
"mom! Kaichen is the king’s egg! " When Feng Buyun heard that Chen Kai refused to send reinforcements, his face was very ugly. He didn’t care about Chen Kai’s reasons. In Feng Buyun’s view, Chen Kai’s failure to support him was the biggest insult to him. In fact, in the eyes of most players’ presidents, Chen Kai’s hurricane workshop was just an outbreak due to the sudden rise of a game. Actually, this is also the reason why many players’ associations in Hugo Di will eventually get along badly with Chen Kai. You should know that in the 22 nd century, gamers are a huge interest group, and game associations have often changed from the purest players’ play exhibition organization to

For these guild organizations, the game is no longer their entertainment tool, but has become a tool for making money. For this reason, with the continuous development of Chen Kai’s territory, the presidents of these players’ guild have become more and more threatened, and at the same time, when the jewel abyss appears, the threat of greed becomes hatred.
If it weren’t for Chen Kai’s development, the focus was not on the players and his strength was too strong, then find the information in Chen Kai’s reality. It is estimated that the players’ lords will definitely rise up and attack him, and they will be vicious enough to carry out humanitarian destruction in reality. You know that Su Xinghe was originally smashed by people in reality, but Chen Kai was not discovered. The most important reason in reality is that he often runs around and rarely stays in one place for a long time. It is the game body that protects players’ personal data very closely, and Chen Kai’s former hurricane workshop was also lifted when they made a fortune in the game. It is naturally more difficult for people to find a real position without Chen Kai’s former workshop and his current place of residence.
However, no matter how well Chen Kai hides and how fast the game develops, it can’t change his shallow foundation and the lack of strong comprehensive team support. It’s already very good to rely on Chen Kai and his dozens of people to develop until now. Because there is no credible player Chen Kai can be an aboriginal official, it makes him and the players not so good. Of course, it’s not just that there is no contradiction with those high-level ordinary players of the players’ guild and Chen Kai. Some players list Chen Kai as their idols.
It’s a pity that sometimes civilian idols usually become high-level enemies in some games. Of course, this kind of high-level refers to people like Feng Buyun who are higher in the game. For example, when they come to a guild at the level of Lin Lei, they will not be afraid of the development of Chen Kai, because in their view, Chen Kai can’t threaten him even if he develops. Although Lin Lei envies Chen Kai’s luck, he will not be jealous of Chen Kai because he knows that all these are made by Chen Kai himself.
However, unlike Lin Lei, Feng Bu Yun’s family is not afraid of anything, and Lin Lei’s game is much better than that of the fighters’ guild. At the same time, the reputation of the Raytheon Guild is even greater than that of the fighters’ guild. Compared with the number of members and the number of territories, the fighters’ guild only got two territories when it took more than half a year in Hugo. At this time, the Raytheon Guild has already gained the first batch of benefits except for being close to Yadog Raytheon.
If it weren’t for many small territories, it wouldn’t have been possible for Ma to launch his own newly acquired territory after Raytheon fortress was captured, but it was very resource-consuming, and Lin Lei didn’t directly smash gold coins to build territory like Chen Kai. Most of the time, Lin Lei used money to develop business in its own guild, build territory, and expand the territory little by little, and at the same time develop the economy in the territory.
In this way, although the development of a territory is very slow, it has its own mature industrial system. Unlike Chen Kai, there are quite a few buildings in the territory, but there is not even a place where beds and furniture are sold. There are not even people who buy and sell grain. The most important thing is to eat bread, but they have to make it by hand. Therefore, when Chen Kai and his team arrived in the territory, most veterans ate half-baked bread, and some bread was baked for reasons of making it, which smelled like a burnt smell. This is not basic in the slowly developing player territory. It may happen that players will take these into account when the game establishes its territory, and there will not even be a baker if there is a semi-monk Lord player like Chen Kai who takes over or builds a good city.
However, if Chen Kai has survived and now developed into the most powerful Lord in Hugo Di, the players’ guild presidents who despised Chen Kai will feel psychologically unbalanced. In fact, these players’ lords were very dissatisfied with Chen Kai before, and it was because of this dissatisfaction that the players’ presidents colluded with Lord Kemal Darjue later.
It’s a pity that the situation can’t change. When these players’ presidents were full of energy to kill Chen Kai and occupy his territory, Chen Kai came to a Jedi to turn over the Earl of Hugo once. If it weren’t for the earl’s dark chess, Chen Kai would have completely sat on the head of these players’ presidents and become the new Lord of Hugo. Even if it was a degraded earl’s territory, it would be an earl’s title. Even if Chen Kai might become a nominal Lord, it would be just a title, but this name is what these players’ presidents want most.
In these players’ presidents, it’s hard to be glad that Count Hugo didn’t get rid of their heads completely. When the emperor was missing, the drow J: ng spirit ran out to make trouble again, which made them miserable. If it wasn’t for the shortage of troops, Feng Buyun didn’t want to ask Chen Kai for help. Unfortunately, now he asked Chen Kai for help, but he didn’t send reinforcements to his face, which made Feng Buyun almost tearing his hair out.
However, even if the wind and clouds want to vomit blood, it can’t change the fact that Chen Kai doesn’t send troops to rescue him. The only thing he can do is to prevent the residents in the town from hiding in the cellar, and at the same time, a large number of online game players are called up by him. At the same time, the whole territory of the Iron Rider Club is running at a high speed under the command of the wind and clouds, and at the same time it is still in the same situation. However, after Chen Kai refused to send reinforcements, the first battle broke out, but it was not the public domain of the two players closest to the old city of Hugo, but the
The first volume Chapter 222 Death unknown movement (4)
Beihu Town, as its name implies, is located in the north of the lake, which is a very rare lake in the whole Huguodi. Actually, the area of the Luomo Lake in Sevanto is much larger than that of the whole Chenkai Berkner Town, but it is a long and narrow lake rather than a circular lake, but even so, the narrowest part of the lake is one kilometer wide.
Therefore, for Beihu Town, this great lake is a natural barrier, and Beihu Town is one of the few in the whole Huguodi collar. It has been in the ancient town since before the Earl of Huguodi’s time, and it is very complete. Lord alzas was in this town before.
Of course, although there is a Lord in alzas, he is really unable to make a town close to the sixth order crown his name. Beihu Town is still Beihu Town instead of alzas Town or alzas Town.
For the whole residents of Beihu Town, there are about two skills for their livelihood. The first is fishing, and the second is farming. Of course, fishermen and farmers are the main means of livelihood for the bottom residents. In fact, there are still many handicraft manufacturing industries in Beihu Town. For example, shipbuilding is very rare in Huguodi. Of course, even if the great lake of Luomo, Sevanto is very large, it is impossible to accommodate too many fishing boats. The shipbuilding industry in Beihu Town is underdeveloped and only a few fishing boats are built.
However, for the residents of Beihu Town, their greatest advantage is that they can run to the lake by boat in case of danger. Of course, this is definitely a move, because the lake of Sevanto is not particularly located in the game world, and the water is usually the most dangerous place, even in the freshwater lake. Aquatic Warcraft is far more ferocious than the ground Warcraft, and it is even bigger.
In fact, the origin of the name of this lake is not only the earliest Lord, but also the most important thing is that there once appeared a giant freshwater octopus in this great lake, which is more than 10 meters in length than the aquatic Warcraft. Sevanto Luomo Octopus was once a specialty of Beihu Town. This freshwater octopus was tight in muscle and very fleshy. Q-bomb was once the most important specialty of Beihu Town, but when a Sevanto Luomo Octopus mutated, this specialty disappeared because no one wanted to provoke a giant octopus with a length of more than 10 meters.
Although the octopus was finally chopped down by brave adventurers, a strange weapon, Sevanto Moran Sting, was produced. Even though the so-called strange weapon was not necessarily a sacred object, it was blown away by many theories, the weapon with the title of strange weapon was at least a purple Se weapon, and this Sevanto Moran Sting was actually not just a sacred weapon. From the fact that it used to be the weapon of Salavin, the ocean god, we can know that this weapon is also a sacred object. Even though the ocean god has fallen for many years, it still exists in Beihu Town.
However, whether the hallows are sleeping in the Great Lakes can’t be changed. Now Beihu Town has suffered a tragedy. Although Lord alzas is a very competent Lord, there is no evidence to prove the emergence of the drow J Ι ng spirit by many players. He still believes in the players and sent players to Chen Kai for help at the very beginning, becoming the first one to ask Chen Kai for help from the player Lord. You know, even though the whole Huguodi aboriginal aristocracy has not changed much about Chen Kai, the player baron.
At the same time, those players who reported to alzas are also very glad that they were not arrested for spreading rumors and riots. You know, they have almost no evidence to prove that the Zall J Ι ng spirit attacked and wanted to escape in the Zall J Ι ng ghost killer because the killed player entered the game by root method. At present, very few players can really do it.
Therefore, it is difficult for many players to be sure that Lord alzas won’t treat them as mental derangement when reporting, but in the end, Lord alzas seems to suddenly understand that he not only closed the city gate at the fastest speed, but also sent several strong men from the Lord’s House to search for the Zall J: ng ghost killers who entered the city. Before these shadow killers destroyed them, they were surrounded by soldiers who rushed to Beihu Town like hungry wolves.
In fact, in this land of Huguodi, besides Chen Kai’s soldiers, there are some people with strong fighting capacity, that is, the militia in the town like Beihu Town, which has a long history and has not been strangled by the Emperor’s regiment, did not join the rebellion when Count Huguodi rebelled. Actually, it was not that they were not intimidated, but that their fighting capacity was not valued by the count, but one thing that the Count Huguodi dared not ignore was that all the militia in the old town were once soldiers, perhaps more or less, but they just retired from the army and became militia.
Only from the fighting capacity, these former veterans are stronger than the fighters of Count Hugo, but they are a little old or their bodies are incomplete. Even so, some of these militia are strong, and some of them are beyond the order. Together, the fighting capacity of hundreds of militia can definitely suppress these ghost killers who rushed into Beihu Town. What’s more, Lord alzas also recruited himself to several senior hands and sent out a big knight who was sent from his family to help him. A big knight of half a step is in Beihu Town.
