
"The loan was successful, and the Ultimate Healing started successfully and gained 30,000 experience points."

Seeing that Dragon Father’s body was quickly wrapped in gentle green light, just like being wrapped in cocoon, his wound was’ fleshy’, and the visible speed was constantly recovering. Soon, his body was broken and quickly closed, and his’ color’ gradually became rosy.
Slowly, the cocoon was broken, and the dragon father returned to normal again. After the successful start of shallow breathing at the tip of the nose, the dragon swims’ essence’ and is instantly’ pumped’ dry. Generally, the whole person leans against the window and feels dizzy.
"Little master, are you all right?" The flattering entity came out, and the whole person looked like a nine-day fairy in a white’ color’ veil.
Longyou shook his head and said, "I’m fine. Go and see my father."
E-mail explored the corners of Long Fu’s mouth with a reassuring smile. "Long Fu has been fine, and the wound has disappeared. But if you don’t prevent it, you still have to send Long Fu to the hospital, otherwise I’m afraid the young master will really be regarded as a monster."
"Yeah, I know." Longyou called King Kong and Xiao Si, who were driving in front, and asked them to drive to a nearby private hospital.
Private hospitals and public hospitals are different. If you want money, doctors will never ask you if you can solve things with money. That is not a problem.
Soon after arriving at the hospital, Dragon Father arranged everything. King Kong and Xiao Si urged Longyou to lose fluids.
Longyou dialed Chloe’s mobile phone to tell everything and let her tell the dragon mother that the dragon father has a fever and the hospital needs to observe it for a few days so that she doesn’t worry.
Chloe said that she knew it for a while and came to visit the dragon father with the dragon mother.
Dragon Father, who has been fascinated, gradually wakes up and always feels that his memory is blank and something is broken.
Looking at the infusion dragon swimming next to him, he said, "Xiaolong, what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with me?"
"Dad, don’t worry, you have a little fever and fainted. Passers-by saw you and sent you to the hospital. I’m fine. I’m just a little dehydrated." Longyou smiled and comforted.
Long Jingui shook his head and said, "I always feel that I have forgotten something. Generally, it may be that people are old and miss their bodies and don’t even know that they have a fever."
"Dad, where are you? You are still in the prime of your life." Longyou said indifferently towards him.
Just as the father and the mother were chatting, the dragon mother came in and saw that the years were full of sadness.
"You two fathers really don’t let me worry. Why don’t you know how to take good care of yourself?" "Mom, dad and I are fine. Don’t be sad." Longyou smiled warmly and comforted his mother.
Chloe hurriedly wiped her tears with a handkerchief. "Aunt and uncle are not all right now. I will help you talk about him when I go back."
Chloe was a little surprised to see the scene of Longyou infusion. Although she didn’t know what happened, she was still’ fine’ when she left. It was ten minutes before she saw her, so she became so worried.
Looking at Chloe’s worried expression, Longyou smiled gently and indicated that she had nothing to do.
"Husband, you and uncle have some water," said Chloe, pouring two glasses of water and handing them to Longyou Long Jingui respectively.
The dragon mother saw Chloe doing this, and the old Huai’ an comforted, "Hey, little dragon mother knows that you are a good boy, but you also take good care of yourself. Do you think you are anxious about Chloe and me?"
"How old are you? You don’t even know how dangerous it is to have a fever." The dragon mother suddenly fell ill and her eyes became moist at the thought of a generation of dependent people.
"It’s okay I this is not ok? It won’t be like this later. You cried so much that the children saw many jokes. "Long Jingui said so, but still handed the handkerchief to the dragon mother."
Seeing this naughty smile, Chloe wanted to ease a sad atmosphere and said, "We won’t joke. It says that uncle and aunt have a good relationship."
The dragon mother patted Chloe’s little head and said, "You’re such a nonsense and you canceled your aunt, aren’t you?"
"Aunt Chloe can’t. Chloe still likes aunt smiling. How beautiful!" Chloe said hurriedly.
Dragon mother smell speech corners of the mouth a slight smile "look at this child this mouth is really sweet"
After Chloe said so, the atmosphere in the ward also became better. Longyou’s eyes looked at her tenderly and found that she was hiding in her heart.
"Chloe, I promise you that I will take good care of myself every time." Longyou swore to heaven without an infusion hand.

Chapter 193 Anger
Longyou returned to the yellow wine bar after transfusion-
There are stars in the afternoon bar, where a few people get drunk during the day and sit at the bar on the second floor with an angry face.
