrival of Longyou, he asked, "How’s the eldest uncle?"
"Well, it’s already hindered." Longyou looked cold and didn’t see any emotional changes.
Upon hearing this, the yellow corner of his mouth sneered, "Boss, it must be that Wang Jungan can’t run away. Shall we teach him a lesson and let him taste it?"
"When Huang came back from Shashi, you were not as calm as before. Many reasons why you should be indifferent to him." Longyou said with a serious expression.
Seeing this, Long You Huang seems to be back. When he first met him, he was as deep as the sea, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.
"Boss, I was reckless. What should we do next?"


Sue orange suddenly burst into tears. It’s not your fault!

But Zuo Tangtang didn’t consciously say, "Then let’s eat! Call me if you need anything. "Just turn left and walk to your room.
"Zuo Tangtang!" Seeing her daughter’s behavior like this, the left mother put a bowl on her hips and shouted, "Come out! Don’t go in! "
What’s going on here? Sue orange looked around with a bowl.
The left father is still that faint expression, and she can’t see anything at all.
What about the left mother? At the moment, I look indignant, much like the scene where my parents caught me going to an Internet cafe when I was a child.
Ah! What has been revealed in her mind!
But left pig, what expression is this? Don’t all kinds of nai pains just keep her out of the house? Do you have to do this? Yeah? But why not let her in?
"Mom!" Zuo Tangtang called with abnormal grief and indignation.
"Don’t call me! Even calling dad won’t do! " The expression on the left mother’s face is very firm. "Get back here and sit on the sofa!"
Zuo Tangtang was frustrated, but after all, it was not enough for her old lady, lion roars. I don’t know when it would suddenly come. Left father * * Education still sat down on the sofa and looked at her. She didn’t like news the most.
See Zuo Tangtang is very obedient. After doing according to his own command, the left mother "hummed" for a while. It’s very satisfying to continue to sit and eat while still mumbling about it. "Don’t say it at ordinary times. Now Su Orange is a guest in our house. If you still want to eat, you will play games. I tell you! This is absolutely impossible! Just stay there! "
"Slice" heard Zuo Tangtang’s accusations from his left mother and secretly left the pie mouth.
Sue orange was surprised at the moment, staring at the figure in the living room. Zuo Tangtang said that she was playing games. She still found an excuse casually. I didn’t expect Zuo Tangtang’s pig to really play games again. Listen to Zuo Mu’s saying that this left pig has been playing very hi recently!
She hesitated again whether to live with Zuo Zhu or not! She still remembers the scene of this product playing games every day in high school! She’s really drunk, too. This guy is a guy who played games before his hand was disabled and was never killed. He didn’t want it, but he still played hard. Now she’s back in business? Has this girl become a new generation of great gods in three days?
After waiting for Su Orange to finish eating, Zuo Fu has already gone to the room again, and Zuo Mu is still cleaning up in the kitchen.
Looking at Zuo Tangtang Su Orange, who was listless on the sofa, walked over and sat down, elbowed Zuo Tangtang and said, "Hey! Left pig! "
"What are you doing?" Zuo Tangtang just got a little sleepy and this guy woke him up.
"Fuck you, girl!" Sue orange pointing to Zuo Tangtang forehead "when you are a pig! You didn’t have a long sleep in the afternoon! Why are you sleepy now? "
"Alas, you don’t know," said Zuo Tangtang solemnly. "I am sleepy in spring!"
"Spring sleepy peat!" Sue orange refers to Zuo Tangtang’s forehead. "It’s summer! Summer! Spring has long passed! "
"Alas! Na Xia is sleepy! " Zuo Tangtang put his hand over his mouth, yawned and squinted and said, "Don’t care about these details!"
Seeing Zuo Tangtang’s laziness, Su Orange sighed deeply and really didn’t want to say anything! This girl used to be so lazy when she was free. If something was desperately serious, it made people look at it and made them feel distressed …
Alas, Sue orange sighed at the thought of the past.
"Say what you just ate!" Sue orange to dispel thoughts in my heart simply changed a topic.
"What?" If Zuo Tangtang’s expression can be replaced by one character, it is estimated that it will be like this. "Are you kidding?"
Zuo Tangtang touched Su Orange’s forehead.
"You are funny!" Su orange knocked over Zuo Tangtang’s hand.
"Then why do you ask me to eat?" Zuo Tangtang wondered at Su Orange "What are you doing without eating at the dinner table?"
Sue orange found that she was ill-chosen and quickly changed to "I want to say what you didn’t answer seriously when your aunt asked!" Not you also want to move here … well! "
Zuo Tangtang put his hand over Su Orange’s mouth and looked at the direction of the kitchen without any movement. Then he quietly said to Su Orange, "What are you doing so big!"
Seeing this, Su Orange also quietly asked, "What is covering my mouth?"
"oh! I want to move out this kind of thing don’t tell them, "ordered Zuo Tangtang.
"What?" Su orange doesn’t understand.
Because I’m going to skip home and come to your place so as to get out of surveillance, and then I’m going to skip A city and go to S city. Can I tell you this kind of thing?


I didn’t expect Mo Daolin to destroy Yuan Ying and dare to stay outside instead of returning to the sword door.