Of course, the strong man in Beihu Town is not just the great knight, because Beihu Town is a waterway along with other northern territories. Of course, these territories are not the territory in Hugo’s first territory, but another territory in the north. The metal ore in Hugo’s first collar can be easily transported out through the waterway transport in Beihu Town. Beihu Town is an important source of metal minerals for a Lord in the north, and that Lord is the backstage behind Lord alzas.
If it weren’t for the Lord’s support in alzas, how could such a Lord become a baronet town Lord like Beihu Town? Unfortunately, the so-called distant water can’t put out the near fire. Even if the Lord in the north supports alzas, it is impossible to station an entire army in Beihu Town. The only thing he can do is to shoot more mercenaries. But at this time, these mercenaries just sent a place. Because they are in alzas, the Lord can easily destroy the Zall J and jīng ghost killers who entered Beihu Town.
It’s a pity that even with these mercenaries, the strejīngth of Beihu Town is still insufficient, because the whole town can fight for less than 2,000. Of course, it refers to the level of minotaurs who can fight against drow J and ng. There are still many ordinary soldiers in Beihu Town, but the number of these ordinary soldiers is not many, because Beihu Town is not a populous city. In a place like Huguodi, it is still a real big city, but it used to be the town of Kaida, which is almost close to the fifth-order town of Bierkna. It’s a pity that with the confirmation that Lord Kemal Darth took refuge in Count Hugo, Kelda town is now in a state of no lords. Losing lords will naturally lead to a large number of residents fleeing from the original abnormal prosperity. Now Kelda city is almost becoming a city, and Berkner Town has accepted at least 5,000 Kelda residents and even nearly 1,000 Kelda soldiers.
Alzas Li, the younger brother of Lord Kemal Daryl, was very active in accepting the legacy of Lord Kemal Daryl. More than 3,000 city guards received at least 1,500 yuan from Chen Kaila. He also secretly bribed the acting sheriff of Kelda City to buy back some magic crystal guns and guarding equipment in the city. Lord alzas was not short of garrison weapons, but he still felt that he was not safe enough, so he sent a rescue letter to Chen Kai. Unfortunately, Chen Kai can’t help the first aboriginal nobleman who asked for help from himself, thus establishing his prestige in the whole Huguodi because of himself.
Although the overall strength of Berkner Town belongs to the most powerful in the whole Hugo collar, ll still has a short board. This short board is that ll is not a hereditary aristocrat and has no way to enfeoffment, so he can’t attract a large number of indigenous strong people to serve him. Even if he has money, he can’t stop hiring thugs to deal with the Zall J and NG ghost killers. No matter how many players there are, the most important thing is to send food. The number of Zall J and NG ghost killers in Berkner Town is very large, and his strength is far greater than that in Tieqi Town at the moment. Or at dusk, those drow j: ng spirits are much stronger. Will don’t know if he was stared at by a big boss in drow j: ng spirits. When he stayed alone and walked out of the Lord’s House, he was faced with a dozen drow j: ng ghost killers who were assassinated and instantly fell to the ground. Those soldiers lost their lives without seeing each other’s faces clearly. If it weren’t for Drake, they would really hang up once.
In this case, let alone let Chen Kai send reinforcements. He really hopes that his troops can come to save him quickly. Unfortunately, at this head, his troops are searchijīng for those drow J and ng ghost killers in the town, and they don’t know that their Lord has been attacked. Lord alzas wants reinforcements, which is almost impossible because Chen Kai is in danger at the moment.
Of course, compared with ll itself, Lord alzas, the shadow slayer in the city, has just been cleared. He found that a greater threat appeared in front of himself. For more than 3,000 black-horned tauren, nearly 2,000 drow J and NG spirits appeared outside Beihu Town. For alzas, he didn’t understand anything. These drow J and NG spirits would stare at him for 5,000 troops and could almost crush his soldiers. What surprised him most was that he actually saw two casters flying in robes. Can make the flying caster that is absolutely very high-order, but on the ground, the caster has a unified pronoun, that is, a * * division is very strong. When the caster reaches the * * division level, he is completely divorced from the normal combat professional. For the caster, it is just a * * division mage, that is synonymous with nuclear bombs, just like Chen Kai, who encountered such a cow in the underground world. The division can release extremely horrible taboo spells and instantly cover a range of hundreds of meters. Facing such a nuclear bomb level, even the lowest holy order will be honored after the root of the ordinary melee holy order can’t fight the caster to reach the holy order. Because in the eyes of ordinary people, the * * division is synonymous with the holy area mage.
Only those who have reached the odd level or are close to the odd Lord level can be qualified to confront a * * The teacher can really see the attack degree of the opponent’s attack with high-order spells, but the odd-level warrior is very rare in the strong in the big Lord level sanctuary, and it is even less. Actually, the people who can be called by the Lord or the big Lord are extremely abnormal. In the base, they can fight a hundred, but they are more than a few orders. Even after they advance to the sanctuary, they can fight against some demon lords in physical combat power and get the title suffix of Lord. Generally speaking, they can be crowned by a certain Lord. People with demon blood or strong blood, such as Chen Kai, who was born in Adolik Town, have the title of Lord. This Lord is not only because he is the Lord of Adolik, but more importantly, he is stronger than fighting capacity.
There is no strong Lord in Beihu Town, but there is a Lord in alzas, whose fighting capacity is almost inversely proportional to his waistline. There is a beer belly. Lord alzas even needs help to climb a war horse. How high is the fighting capacity? Let’s not talk about it. He can cram himself into an armor and tie the two steel plates to the protective equipment. When he saw two divisions flying in the sky in Chengtou, the whole person almost didn’t plant on the wall. Fortunately, his entourage dragged him back when he reacted, and then protected him before the fireball of Zall J and jīng wizard swept over.
In alzas, the Lord was less than a minute away from the wall, and the timid Lord climbed back again because he knew that if he escaped from those soldiers, he would not fight hard. Although Lord alzas was very timid, he insisted on staying in the city head and watching the soldiers launch magic crystal guns and attack the Zall J: ng spirit mage crazily in the distance even though he was almost afraid of peeing his pants when he died.
A road of glittering and translucent light kills people. It is not a magical world battle, but a cosmic war in reality. It is not a magic crystal gun light, but a laser cannon installed on a ship in reality.
But for Lord alzas, he still thinks that the magic crystal gun is not dense enough, and the beam power is not strong enough. If not, in what day, the two Zall J and jīng spirit * * divisions didn’t fall, but quickly rose to join the battle. When the first fireball crossed the distance of nearly a kilometer and exploded in Chengtou, the battle in Beihu Town officially broke out, and thousands of players stayed in Beihu Town. At that moment, they received a unified decree to defend the town.
Of course, for these players, they are willing to join the battle even if they are not forced by the system. Although Lord alzas is timid, he is still very generous. At this time when he wants to save his life, he has given 50 gold coins to every player who participates in the battle and killed a black-horned minotaur. Even the ordinary reward amount is as high as 500 gold coins. Lord alzas almost saved his life, but it is a pity that no amount of money can change the dilemma of insufficient troops in Beihu Town.
Although the total number of troops in Beihu Town added up to more than 15,000, when the overwhelming monsters behind the drow J τ ng spirits appeared, everyone felt that the soldiers on the wall were a little less. Although the total number of residents in Beihu Town was close to 10,000, not everyone was suitable for fighting. Some people chose to escape to the water after hearing the J τ ng bell ring. In Sevanto, a large number of fishing boats soon appeared in this great lake, and people were crawling with packages on their backs.
It is precisely because of these fleeing residents that the morale of the soldiers fighting together in Beihu Town is not very high. In addition, suddenly there is a dark wall of monsters, and the phenomenon of desertion appears. At this time, the former Lord alzas suddenly got up, pulled out his waist and sword and slashed a soldier who tried to escape.
"Don’t escape! The horse will have reinforcements! Baron Berkner is on his way. Do you want the men in Beihu Town to be laughed at? " Lord alzas’s voice is not loud, but I don’t know if he is too scary to hold a bloody weapon or if his escape phenomenon suddenly stops because of his words. Although the soldiers didn’t turn to fight, they still quietly stayed where they seemed to be waiting for Lord alzas to get to the wall first.
In the face of such a situation, even if Lord alzas is afraid that he can bite the bullet and rush to the wall personally, āo, a crossbow is used to send a crossbow, and a thick crossbow with one arm is inserted into the black-horned tauren camp at a rapid speed. I don’t know if it’s lucky that Lord alzas’s attack directly exploded a tauren squad leader’s head, and the bloody arrow penetrated from the other side’s eyes and then came out through the skull.
The first volume Chapter 223 Death unknown movement (5)
Ask for recommendation! Please click! Ask for a collection! Ask for a ticket!
I am the section āo dividing line.
For Lord alzas, the Lord of Beihu Town, tonight is destined to be the most fearful and painful day of his life. The wall of Beihu Town, which has been built for thousands of years, smells burnt in the fire. It is caused by the burning of the wall body and the trap of the wall has already been filled with mud.
When there are two * * divisions in the Zall J: ng spirit, everyone knows that it is difficult to hold the city. Although the whole Hugo lords have the ability to buy magic gems to attract spellcasters because of Berkner Town, that is, the abyss of Chen Kai gems, especially the convenient waterway transportation in Beihu Town where Lord alzas is located makes Beihu Town a favorite place for adventurers and spellcasters in the northern territory. Although it is not very safe to plug into the lake, it takes much faster to travel by boat than to walk on land.
In Beihu Town, there is a passenger ship dedicated to the lakeside town in the northern territory. It is a huge ship with a length of more than 40 meters. The ship can be full of 100 people to and from Lakeside Town in one day. If the monthly cargo ship is added, the number of ships from Beihu Town to and from Lakeside Town will be even more.
Because of the busy business with Lakeside Town, there are many spellcasters in Beihu Town. However, most of the spellcasters are low-level, which means a ninth-order spell tutor at the highest level. Because it is impossible for most * * teachers to come to Beihu Town to buy materials themselves, even if they will go to Huguodi in person, they will go directly to Berkner Town to buy first-hand ore that has just left the mining area instead of second-hand gemstones here in Beihu Town.