Immediately before seeing the arrival of Longyou, he asked, "How’s the eldest uncle?"
"Well, it’s already hindered." Longyou looked cold and didn’t see any emotional changes.
Upon hearing this, the yellow corner of his mouth sneered, "Boss, it must be that Wang Jungan can’t run away. Shall we teach him a lesson and let him taste it?"
"When Huang came back from Shashi, you were not as calm as before. Many reasons why you should be indifferent to him." Longyou said with a serious expression.
Seeing this, Long You Huang seems to be back. When he first met him, he was as deep as the sea, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.
"Boss, I was reckless. What should we do next?"


However, the searchers of the three major guilds did not search in the direction of the Lord’s House, but slowly explored the periphery of the city. If they were not still trying to recover Yasu Town and completely solve the problem of Yasu Town, there is no doubt that they should evacuate the town now instead of staying here. Of course, they are still middle-aged elves, because he knows very well that the evil body has been sent away, that is to say, the source of evil forces has disappeared and the monsters created by evil forces need to be eliminated, so Yasu Town will return to the past, even though there may not be many people in Yasu Town at that time.

When Chen Kai appeared around the Adventurer Guild, he first saw that nature was clinging to the wall shaped by magic. Hundreds of undead and evil spirits were temple occupations and players in Chengtouji. Because of the roots of ordinary aboriginal professionals, they resisted the erosion of those evil forces. Maybe nothing will happen for a short time, but after a long time, they will be occupied by evil spirits and attack their own people.
When a group of people arrived, the evil spirits who attacked the fence found them, so unexpectedly, nearly half of the monsters turned around and rushed towards them. At the front, they were just killed by rebel soldiers not long ago, and the four evils of Yasu were killed before Chen Kai and them, Sir Gallas.
There is no doubt that he is an undead creature now, and his pale face is ferocious than the wound. Black blood is still flowing, and his chubby body exudes a strong stench. He is waving a trident that looks extremely strange in his hand. His chubby body has never been agile and rushed towards ll. To be continued.
The first volume Chapter 13 Kandohart Day of Destruction (10)
"bang! ! !” With the light sound of armand musket, Sir William Gallas’ head directly turned into a piece of mud, and the handle that looked like a trident weapon fell to the ground with his body and finally stopped.
But the killing of Sir Gallas, who turned into an undead, doesn’t mean that other monsters stop. On the contrary, the undead transformed from dead soldiers and residents are coming towards Chen Kai and others at a faster speed. Almost when the dwarf musketeers are preparing for the second round of shooting, they have already rushed to Chen Kai and others, so armand and others have to retreat behind them, while the melee personnel with weapons in their hands directly step forward.
The appearance of a group of people holding high weapons made the adventurers’ association build a simple fence to observe the fighting players feel a little relieved, because they saw Chen Kai and other people emitting white light, holy and sacred power, which was absolutely the best thing for these players and adventurers, because it showed Chen Kai’s status as a professional in their temple, and when Chen Yi showed his aura, the white smoke around the fence made the adventurers feel more worried. For the adventurers and players guarding the three major guilds at the moment, nothing is more worthy of their hearts than seeing a priest with a large range of magical powers.
These adventurers and players have had enough of being afraid of the sun. Although it has only been two hours since the fighting broke out, for some adventurers, they already feel that it is like a year, because they are always facing their comrades-in-arms who are suddenly controlled by evil forces and wield weapons to attack themselves. If there is a priest or an official who has mastered a wide range of magical skills, there is no doubt that this will not happen.
However, after all, the scope of Rola Chen’s aura power is limited to maintain the low consumption level of magic. Her aura range is firmly limited to 20 meters by her, so that her magic can be maintained for a long time. After all, these evil spirits and undead living in evil forces are very difficult to destroy, and it takes less magic to destroy a wisp of evil breath. This is still when those evil forces are exposed to the air. If they are attached to the monster body, there is no doubt that Chen Yi will consume more power to destroy them.
Fortunately, Rola Chen’s magic power will not be consumed in this respect. Her aura does not bless the sacred purification aura that has great lethality to filthy creatures, but the ordinary recovery aura and the guardian aura. These auras have enveloped Chen Kai and their bodies with a faint divine force, effectively preventing the evil forces escaping from the bodies of those killed monsters from invading their bodies.
The roaring sword cut the body of an undead resident very easily, but some strange pieces of meat actually jumped out in a short time and tried to stick to the cut body. This situation reminded Chen Kai of those evil dwarves who met in the wilderness, and they also had extremely terrible self-recovery ability. Of course, those evil dwarves were supported by extremely powerful evil forces at the beginning, but these monsters are relying on their over-speed regeneration ability to recover.