You know, Yuan Ying, a monk in Yuan Ying period, is of great benefit to many monks.
Therefore, it is often dangerous to have a baby out of body experience, only under absolute safety. Monks dare to try, for fear of being evil.
Also, if the friar hasn’t reached Yuan Ying’s later cultivation, but only Yuan Ying’s out-of-body experience, Yuan Ying can’t use many spells.
Only when Yuan Ying in the body is as big and small as this deity can Yuan Ying cast spells like this deity.
Moreover, by that time, Yuan Ying’s ability to cast spells and magical powers will be even faster, and he will also wear other wonders.
Although the other party has only one Yuan baby left, the realm is still there, and Yang Xiu can’t be careless.
Mind move, there is no intention to answer each other’s words, directly to wear a cloud cone to stab Mo Daolin’s head.
However, although Mo Daolin destroyed the flesh, his gods are still there.
Although I didn’t see the cloud cone coming, I was immediately sensed by him, and my body flashed and disappeared in the same place.
The other party’s teleport is too wonderful to come and go without a trace. Yang Xiu had to form an encirclement with Bai Zhi, the ghost king, with his back to his back, echoing each other. At the same time, God knowledge pervaded the surrounding area, and he did not dare to relax. And while on the alert, slowly move towards the place where the pool is located.
Beater, the first watch, the second watch, click,)

Chapter two hundred and thirty-seven Encounter an accident
Fairy wild Chapter two hundred and thirty-seven Encounter a reason.
The field repairman holds a bow and arrow, and points it directly at the two-leaf single tree, which is Mo Daobang and Chuan Jia, and he will not hesitate to shoot at the club.
And Bai Zhi and the prince of the devils, it is cautious alert around, dare not let each other near.
Just to Yang Xiu’s surprise, Yuan Ying just teleported, but she couldn’t escape into the void like the ghost king. Why hasn’t the other party come out for so long?
Thought of here, to the pool, can’t help but stopped.
Just then, I saw a burst of color light from the three-leaf single fruit, and the color of its three colored leaves was gradually forced from the tip of the leaf to the blue fruit.
Yang Xiu said, know that this is a symbol of three-leaf single fruit will mature, in the heart can not help but more nervous.
Suddenly, my heart moved, and I immediately sacrificed Bibaofeng to the outside world.
At the same time raise my hand a finger, Biluofeng "whoosh. 1, stopped at the top of the pool.
Then immediately pinch out a method, and the gravity of Biluo suddenly shifts.
And the demons imprisoned above Biluo Peak also overflowed together, rolling and roaring around the pool.
However, just when these ghosts were close to the pool within ten feet, they were suddenly taken out by a sudden light curtain.
And the disappearing Mo Daolin is in this light curtain! I’m staring at that trifoliate fruit that wants to ripen!
This fellow was hiding nearby!
Fortunately, Yang Xiu had a long mind’s eye, so he tried it with Biluofeng first. Otherwise, no matter how big the magical power is, he will not be able to guard against the sneak attack of the other party!
And more to Yang Xiu’s surprise, beside Modaolin Yuanying, there was a still young man lying on the ground.
Young men have the appearance of twenty-seven or twenty-eight. Regular facial features. But the xuan eyes closed, pale, with a chill.
Turns out it’s dead, just an intact body.
"Is the other party planning to have a baby?" Yang Xiu said, in the heart can not help visiting.
Mo Daolin was surprised, angry and disappointed when he realized that he had been exposed.
Make his baby face look unusually ferocious.
I saw that he immediately pulled out a magic formula and hit it on the screen.
After the curtain was moved by him, it suddenly became green and generous. And the resentment and gravity extrusion of Biluo Peak are blocked out one by one.
Yang Xiu said, hurriedly commanded Bai Zhi and the prince of the devils, and at the same time pointed his finger at Biluofeng. Suddenly, with a bang, he fell down and smashed on the screen.
However, I don’t know what kind of strange ban this light curtain is, but it is abnormal.
Although it was hit by Biluofeng every time, it turned out to be like a balloon with good elasticity. Other attack methods such as Biluofeng can only make it deflate.
And when it reaches a certain level, when it unloads the power of Biluofeng, it will be as good as ever, feeling that it is as wonderful as four or two pounds, and it is completely powerless.
Yang Xiu saw the attack for this result. Without knowing it, I frowned, so I had to let Bai Zhi and the Ghost King break the array together.
He wanted to shoot the shield with a bow and arrow, but considering that there was too much spiritual power injected into the bow and arrow. There must be a lot of noise when you shoot past.
Perhaps, the three-leaf single fruit will also be destroyed by the bow and arrow, so he decided to wait until the last minute.
See if you can break this defense by attacking with the Ghost King and Bai Zhi at the same time.
If he can’t break through the opponent’s defense by the time the three-leaf fruit is ripe, he will have to use a bow and arrow.
At that time, I didn’t care if the three-leaf single fruit would be destroyed.
After all, even if the trifoliate fruit is destroyed, it is impossible for him to release Mo Daolin and let the other person go to trifoliate fruit to increase the other person’s cultivation level.
However, a few minutes passed. The defense law arranged by the other party is really very advanced. No matter how Yang Xiubai and Zhi Wang attacked, they still didn’t suffer any damage.
Seeing that the three colorful leaves of the three-leaf single fruit are getting lighter and lighter, I feel that I will completely force the color into the fruit. Even if I don’t make up my mind, I will really be picked by Mo Daolin.
Yang Xiu helpless, a malicious in the heart, immediately put his hand in the bow and arrow lifted, aimed at Mo Daolin, no longer hesitate, immediately shot the arrows out.
He didn’t dare to wait until the elixir was mature. After all, the other party would teleport. If Mo Daolin picked the spiritual fruit when he got there, and then teleported out, it would not be worth the loss, so he attacked now.