Running back to Jiuchong’s front, the venerable man of Luohan Palm Hall, a beast that has already turned into a method, made a standard bow ceremony to Jiuchong.

Jiuzhong said to the venerable master in charge of the temple, "Learn to bark like a dog!"
"Want want! !” Lohan, a method beast, was obedient and learned to bark at dogs.
Jiuzhong looked at the remaining 14 arhats. "If you want to commit crimes in the old hands, you will be told to eat shit!"
“……! !” The remaining 14 arhats are desperate, and the arhats want them to eat shit … This demon king is definitely the devil!
"Now there are want to run again ~? !” Nine heavy smilingly asked
"Mm-hmm …! !” The remaining fourteen arhats shook their heads like rattles.
"In a row! !” Nine heavy one makes fourteen arhats quickly climb into a word and lie down in front of nine heavy ones.
Nine fingers lay on a row of 14 arhats and said to Xia Dongdong, "Let’s have a look at Dongdong." !”
Xia Dongdong came to the team to watch and check the 14 arhats one by one, stepping on their arms and legs, pinching their meat and nodding. "Uh-huh, the quality of this * * standard is really good, not the kui is ten arhats! Although the quality is not as good as the body of the Tibetan king, the victory is alive! "
Xia Dongdong seems to be a pig-raising professional who went to the city to pick up the little pigs and repeatedly pulled them back and forth. It seems that Lohan with long eyebrows is pulling his eyebrows as long as two ribbons. "Aye, aha, this eyebrow toughness is really good. Lao Li asked me to rebuild a rope material for him to catch a hundred hands. It’s coming to the door! Hehe, not bad, not bad ~! !”
After seeing Luohan with long eyebrows, he came to a man and touched the golden blood on his head. "Alas, this blood is also a rare good thing. The most valuable thing is that it is still active and fresh, which can definitely greatly improve the success rate and attribute value of the refiner!"
I was very satisfied after a trip to summer, winter and winter. "Boss, this batch of * * marks is really great!"
"If it’s good, you can take it all away!" Jiuzhong laughed. "Hey … this is a renewable resource. You want them to make contributions from their brothers!"
"Boss, rest assured that they will definitely do their best in my hands!" Xia Dongdong patted his chest and said, "Eh, but … since they are ten arhats, it’s a god np. I guess they can blow me off in one breath! I am worried that I can’t control them! "
Jiuzhong patted Xia Dongdong on the shoulder and said, "Don’t worry that these bald donkeys have been poisoned by me. They will be slightly disloyal to you …!" Jiuzhong pointed to his eyebrows. "I Xiaoyu will feel that I will immediately put them on the spot!"
After saying that, Jiuzhong turned his head and looked at the 14 arhats. "You can hear my words clearly. You colleagues should also see who wants to try the French, just try it!"
"Mm-hmm …! !” Fourteen arhats perform rattle again.
Jiuzhong waved his hand. "Come on, Dongdong, take them away!"
"Where are we going?" Dongdong scratched his head. "This is the boss. You don’t seem to have a way out of ten levels of hell, do you? !”
"Yes, but Yuer has the key … forget it, let me give you a ride!" With these words, Jiuchong rolled up Xia Dongdong and 14 arhats started the fixed-point delivery function of sending ring bodies and sent them back to Dongdong Weapons Store.
"I have to leave in advance!" Liu Xia Dong Dong and 14 arhats Jiuzhong have a teleport and returned to the tenth floor of hell.
Coming out of the tenth floor of hell, a ring closes the virtual door to start the ghost to hide the stealth effect first, and then Jiuzhong teleports out according to the coordinates recorded by hand without the door of the Lohan Hall directly starting the ring sending function.
Come outside and take out the map. According to the map, it says, "Well, go to these three bald donkey dens first and then do it later!"
Immediately, the nine heavy bodies rushed straight to Donglai Temple.
With the exact location, it will be boring to find it. Jiuzhong went straight to Donglai Temple and arrived at the place in less than half an hour.
When I came to Donglai Temple, I saw the unique architecture of Donglai Temple from a distance. The whole temple was carved by a whole golden mountain peak. It was full of golden light and the garden was full of splendor.
It is more like a perfect art than a building.
The people with the highest incense in Donglai Temple are much more lively than the Luohan Temple where the Ten Luohan is located. It is really true that people have to throw dead goods than goods.
Nine heavy didn’t intend to show action immediately, ready to go around first, and then looked outside Donglai Temple, and then left for Randeng Temple.
It was more than half an hour before Jiuzhong came to Randeng Temple to overlook the whole of Randeng Temple.
Compared with the resplendence of Donglai Temple, this Randeng Temple looks mediocre. Many of the whole temples don’t have much gorgeous decoration. The most striking decoration is the golden lanterns all over Randeng Temple.
Randeng Temple is like the sun, and these thousands of golden lanterns are like planets revolving around Randeng Temple in a specific trajectory.
Although it is not as imposing as Donglai Temple, it is filled with a deep and solemn atmosphere that is daunting.
"Well …!" Jiuzhong nodded thoughtfully and left Randeng Temple and set off again for the last temple, Tathagata Buddha, who sits at the top of Lingshan Mountain-Da Lei Yin Temple.
An hour later, Jiuzhong finally arrived at the foot of the Da Lei Yin Temple, but before he could wait to see the scene of Da Lei Yin Temple, he was attracted by the roar of an angry beast at the entrance of Da Lei Yin Temple.
Chapter three hundred and seventy Ten Golden Hair Shout
? Jiuzhong followed the roar and turned his head to look over and saw an animal "Net" tied to a row of glazed Tianzhu on the right side of the gate of Da Lei Yin Temple.
This animal has golden hair and looks like a lion. It has ten faces, ten faces with different expressions, such as crying, laughing, angry, sad, cute or mean. It has ten pairs of eyes with different colors, such as purple, white, gold, blue and so on.


After the three lines of the ghost emperor, the demon nine and the ghost brake, the battle scene became a little cold and cheerless, and the letter geek smiled at the ghost emperor and said to himself, "If you say something nice and want to continue to brush the monster, you can continue to brush it. How can we brush it when you walk three times?"

The geek here just finished, and then I saw the No.2 treatment in the team coming over, wearing a white doctor’s robe and a light doctor’s id. Then I listened to the gust and asked the geek in a low voice, "Hey, what do you say the bosses are? How do you know that so many people won’t be workers in the God Enterprise Department? And that Mu Feng also knows that so much is too great? "
The alphabet geek smiled and glanced at the gust. Although this guy’s name is nice to hear the gust, it is not a good person. Thinking about the alphabet geek, he replied, "I can tell your boss that they are not the employees of the enterprise department, because those employees are all recorded in the database. Secondly, how can they enter the game if they are not awesome? Because it’s the boss’s office, they’re all awesome! White? "
"It’s not white …" The gust of wind answered like a rattle.
"Well … it’s not a waste of time to go back and continue to think about going to sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow." Speaking of the letters, the geek packed the package and prepared the line. Listening to the letters and the gust of wind telling the theory of the head, the negative and residual red puppets couldn’t help laughing, but at the same time they were wondering how the ghost emperor was in reality.
Demon Jiu and Ghost Brake have always been on the same line as Ghost Emperor. It seems that the three of them should have been following Ghost Emperor for so long. What they usually do is always following Ghost Emperor’s orders. As time goes by, they feel more and more mysterious. They always know too much knowledge about game scenes.
Even some games are going to be updated. It’s really strange that the ghost emperor can know before. It’s inexplicable to think that a few people should not think about the problem. Don’t think about it. Just play the game with peace of mind. This is what the ghost emperor once said to himself and others …
See the ghost emperor there people have line Mu Feng side also feel about the same, are also tired and tired, negotiating after this wave of strange people is also ready to line.
"Mu Feng adds 10,000 points to reward me, so I can exchange a god-class super-god-class equipment. What do you say I exchange?" Rain glass gathered around Mu Feng and asked sweetly that she hoped that this matter would be decided by Mu Feng.
Chapter 726 Ji Yue weapons
Mu Feng couldn’t help laughing and answering "Tell me where you need to change your equipment now, and I’ll give you a reference" when I heard that Yuli’s integral is about to raise 50,000 yuan.
"Well, the armor position, the belt position, the leggings position, the necklace and the other ring all feel bad. They all want to change positions and let you make up your mind. I listen to you." Rain glass laughed and said that the weapon she didn’t change her mind and the spear she killed was already very good. Thought of this, Rain glass felt a faint sweetness in her heart because these were all typed by Mu Feng.
"Well, you send me all these equipment, let me have a look …" Mu Feng thought for a while and said that Yuli Ma did what he wanted to change a few pieces of equipment. After a minute, Mu Feng got the answer and then listened to Mu Feng.
"Armor and leggings and rings. I think you don’t want to change them for the time being. They are all good, that is, belts and necklaces have to be changed. So you can change necklaces and then you hunter belts. Let’s come early. I’ll go to the auction house and the market to stroll around and buy you a belt. What do you think of Yuli? "
"Well, I’ll listen to you." Yuli answered with a smile. After solving the problem of changing equipment for Yuli, the rest of the blame was also brushed. After finishing the final cleaning work, Mu Feng and others bid farewell to the agreed line at 9: 30 in the morning, but when Mu Feng and Yuli agreed, they went to Yuli to find belt equipment half an hour before 9: 00.
The night was so quiet. Mu Feng woke up at about 10: 00 the next morning and had breakfast. At that time, when he arrived at 50 minutes, Mu Feng, Ji Yue, Yi Jian Chuan Xin and Mad Niu needed to wait for a while for the rain glass, but Mu Feng found that the rain glass was online.
"Hello, Yuli, where are you? I’m online." Mu Feng asked Yuli to send a message.
"Well, you waited for my horse to come over and talked just now. I went to stroll around the market first." Yuli quickly replied.
When Yuli came to the meeting point, she was stunned, an arrow went through her heart, and mad cows were all there.
"When we chatted together last night, it happened this morning that everyone wanted to change their equipment, so they all came," Mu Feng explained to Yuli.
"Oh, there’s nothing for everyone to have fun with … let’s go to the market or the auction house?" Rain glass smiled and then asked
"Wait, let’s exchange equipment with Yueyue first and then go to the auction house." Mu Feng said that in the chat last night, Mu Feng suggested that Jiyue change equipment.
"oh? Are you ready to change equipment every month? That’s good news, so we can be sure to kill Huang Fuke. Are we going to change weapons? Today? " When Rain Glass heard that Ji Yue wanted to change equipment, she couldn’t help but be curious and repeatedly asked. Listening to Rain Glass, she guessed that Ji Yue wanted to change weapons. Mu Feng couldn’t help laughing. It seems that it is a secret that Ji Yue will change equipment and weapons. It is a secret that one of us can guess and think about it. Earlier, Ji Yue also planned to be a secret.
Hear Mu Feng several people chuckle on her face is not a red angry look at the eyes, three people on her pull doubt rain glass go at that time, she was just talking, I didn’t expect to let these people get caught up, now it’s better to stay away from it.
"Ha ha ….." Nai shook his head and Mu Feng followed.
Ghost Town Lord’s Mansion will soon arrive in Mu Feng. Several people want to go in, but it keeps Ji Yue and Yu Li out. Let the three of them wait outside for them to enter the exchange. Looking at Yu Li and Ji Yue on the same front, Mu Feng is also wondering if it’s really a secret to come to the closet.
A few minutes later, Ji Yue and Yu Li came out of the duke’s house. Both of them were cheerful. Look at the expression. It seems that they have changed their hands and equipment. Mu Feng quickly looked at Ji Yue’s hands or the original weapons. So these two people are really going to keep themselves and others’ appetite.
"Hey, what kind of weapon is Yueyue?" An arrow through the heart is the first to meet and go out and ask Ji Yue
"Well, I like it when I exchange it for a very good piece of equipment." Ji Yue replied with a smile to an arrow. From Ji Yue’s smile, Mu Feng felt that Ji Yue was very excited at this time, and she also said that this equipment was really good.
"Hey, hey, since Yueyue is a good equipment, let’s share it with everyone. Let’s take a look and never tell others that your secret is still a secret." Crazy cow also smiled and said to Jiyue.
"No, this month, I said I would give you a surprise, and then I will send you the equipment information. Now I can tell you that this equipment can greatly improve the healing effect of the moon and increase the treatment for additional spells. I can tell you so much." Yuli waved her hand at the mad cow and looked at Mu Feng at the same time
"Wind, what do you think we need to let the month change new weapons in this battle? We have two teams but we have to deal with three boss. Ji Yue and I just discussed whether this battle is based on the original weapons? "
Seeing that several people’s eyes are fixed on themselves, Mu Feng is also a little hesitant. After thinking for a few minutes, Mu Feng said, "Isn’t this also a replaceable weapon in the battle? So, Ji Yue, you just listen to my command and I say that you will change it if you don’t say anything, so that you will always put it in the object column?"
"Ok, just do it. I’ll listen to you," Ji Yueqing replied. "And I think that in today’s challenge, they will not necessarily make them change their weapons."
After Ji Yue’s equipment problem is solved, it’s time to buy a belt for Yuli. Looking at all kinds of belt equipment in the auction house, Mu Feng is all eyes-catching, but looking left and right is always dissatisfied. Most of the equipment in the auction house is medium equipment, and occasionally it can’t get into the eyes of Mu Feng and others
"Hey, Master, why did you visit the market?" Passing through an auction market in Mu Feng, a doctor wearing a green robe suddenly said to Mu Feng in surprise when passing through Mu Feng.
Mu Feng heard someone ask him, and he couldn’t help but stop staring at Mu Feng, a guy with a small beard. "Who are you? We help? " At present, this guy has no name, no gang and nothing to hide.
"Well, I’m sorry, Wang. I’m hiding from the team. Hey, hey, but I’m really our deserted temple. My name is handsome Xiao Hu. You can find that I’m the second group among the gang members. Please believe me." Xiao Hu was embarrassed to say that his attitude was very sincere and respectful.
I don’t care much about whether Xiao Hu helps Mu Feng himself, but he is a little confused about this team being formed. What are the names of the teams and gangs hidden?
Chapter 727 The gust of wind
Seeing Mu Feng’s doubts, Ji Yue gently gathered around Mu Feng and said, "Now the contradictions among various gangs in the game are so deep that some players who don’t want others to know their names and gangs can set up a team system. Players can organize teams without names and gangs. In the team, everyone can’t see each other’s information except life and magic, but once they leave the team, players can display their names and gangs again."


Chapter 625 Sky blue

"Lu Zhan, that move you just made was so handsome. I was worried that they wouldn’t let you direct it. Now it’s really interesting that Tianlan gave Mo Li a fight. I wanted to give them a lesson a long time ago. You don’t know what Priestess of Death and Mo Li’s face has become. It’s just pig liver color."
When the meeting was over, Xiao Shengjiang whispered beside Lu Zhan
Although the sound is small, it is hard to hide the excitement in my heart.
"Yes," even Zhang Xi smiled.
Lu Zhan nodded with a smile. This is the first step he has to take. If he wants to win, he can’t let Mo Li command. This has been done, but more needs to be done later.
Because it was not aimed at Priestess of Death Lu Zhan and he didn’t make any obvious mistakes, he was not afraid that General Manager Wu would force the system against him, but it would be very difficult for the team to have two games left after the contradictions became public.
"The key is whether this sky blue can command him. What if he doesn’t command well?" Xiaoshengqiang asked a little.
"Just ask others." Lu Zhan glanced at the corner of the corridor where a teenager was waiting.
He knew that Tianlan would definitely take the initiative to find him.
Lu Zhan asked Xiao Chengjiang and Zhang Xixian to go back to the room, and he came to the sky blue himself.
"Lu Zhan …" Sky blue looked up at Lu Zhan awkward.
"Didn’t you play the tablet? What have you been playing recently?" Feeling a little embarrassed, Lu Zhan started from other places.
"Just playing some small games" Tianlan scratched his head.
"Lu Zhan, I came to the Star Race because I was chosen by the fans. I can’t command," Tianlan continued
Tianlan’s implication is that I’m here to make soy sauce.
Before the fact was passed, he showed that he was really holding a soy sauce mentality.
No matter what the situation is, when Lu Zhan sees Tianlan, his hand is either holding a mobile phone or a tablet, even when he walks.
"Is the speed of mobile game opponents high?"
Lu Zhan suddenly asked in an absent-minded way that he didn’t play many mobile games, but he played fruit cutting and ninja raid on the internet on his own, and he also played everyday flying and cool running without delving into it.
"Well, puzzles need brains, but most of them still need hand speed." Tianlan nodded.
"Have you cut the fruit? I want to have a look, "said Lu Zhan sincerely to him.
"Cut the fruit …" Sky Blue hesitated for a moment and finally took the tablet out of her pocket.
Like Lu Zhan, because the mobile phone system has become a display place, he didn’t bring his mobile phone with him, but he carried the 7-inch tablet with him
Lu Zhan was a little surprised to see him take out the flat plate in the same tomato scrambled egg clothes, only to find that his clothes should be modified by himself and specially made a flat plate pocket.
"This is much more inseparable from the tablet!" Lu Zhan shook his head and took his tablet from him.
Sky blue has adjusted the interface of cutting fruit.
Cut in normal arcade mode within a limited time
Lu Zhan looked at the sky blue record and it was 125 points. He was brewing an emotional point.
When he received it, his fingers slid quickly on the screen, and apples, pineapples, bananas and other fruits were cut off quickly by him.
Sometimes we wait for combo, but every combo is an accurate hit.
Lu Zhan scored 112 points at the end of his hand speed with only one finger.
"worse than your record" Lu Zhan shook his head.
Even so, the sky blue around him is full of surprises.
You know, arcade mode will judge people when it reaches a high score. He scored more than 12 points by accident and has never broken it since.
Lu Zhan didn’t produce a lot in that game just now, but he still scored a thousand points.
"Very strong. Did you often play before?" Sky blue asked.
"Occasionally," Lu Zhan replied sincerely.
Sky blue nodded. He knew that Lu Zhan didn’t have to lie to himself and said that if he played occasionally, he wouldn’t be a frequent player.
It is not surprising that the game is an interactive land show, which can play League of Legends so well and other games well.
"It’s a pity that there is no record," Lu Zhan said again.
"It’s already very good." Sky Blue took her tablet and cut it immediately.
When the time came, he scored 9 points. Even he couldn’t have scored a thousand points every time.
"Come again!"
Sky blue is over 1000 this time again, but there is still no land-breaking score.
"Come again!"
Unconsciously, Tianlan fell into his own mode. After playing seven games in a row, he finally scored more points than Lu Zhan.
However, there is still a gap between this score and your abnormal record.
After playing so many games for more than ten minutes, he realized that he had just been so immersed in it that he forgot to have Lu Zhan around.
"If I didn’t guess wrong, you have been playing mobile games, which is also a record!" Lu Zhan didn’t care about his neglect
"Yes" sky blue nodded.
"That’s right. For me, Star Race means that I want to hit the record. I think it should also be your record. How about Mo Li’s command? I think you know in your heart that he can’t do it. You have come to realize this record and prove that you can fight!" Lu Zhan said
As soon as the words were finished, Lu Zhan patted Tianlan’s shoulder and left him there, staring straight back to his room.
Sky blue has been thinking about the landing exhibition with a tablet in his hand.
"I record …"
Tianlan remembered his high school days when tablets were not so popular, but he also kept his mobile phone with him.
From snake eating to cutting fruit, he has always been the strongest player in the class.
For him, the game in his hand is another life.
League of Legends is actually as important as mobile games, but it is not glory for him to play as a hobby.
In the Yuege team, he is not the absolute core, but it is the most important part of the early band rhythm, otherwise he will not be selected by fans because of his brilliant performance.
In lpl, he can enjoy the game with his teammates, but the atmosphere of the star team is obviously not suitable for him.
He has been playing his own game, regardless of his teammates until Lu Zhan pulled him out today.
"Not if I want to. I can’t break the record."
Lu Zhan’s words benefited Tianlan a lot. He took out the tablet again and challenged his own record in that year.
But at this time, his mentality has become good enough.
Chapter 626 The third European team
The star team didn’t train all day because of mutual trouble.
Lu Zhan didn’t even see Mo’s roommate burning the night without seeing anyone in one day.
Nai Lu Zhan has to play Europe with Xiao Chengqiang.
The location of the hotel in Paris, the organizer of the competition, requires that each room must be equipped with two brains so that their brains are enough.


"The more I think about relaxing, the more difficult it is to extricate myself. I was too serious before. Maybe I just relaxed a little when I was with Bud …"

Looking up at the stars, he murmured, "I want to fight against the sky, but I should laugh more after fighting …"
Go ahead, he patted his forehead with a slight smile. "Well, I should think about how to beat them …"
The next day, at Baiye’s initiative, they played the game again. Because of his clumsy body, Baiye’s many ideas didn’t work. He simply made the three people laugh in the most stupid way, especially Mu Shuang, but in the end, Baiye won. Looking at the three people with a depressed face, it was Baiye’s turn to laugh. His smile was very carefree and comfortable, and it was from his heart.
The first five Taoist meetings
When the Daohui Day arrived early and before dawn, Gu Shu took Baiye and them to a special venue for holding Daohui.
They live in the east of the island now, and it’s a worry for the crowd to find the wrong direction all the way.
At that time, in a very large place, all the people came together in groups. When a touch of red appeared in the eastern sky, their feet moved and cracked like an earthquake, but no one panicked.
The cracked ground gradually flew up, and it didn’t take long for the sects to rise to the sky. Everyone was floating up, and the ground was dragging and floating at half height and low, reflecting the glow of the east, which made people look dizzy.
"This is much more interesting than any field …" Baiye looked around and was also very interested in floating on the ground.
Mu Shuang, Luo Shu and Yang Jie are all attending the Daohui for the first time and seeing such a spectacular scene for the first time. Mu Shuang is a little excited and his face turns red.
In a short time, half the sun appeared in the eastern sky, and at the same time, seven rays of Xiaguang flashed in the higher sky, and gradually people saw the Xiaguang. Others were the seven most powerful sects in the eastern region: Nine Temple, Zhanyuan Sect, Heaven Cave in Heaven, Lingyun Sect, Qianchen Sect, Tianyinzong Sect and Xinghai Sect.
There are no rules on the uneven ground, but it rises at will, but there are rules on the height of the seven sects in the height. The location of the seven doors of the Nine Halls is high in the host location of Xinghai Expo, and the other five doors are floating at the same height.
The sunrise in the east has risen, and the aura is surging around the venue, so that everyone can feel a kind of quiet and profound power.
Seeing the venerable person walking a few steps higher than the colorful clouds in the Temple of Nine Clouds, he said, "You Taoist friends have lived for 50 years, and I hope that you will follow the same path again and again. You will realize the Daoism and achieve extraordinary achievements, especially for young people who have been practicing for a short time and have little knowledge. Don’t miss the opportunity this time!"
At this point, all the other people responded with a gift, and then the elder Xinghai also came out. The elder is a dignified and generous woman with an unusually beautiful appearance, and her voice is also floating all over the world. "Xinghai’s rotation will be proper, and if there is anything wrong, please ask Haihan!"
After listening to the lingering sound, there is another person in the colorful clouds where Xinghai is located, not a woman, but an imposing man with a hairy face.
"There have been some changes in the rules of this Taoist meeting. In the past, the competition was higher than the competition. Otherwise, we need to compete with the top ten. These ten people need to be rewarded again. When the time comes, we will announce the rewards. Now, everyone has their own plans to look at their own crystal cards!"
After all, there was a rumble around the venue, and ten larger pieces of ground rose to the middle. Obviously, the real competition should be held on that surface.
At the same time, in front of each piece of land, that is, in front of those sects, a glittering and translucent jade card appeared.
"Mom, what is this?" Excited Jose double asked, pointing to the slap big jade brand
"Look!" Gu Shu ordered a jade card.
Jade brand light immediately condensed into a few words in the book-seventy-seven!
"What do you mean by’ seventy-seven’?" Luo Shu asked
"There are hundreds of sects here, big and small, so it’s natural to arrange them with a number!"
When Yang Jie heard this, he asked, "Then can our glazed school rank in the 77th place?"
Gu Shu smiled and shook his head and said, "This crystal card is a means to occupy the Yuan school. The numbers are not arranged but randomly generated. If you do it again, it may become a’ hundred’ or a’ one’!"
Yang Jie looked depressed after listening, and suddenly Mu Shuang cried again, "What’s that, Mom?"
I saw a few little people flying from the sky, all of them were five or six-year-old children, handsome in appearance, small and exquisite in red shorts, and they couldn’t tell the difference between men and women.
"That’s the Qianchen school doll!" Gu shudao
Mu Shuang’s eyes were wide open as a cute little child flew in front of him and grandma said angrily, "Liuli Island Liuli Pie, please accept it!"
Gu Shu’s finger gently touched a child’s face on his forehead to show a lovely smile.
"Empress, what does he do?"
"Naturally, the Taoist priest will wait on us and tell him not to look at him if there is anything we need to do. He is no worse than you guys!"
"Master, is he alive?" Yang Jie asked
"Thousands of dolls are naturally made by machine!" Gu Shu face a look of regret.
Baiye watched Bai Qianchen’s sect in the East, and its means was that these puppets all knew that they had declined in Nai Liuli Sect. Several younger brothers only knew that they had never seen this doll in practice!
"Aunt to what are we going to do? When will it be compared? "
Gu Shu looked at the doll and said angrily, "You have at most one hour to prepare the venue and I will take you there."
"Then take us first!" Gu shudao
The dolls nodded and flew straight ahead with white leaves, and their feet and ground followed. Soon they came to a piece of land, and the situation was clear at a glance.
"This setting is really high, unlike the back and forth, far and near, and there are many shortcomings. Now the world is clearly visible!" White leaves are constantly thinking about a lot of things in their hearts.
"You don’t have to sit at will!" Gu Shu smiled and said to everyone
"When is it okay for the mother to compete with who is the first?" Mu Shuang looked at the venue with his eyes open.
The doll next to him said, "There is still one wick of incense, and the road will be more formal!"
Gu Shu also said, "If you don’t play this game until the end, you will have to make great efforts if you have a referee’s referendum every half an hour, otherwise you will lose if you still hide it when it arrives!"


The player opened his eyes again and said, "Base?"

"well! This is a large military base where tens of thousands of people live, and the geographical location is relatively remote. There will be no zombies coming from the base, and there will be a lot of food, medicine, energy and weapons … so you don’t have to worry about health problems, "Long Zhi said." And there are a lot of retired soldiers and mercenaries who help out to catch zombies to do experiments … By the way, I can stay here very safely and finish daily. "
"Oh! Speaking of daily, your state will be eliminated … "Long Zhi paused here and said," By the way, what kind of danger did you encounter to get to this point? "
"In fact, it’s nothing but saving two people before. They can help. I didn’t expect to help …"
"Oh!" Long Zhi asked, "What’s your name?"
"Don’t come back at night!"
Long Zhi blinked at the name.
Don’t come back at night and ask, "Do you know me?"
"How can you not know the Milky Way without the throne!" Long Zhi paused for a moment to come in and listen to the report while watching the night … After hanging up, he smiled and said, "You said that two women seem to be here!"
"Oh!" I don’t want to be specific when I don’t come back at night, but when the two women came, I said very frankly, "I came to ask them to pick me up with a floating car. I didn’t expect them to directly hit me with a floating car."
"I know they want to see you, but let’s talk about Lu Yaxing first. How much do you know?" Long Zhi shifted the topic back.
"Not much. I didn’t actually read too much about Lu Yaxing’s history. I got all my knowledge about Lu Yaxing from the game!" Don’t come back at night and say
"Game?" Long Zhi is puzzled.
"Most of the former zombie doomsday games were adapted from Resident Evil, and since the incident of Lu Yaxing, almost all zombie doomsday games have been adapted into Lu Yaxing’s story blue." I said slowly at night, "I have played seven games, and you just said that the problem is really good. All the games adapted from Lu Yaxing are solved by law or are controversial topics."
"What do you mean?"
"Zombie viruses have been destroyed for decades from their appearance to Lu Yaxing’s destruction. I don’t know exactly for decades. This has not been recorded, but the virus has not been solved in these decades. Instead, zombies have appeared one after another, and even a little bit of’ silver’ has been suppressed at the end. There are a lot of silver to suppress zombie viruses." You don’t come back a little bit at night. "You know some people like to pick game thorns. After all, there are many games that use the banner of’ returning to history’ and’ seeking truth’ Once there is a discrepancy between these games and reality, they will be attacked by competitors … The forum has a very detailed introduction to this aspect. "
"And the zombie virus antidote is a problem that has plagued mankind for a long time … Of course, if we had left a part of the virus blue, technology would certainly be able to solve it now. Unfortunately, the zombie virus department was destroyed at that time, and none of it was left. Maybe there was, but no one knows who kept it."
"All those games are based on zombie virus antidote speculation."
"Some of them are more reliable. It is said that virology students say …"
"The first is to get the virus source. The virus source should be able to suck the zombie virus out of the human body."
"The second ancient Chinese acupuncture makes the silver needle pierce hundreds of acupuncture points in the human body and combine high-tech pulse means to force the zombie virus out of the body."
"The third kind of silver is infused into people’s bodies …"
"The fourth is to protect the brain and then let the virus nucleus form in the body and then solve the virus nucleus …"
"The fifth …"
Long Zhi recorded these methods one by one to tell the researchers … But most of these methods are aimed at the living without virus outbreak, not at the zombies that have already broken out and become longer. In this rare case of’ living’, most of them can’t make methods.
However, it is good to finally give some direction to the research.
If you don’t return at night for a while before the arrival of the night, of course, you will be taken care of by Long Zhi and you can’t go out to kill zombies. You can finish your daily work in the base until you don’t return at night and then lead a team to catch zombies. There is a military base with a lot of equipment. Obviously, you don’t need to go out to fight every day. You just have to catch a lot of zombies at one time and put them back.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-four Virus Research Institute!
The player who stays at night is the first to join the base and will never be the last.
Every day, the more battles that are unexpected to all players, even the highest player will encounter difficulties. When the first player joins the military base, there will be a second and a third one … This is related to the military base’s vigorous search and four announcements. Otherwise, no one will know that this military base is with other living players, and they will be able to fight separately until they are eliminated.
In the first year of the daily release, I joined the military base from night till the second year. Before the new daily release, a total of nine players joined the military base … These nine players are all loners, and they all like to stay at night. There is a throne on their planet, or even the throne is not a player who is limited to the throne or who has reached the throne level but has not won the title of throne.
"Water dragon king! I want to ask a question! "
"You ask!"
Wang Longzhi, the waterspout, used a fake code name in this special training … which means that he is very water. Yes, he is very water. His skill has been confirmed by nine players who have joined the military base, even worse than some ordinary people who have never been in a fight. If it is in reality, it may be a physical problem, but in it, it can be a mental and psychological problem. After all, there is absolutely no problem with the role in special training.
"What do you want to wave so much energy in the study of zombie virus antidote? This seems to have no place for us players … It should be more than just to make those people work hard? "
Ask Long Zhi this question. The player is also a throne, not the Milky Way, but Tianma (the forest comes from Pegasus, which is a life planet). The code name is’ Fei’!
Sometimes Lin Zhen doesn’t understand that all these thrones need real code names … Is the name really that important?
"Fly to the throne!" Long Zhi took a look at the nine players sitting opposite him and said, "We know the history now. Lu Yaxing will be stopped outside in 32 years, and the spacecraft will be bombarded indiscriminately … even if we hide in the deep underground, we can still come from the underground."
"You can probably estimate the probability, that is to say, it will still be the same. Without players fighting with players, we will live to 32 years at most … 2 years, 24 months, 2 times, and it will be more than a month."
"Even if this robbery has been hidden for 33 years, Lu Yaxing will be sent to the sun … This is definitely impossible to hide, which means that we will have three years at most."
"If you want to extend this training, there is one way to find a zombie virus solution!"
Long Zhi finished, and everyone was quiet!
They never thought that the idea of Long Zhi was … Of course, the idea actually came from Lin. After all, Lin was a special training and the winner stayed in the scene of the 21st century for more than twenty years.
It’s just an excuse to cheat until these players bring accurate information that Lu Yaxing will be able to do it in 33 years at most … So this excuse suddenly becomes not an excuse, which greatly strengthens the flying throne of the zombie virus research institute and asks Long Zhi such a sentence at this time.
And they never thought that Long Zhi’s idea would be this!
"Water Dragon King, do you think you can live that long in this scene?" Asked the flying throne


Qi Yufeng nodded and immediately saw the blue bricks on his feet and cried and sank more than half an inch.

Ling Huchong immediately exulted, "Come on, let’s try Jianping." Then he put his arm around his shoulder and walked to the back with a smile.
On the way, I met the people around me. Ling Huchong suddenly met Se Yizheng and said, "Thanks to his brothers, there is one more thing. You have to do me a favor."
Qi Yufeng laughed. "But about the Hua Quan Gate."
Ling Huchong nodded. "Yes, it’s quite strange. I want to find out about this Huashan Mountain near Ri Mountain, but you have to stay in the town before."
Qi Yufeng just thought about it and knew that although many people in this mountain got through the governor’s second vein, fencing was far from him. If a master like Yu Canghai came, he should be his opponent except him.
If you go to the poor Huashan Sect, it will be enough. At this time, this growth medicine is in the mountains, but it is difficult for anyone to peek.
When he also face se a grave nodded and said, "well, I remember"
Ling Huchong added, "Then there is Lao Denuo …"
Qi Yufeng had this doubt yesterday. He knew this person was a jiān, and he was fine. Later, I was even more puzzled to see that he actually helped Lao Denuo break through the second pulse of the governor
Ling Huchong sighed, "After all, Lao Denuo stayed in Huashan for more than ten years and asked him not to make any movement. How can I kill him casually? In that case, wouldn’t it be cold for all the younger brothers? I hope everyone will be happy."
Qi Yufeng frowned. "Brother Hu Ling, this woman is kind …"
Ling Huchong waved his hand and said, "When my master dies, the Huashan Sect is lonely and lonely, and all factions in the Jianghu are cold-shouldered. I hope that one day I will recover my Huashan Sect. Lao Denuo is now diligent and kind to Huashan, so I can’t easily punish him."
Qi Yufeng added, "But …"
Ling Huchong looked at Qi Yufeng in a hurry and smiled with interest. "But what?"
Qi Yufeng said urgently, "But what if he tells Zuo Lengchan that we have all improved our skills in this snake soup?"
Ling Huchong touched the Pakistan and mused, "On the tenth day of every month, Lao Denuo Mountain handed the message to Songshan Mountain. He will have a red flower in a tree …"
Qi Yufeng couldn’t help but get a fright and quickly cried, "Do you know all this …?"
Ling Huchong nodded and said, "No, I’m afraid everyone knows that I’m a three-teacher, four-teacher, Gao Gen and six-monkey."
Qi Yufeng collapsed on the spot. What is this? jiān is fine. It is the first failure in history to do such a failure.
When you think about it, he is also aware that these other disciples are laughing and talking with each other. It seems that these people are keeping a certain distance from Lao Denuo in intimacy, and there is both indifference and pity in their eyes.
Ling Huchong sighed, "In fact, when the master was here, he did a perfect job, but our other disciples never found out that it was the crisis of Huashan School three years ago. Everyone helped each other in the same boat, but he showed some flaws at this time and deliberately let us find out that you said it was strange."
Qi Yufeng frowned. "Does he have the intention of taking refuge in Huashan School?"
Ling Huchong shook his head and said, "I don’t know if I have this idea. Huashan School is short of manpower. I hope he can be a monk for a day."
Qi Yufeng bowed his head and said in silence for a while, "But it is a hidden danger for him to go like this after all."
Ling Huchong nodded and then looked up at Qi Yufeng and laughed. "This is why I came to see you this time."
Chapter 5
Ling Huchong and Qi Yufeng spoke for a while, and then they went back to their rooms. When the rest of Huashan brothers saw that Ri’s head was getting higher, they all gave up breakfast and went back to their rooms to sleep.
After turning his room, Qi Yufeng lay high in bed and carefully experienced some changes in his body. If he said that he had done a good job in practicing magic and hanging Yandang Mountain, then now this snake soup has made him have a certain foundation.
Now, his strength and power have increased a lot. Although this bowl of snake soup can’t let him have decades of kung fu skills at once, he also realizes that he should have achieved great success among his peers.
He is lying on his side in bed at this time, but he can feel a burst of fever in the abdomen, and the hot air slowly flows around the governor’s second pulse. If you guide the breath a little and control the running speed of the true qi, you can feel a mass of gas rolling and boiling in the abdomen, slowly growing up and rushing to the top of your head along the body cavity. For a moment, he felt that the hot air seemed to lift the top of your head to come out from scratch, and his mind was clearer than before.
He studied the Yandang Mountain Skill, breathing the true qi into the abdomen, inhaling the true qi into the sea of qi, and breathing for a moment, forming a circulation of supervision. It is not fast to enter the country, and it is not necessary to deliberately seek natural conditions to achieve "breathing * * gas * * to keep the spirit"
At this time, he has to do a little work on the governor’s second pulse, and the acceleration of blood flow is extremely fast and continuous, and there is absolutely no exhaustion. If he practices it, he will gain extremely fast.
However, according to Sanqi, this kind of force is forced by medicine. Although it is strong, strong and overbearing, it may not be solid and mellow. It is not pure yang and righteousness, and it is not a way of keeping in good health. In the past, there was a great warrior whose martial arts were extremely powerful and almost enemy. Unfortunately, he was too persistent in his practice and never died well.
It’s the authentic skill to learn from time to time and let nature take its course and rely on its own potential.
Qi Yufeng thought that he still had a long time to do this, which was a rare situation and would be insatiable? When I think of Sanqi again, he once said that there are four sentences in practicing this skill: thinking rules, forgetting physical weakness, being lucky and dying, being alive and flourishing, and being y and n gone.
To sum up these four sentences … wouldn’t it be best to practice while sleeping?
At this time, his body’s drug power has not completely subsided, and there is still a residual stirring in his bowels. When he leans on his side according to the practice method, he is a city master who is clear and soul-wandering.
At first, he thought about this day, and he still had some thoughts about the ups and downs of Hao, but he gradually thought about the work, breathing, luck, quiet and contemplation, breathing and breathing slowly for a long time, and he felt calm and calm. There was a hot air slowly flowing through all the limbs in Andantian, and soon he snored and fell asleep.
At noon, he didn’t get up for dinner, but he heard that Ling Huchong had already led Gao Gen and Lu Dayou Mountain, so after dinner, he slowly came to Shijianping to watch Lao Denuo guide the teenagers to practice.
Lao Denuo is looking at a group of second-generation brother Zama bu "or horse stance just look at Qi Yufeng walked near and couldn’t help smiling and saying" Brother Qi ".
Qi Yufeng smile happily also said good morning and nodded his head, then put the sword on the side and stared at Lao Denuo’s teaching.
After a while, I heard a young brother say, "My uncle’s leg is sore. Can you have a rest?"
Lao Denuo cried with a straight face. "I have to plunge into the horse for three years to get started. This is the Huashan gate rule. If I violate it, I will be expelled from my master!"
That brother immediately spat out his tongue when he heard this martial uncle pressing people with the door rules, and dared not speak again.
Qi Yufeng observed for a while and found that these younger brothers’ skills were already quite deep. They practiced hard but didn’t lose their chance. I couldn’t help but frown.


Coming out of the ladder, Liu Yichen strode to his office, where Jiang Zhuomu was exposed and shouted, "Jiang Zhuomu, get in here."

I was scared at the door, president. What’s going on?
Jiang Zhuomu came in trembling and dared not come out of the atmosphere before Liu Yichen.
Lu Yichen sat behind his desk and tapped his finger on the face. "Did you find out?"
Jiang Zhuomu looked up and looked at Liu Yichen, who was frightened by his cold eyes and bowed his head hurriedly.
"say it!" Liu Yichen a roar.
His mother’s inexplicable tie made Sue feel so disgusted that he didn’t even take the bus, preferring to take the bus.
Jiang Zhuomu sighed and said, "It’s Miss Yan."
Section 74
"What?" Liu Yichen asked uncertainly if Yan Mumu was not removed.
Jiang Zhuomu raised his head and bravely looked at Liu Yichen. "I checked these three days to monitor the women who entered your office these days, except for the secret, Miss Su and Miss Yan."
Tell me the truth when it’s in front of you.
Liu Yichen’s fingers clenched together and rattled.
This woman provokes him again and again. It’s true that she got a knife for him three years ago and can do whatever she wants.
"Get out."
Liu Yichen got up and walked to the French window and looked at the building like an ant. The crowd mused.
Jiang Zhuomu pushed the door and showed a head. He was really afraid of manager Lu.
It’s like a volcano. It will erupt at any moment, but he has to come in again.
"What is it?" Liu Yichen asked without looking back.
"Manager Lu today is when Miss Su went to the hospital for examination." Miss Su Jiang Zhuomu had to die and wake up.
"got it"
Recommend a new love and old love for the end of the marriage.
Wen is also known as "the second spring of older women"
When Liu Zhuanghe returned from a business trip, he picked up his luggage at the airport and just returned from abroad. Gu Silang took the luggage by mistake and ate at her mother-in-law’s house late. Liu Zhuanghe’s questioning was denied by her husband. Her mother-in-law hoped that her son would divorce her sister-in-law and her brother would marry her.
When I came home to pack my luggage, I found that it was not my own luggage, but my husband misunderstood that she was cheating because there were two dozen men’s boxers in the suitcase besides clothes.
She walked down the street penniless, and when she fell, he picked her up and whispered in her ear, "I will make those who bullied you pay with me."
Since then, she has been entangled with all the women’s dream lovers in this city …
I want to marry Sue.
Too much sugar will make you feel bitter, too much love will make you feel dull.
Sue came into the office at night and saw the soybean milk fritters frowning at the table.
Habit is really a terrible thing. I have become accustomed to eating Lujia breakfast these days. Now I feel greasy when I see fried dough sticks. How can there be millet porridge and exquisite dishes?
Helen pointed to the breakfast and said smilingly, "Lawyer Liu …"
Sue looked at the fritters at night and then at Helen. "Want to eat?"
Helen nodded sharply. God buys it. It tastes different naturally.
"Take it to eat." Then put away your bag and take the USB flash drive to find Liu Anfeng.
Be sure to tell Liu Yang not to buy her breakfast again when you find one.
Knocked on Liu Jingli’s office for a long time, and no one answered Sue’s request. She pushed the door and there was no one in it quietly.
Didn’t Liu Jingli come to class today, thinking that she was a little flustered after answering the phone yesterday?
Back to my seat, Sue took out Su’s plan and studied it carefully.
The desk phone rang and Su Evening picked up "Hello, Su Evening, Lushi Marketing Department. Who are you looking for?"
If you listen to a woman’s formula, your voice is soft and timid. If you don’t see her, you will be a gentle woman.
Remembering that she had pinched her eyebrows "come to my office" for her bash elbows.
Listening to the microphone, DuDu Su despised it.
Knowing that calling her cell phone will stop her from answering the phone and calling the landline directly, this is for personal gain.
Despite her reluctance, Sue took the ladder to the top floor.
In the company, Lu Yichen is the president. How can she not go if the president asks her to go?
Pushing the door, Liu Yichen was answering the phone and saw her pointing to the sofa.
Sue gave the sofa a hiss at night and slightly twisted her eyebrows and didn’t move.
She is sick even to see that sofa now.
Liu Yichen finished talking and saw Sue in the same place. She said nothing, picked up the car keys, grabbed her arm and walked out.
"What do you do when it’s class now?" Sue threw Liu Yichen’s hand away in the evening, and it hurt a little because of the force on her arm wound, but she didn’t say anything.
Liu Yichen sighed, "I’ll take you to the hospital for review." Then she clutched her hand tightly and walked towards the ladder.
After several unsuccessful struggles, Sue finally gave up.
Fortunately, there is no one in the corridor at this time, otherwise the scandal between her and Liu Yichen will fly all over the company.
Sue night feeling or choose to sit in the back seat Liu Yichen gave her a look and said nothing.
Neither of them spoke all the way.
The car stopped at a private hospital. Lu Yichen held the steering wheel without a carriage, but looked in the rearview mirror and said, "That tie was either me or someone did it on purpose to leave us."
Does Sue feel funny at night?
In the company, I know that they are Yan Mumu except Jiang Zhuomu.
He took great pains to protect Yan Mumu.
Liu Yichen knew that Sue didn’t believe it, but he really didn’t know how to explain it.
Say too much, even he himself doesn’t believe it.


However, this knife still scared off the paladins, and they also knew that Lin Tianxie would cut the void again. Where did you know that the root of the blow was Lin Tianxie?

It may be that the second paladin on the left hand side of the paladin leader yelled at the knight’s big sword in one hand and immediately split out a white sword light and went straight to Lin Tianxiao.
The blow Lin Tian Jaken has been to the same sacred blow as Johnson’s skill display at that time!
Lin Tianxie immediately raised his dragon sword to block the blow!
A golden iron hand in singing entered the ears of all!
Hey, hey, hey!
Lin Tianxiao took five steps back to stabilize his body. I didn’t expect the paladin leader to be so powerful!
"How dare you bully my boss? You’re killing yourself!"
At this time, the ghost dragon Xiao Siyi roared his blood and immediately chopped out a scarlet knife, which was very fast and instantly cut to the front of the paladin who attacked Lin Tianxiao!
Chapter 27 Give me death
Blood cut a blow!
I didn’t expect that the ghost dragon Xiaosi learned a big move again after rising to level 4. This blood chop is more powerful than blood chop!
With the scarlet knife gas appearing empty, the pieces were broken and quickly came to the paladin, and a knife mark several meters deep appeared on the ground. This blow was too powerful.
The paladin seemed to feel the power of this blow, and immediately clenched the knight’s sword in his hand and shouted "Holy Cross!"
Brush two swords!
A” firm but gentle straight to scarlet knife gas!
A huge sonic boom entered everyone’s ears followed by a huge ripple!
This ripple is a power ripple, like a sharp machete, and it cuts to someone in the place!
"Not good!"
Lin Tianxiao growled and immediately received five *oss and Ghost Dragon Xiaosi followed the sharp ripple on the spot and instantly cut over Lin Tianxiao’s head and went straight to the bishop and the high priest. At the same time, four paladins were shrouded in it.
Poop, poop, poop, poop!
Sharp ripples directly through the bishop, the high priest and four paladins!
Kabbah kabbah! kabbah! kabbah!
Five times in a row, their sacred defense was broken, and a little white light fell like a star, and finally turned into nothing.
The five people were horrified. It happened so fast. I never imagined that the sacred defense was chopped by sharp ripples in the five-person conjoined body!
Don’t say it’s the five of them, even Lin Tianxiao, with a full face of horror. The defense has not been broken for a long time, and finally it is broken in the blood of Ghost Dragon Small Four and the holy blow of Paladin.
Right now!
Lin Tianxie immediately summoned the five *oss and the ghost dragon small four, and even the summoning creatures were summoned. The five *oss and summoning creatures immediately killed the bishop and the high priest, while Lin Tianxie and the ghost dragon small four still blocked the paladin onslaught.
"rescue the bishop!"
The paladin leader exclaimed again and immediately killed Lin Tianxie and Ghost Dragon Xiaosi!
"Twisted foot!"
Immediately, a vine appeared on the ground and entangled the paladin’s ankle to make them move!
"The wind sprints!"
Lin Tianxiao roared again, and when the four paladins were stopped, they immediately killed the dragon sword in their hands, which flashed past the four paladins like a deadly sickle.
Ghost dragon small four also responded quickly, and immediately met a paladin with blood cut in his hand. Although they were struggling to resist, they were stopped by the body method to move and turn around.
Lin Tianxie and Ghost Dragon Xiaosi specially picked their sore spot to kill the dragon sword and blood chop, and constantly cut through their backs to bring out sparks!
Finally, before the vines disappeared, the paladin’s body armor was smashed by two people and sprayed with blood. Lin Tianxie and Ghost Dragon Xiaosi were covered in it!
Lin Tianxie is also good at ghost dragon small four, but because of blood drenching, she immediately sent Yi Long songs to show her painful look and trembled!
Not good!
Lin Tian evil heart andao because the paladin belongs to the light camp has been baptized by their blood with light properties and drenched by the ghost dragon small four body immediately responded.
"The creatures of the underworld are hateful!"
Ghost dragon small four reaction immediately caused four paladins disgust low curse up and then look at them, they actually appeared a pair of wings!
A pair of illusory wings did not expect that these four paladins could actually conjure wings with their strength so that they could have the ability to fly for a short time.
What people in the light camp hate most is not the freedom alliance, but the dark creatures in the underworld and the underworld. The ghost dragon Xiaosi is the dark place. When the paladin sees the ghost dragon Xiaosi, he will kill it immediately.
"Holy shock!"
At the same time, the four people roared and immediately killed the ghost dragon small four. A slaying momentum emerged from them. It is obvious that they are going to slay the ghost dragon small four.
Lin Tian evil where can let ghost dragon small four hurt immediately took back his pet to follow the Youlong pace skills body instantly appeared beside the bishop and the high priest!
Four paladins lost their targets and immediately became angry, throwing all their grievances at Lin Tianxiao. They turned around and rushed at him.
At this time, the bishop’s high priest’s blood volume has been less than 150 million. Lin Tianxiao took the opportunity to immediately cast the red and green poison and changed the free and unfettered fan!
"The group symbol shoots indiscriminately!"
All three thousand soul fire charms flew to the bishop and the high priest!
Poop, poop, poop!
After a series of explosions, the blood volume of the bishop and the high priest decreased by tens of millions!


However, Jiwu is no match for Yudong after several rounds. The latter has the upper hand with the true spirit of the earth. If there is only one opponent in Yudong, then Jiwu will have no other way to change the final result of failure except to escape as far as possible before exhaustion. However, Yudong was soon trapped by 7,000 seven-yuan warships with extreme cooperation in light, dark, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and Jiwu was kicked away to deal with another star’s true spirit player.

Melee, absolute melee, neither side has an absolute killer. The opponent’s strength is quite equal, and he fights hard to kill, fighting a brave word; The opponent’s strength is asymmetrical. The weak side does its best to show its flexible posture and do its best to use a clever word; Many to one, few to many, both sides spell a word of wisdom. Show the use of comprehensive strength and daily training level.
The moon sinks and the stars fall, and the sun rises. When the habitable planet of the rainforest galaxy ushers in another new day, the battle for vanity is still in full swing.
"What a battle. Brother Xin, do you want to send two Huayuan legions to defeat the team of stars? "
Far away in the void, Tianxin, Tongya, and Seven Elves arrived with the follow-up Yuan Legion.
"No, Yaya, this battle is a good exercise for Chaduc and Jiwu, and it will also be a good promotion for the participating legions." Tianxin looked at the void in the direction of the star country and thought a little tunnel.
The country of the stars is the capital.
"Your majesty. What’s wrong with this? Yudong didn’t fight! " In the bedroom of the Emperor’s Temple, on the high-legged bed of dark black, and on the pink bedding, there is a stunning beauty with graceful rose lips.
Spit out delicate words.
"Caiji, don’t talk nonsense." The main domain of the country is locked in eyebrows. Ignoring the stunning scenery in front of him, he has been watching Star Wars all night here.
"Your Majesty, do you want to transfer the support of the Western Star Guard or the Southern Star Guard? The other party is not good." A beautiful woman in bed passed a different color in her eyes, and a charming face was rich. The voice turned faint.
"I went to court." Domain bully didn’t reply, adjusted her clothes and disappeared.
"Pursuit … this old ghost!" Faint voice a little frustrated.
As everyone knows, the domain bully who was going to the Emperor’s Temple was blown by the morning breeze, and his eyes were cold and electric. "A child is Qing. One adopts Ji, the other is suspicious, and the other is a civilized war that seems to be afraid of loneliness and not invading. This day … "
The imperial palace.
"Your majesty, I tossed and turned all night, and my thoughts were restless. I secretly thought that the pounce was pretty, and its potential was fierce. I prepare two prescriptions for your majesty, one is to communicate with him, know what he thinks, and then consider the countermeasures; Another dose is to appease it with power, so as to show the demeanor of our star country as a big country … "Guo Xiang Chongren said.
"Communication, appeasement?" Domain bully thoughtfully, turned to military minister domain spirit, "what do you think?"
"Your majesty, as ChongGe old said, can talk about it, can’t talk about it. All military officials believe that they should be prepared with both hands! "
"Talk, who will talk about it? Fight, does the military think it can win? " Domain bully majestic tunnel.
"Your Majesty, the old minister led the foreign ministers to talk." Guo Xiang worships benevolence and pleads for mercy.
"You go," Yu Ba’s eyes flashed with strange light, and he almost lost his voice. However, after a while, he nodded, "It’s all right for you to try!"
"The old minister should show his golden tongue and prove for your majesty that the country will be forever solid."
"Go ahead!"
"Domain spirit?" Domain bully thought for a while.
"I am here."
"Do everything possible to protect the capital river system."
Rainforest galaxy
Tong Ya met with Chongren, the country of the star, and his party on the habitable star of Binli. These days, Chaduc and the ten vanguard legions of Jiwu’s men have been fighting with the East of the Star Kingdom, and the two sides have won and lost each other. However, the ten vanguard corps won more and lost less, and the momentum was like a rainbow. After each war, they pushed at least one star system to the countries of the stars. Everyone can see that the front of this army is directed at the capital of the star country, and the star country without natural barrier or incomplete star defense can’t stop this army.
The military is not armed, and it is difficult to speak. At this point, this is precisely the difficulty of Guo Xiang Chongren and his party.
"Chongge is so proficient in the language of the rainforest galaxy. If you want to finish, you should also understand my three-system civilization, and you should also understand why our dispatch troops is here!" After Tong Ya greeted the emissary of the Star Kingdom, he went straight to the point and made a preemptive strike.
"I’m not sure. Can the general elaborate for me?" Chongren haha, in his heart, actually not.
"In that case, the little girl is not much to say. I went to dispatch troops because your country invaded our border and took my people captive. According to our system, your country may lose some territory, and the perpetrators will also face our treatment. "
"Some border people …"
"Wrong, there are no untouchables in our country, only people. Only the people, understand? The interests of the people must not be sacrificed. This is the spirit of the three systems. Therefore, there is really nothing to talk about between our two countries. Our army came here, only taking relevant people, only taking relevant places, and those who have nothing to do should not get involved. "
"But what the general said about related people is also our people and our territory."
"Pavilion old if stubbornly to the national system to carry everything, including fart pests, my army here, to put it bluntly, is to enforce the law. In addition, this general is also straightforward. All colonial galaxies in your country in Canjun Star Domain have the right to develop our three-system civilization. This is the second purpose of our army coming here. Please tell your Lord that these two points are non-negotiable. As long as it is not resolved, our army will continue to March to your capital. "
"The general deceives people too much."
"Really?" Tong Yafeng dew wei, "pavilion old please walk slowly, no matter internal or external, and only take the parties. In the process of holding, all obstructers, no matter who, are extinct. "
"How dare you, General? Can’t you destroy our country if I stand in the way?"
"So what? Everything has a cause and effect, and all troubles are strong." Tongya light tunnel.
"You …"
"Go back and tell your country that my three-system civilization is not irritating, but if someone provokes it, things can’t be solved, and the three-system counterattack will never stop, one year, two years, one hundred years, one thousand years …"
"What?" Chongren stayed, and a bunch of ministers also looked at each other.
"Go, go back and tell your emperor, this is my attitude of three-system civilization. Whether there is a war or not is not ours, but yours. That’s all. Please consider it yourself. In addition, the rainforest galaxy has a pleasant scenery and is happy. You may wish to walk around and have a look at it when you are old and happy. This general is entangled in military affairs, so I won’t stay with him. "
Tongya drifted away, and the fighting spirit of a room was scattered.
"The phase, it is difficult? What should I do? This trip is in vain. " A foreign minister said.
"Nothing, just go back and tell the Lord. Those who come are not good, and those who are good don’t come. I have done my duty as a civil servant, and the next thing is the military. " Chongren laughed, just laughing that ugly, it seems that there is still some anger. He is a country, and the female general just now is too humiliating. No, Jane just didn’t give any face, as if she came here as an envoy to listen to the instructions.
In another building.