Fortunately, Sir armand didn’t have the ability to shoot him in the head, or even if he blew off the other person’s head, it wouldn’t be able to make him die. These monsters with overspeed regeneration ability are undoubtedly extremely difficult to kill, because even if Chen Kaiju cuts off the other person’s stretch with his sword, even if he relies on the ability of fighting and breaking evil spirits to destroy the additional muscles of the wound, it will take a few seconds for these wounds to heal again, and the body will slowly recover in a long touch.
For these monsters, the guards in the adventurers’ association are also extremely headache and afraid, because they know that the physical contact in these monsters can not only make them have strong resilience, but also can be inserted into the target body and then erode the target guard fence. Many adventurers are players and fall into the hands of such monsters. The thought of those people being eroded by physical contact can’t help but wake up Chen Kai.
But before he could speak, these monsters with overspeed regeneration pulled out one fleshy tentacle from their bodies and attached themselves to Ll. They saw hundreds of flesh touching the wall and just wanted to make the adventurer wake up and turn into a sigh. In their eyes, Ll has been beaten to death.
But for Chen Kai, he doesn’t look at these flying meat tentacles. Chen Kai’s face flashed a trace of depression, because his mind suddenly flashed an extremely evil picture. There is no doubt that the most famous nature of the tentacle monster is’ horse monkey shochu’. Of course, Chen Kai is not a horse monkey shochu, but now he has to fight the tentacle monster, and he never wants these sticky tentacles dripping with black liquid to touch his body
Fortunately, at this time, it was Rola Chen’s magical skill that helped Ll avoid the embarrassing scene of being touched by these tentacles. When a golden breast wall appeared in front of Ll, many tentacles directly hit the surface. The huge impact force made the whole breast wall constantly shake and hit the breast wall tentacles themselves, not to mention that a large amount of dirty black liquid was directly sprayed out, which instantly discredited a large area of golden breast wall.
"It’s disgusting!" Yun looked at the black smudge and a faint expression of disgust flashed across his face. Actually, it was not only him, but everyone else felt sick when he looked at such a filthy scene. Fortunately, these smudges containing filthy power were quickly worn away in the confrontation with the sacred power attached to the surface of the sacred shield. When Rola Chen recovered the sacred shield, those flying tentacles had returned to the monster’s body.
"Quickly kill that a few tentacles blame! Old don’t want to really change’ horse monkey shochu’. "Waving a giant sword, Chen Kai quickly jumped at a monster with overspeed regeneration ability. In fact, a creature with a level of more than 60 is a very good tentacle monster. Without special spells to protect itself, this tentacle attack is impossible to prevent.
"good! Keep it so that you don’t become a’ horse monkey shochu’ "Waving the ruling blade feather, quickly waving the ruling blade, the sharp blade evolved in his hand, and waves of knives were cut again and again in these tentacle monsters. When he attacked a tentacle monster with a human appearance, the body collapsed. Every cut wound had a lot of meat tentacles crawling there, trying to make the body heal quickly, but obviously ll will never allow this to happen. The spellcasters quickly put their hands ready to cast spells behind these tentacle monsters.
The magic power made these monsters drop their health points and finally did not recover quickly again. Finally, when everyone joined forces to attack the tentacle monsters with strong regenerative ability, they were killed. Of course, they did not give any valuable benefits because every piece of meat was burnt and the sacred power was completely removed.
However, even if Chen Kai and his team survived all the monsters that rushed in, there was still no way to rush into the adventurers’ association because a simple defensive wall blocked their way and they wanted to enter the adventurers’ association. The only thing they could do was to wait for the fence people to throw ropes and pull them away. Of course, for Chen Kai, the five-meter-high fence was not a stop for him, because if he was willing to straighten his arms and jump lightly, he could reach the top of the wall and climb in easily.
Of course, Chen Kai won’t do that. It’s not because he is lazy, but because he needs to hold a weapon against the monsters coming towards them. Although they have cleaned up the evil spirits that lead to the adventurers’ guild, there are still more evil spirits and undead residents around him. Looking at the street, more and more evil spirits and undead residents, Chen Kai’s forehead sweat is gradually increasing, and deep down, he is worried that there will not be many living people left in Yasu Town after this disaster.
Actually, the real threat to Yasuo Town is not the mutant residents and undead around the Lord’s Mansion, but a place dozens of kilometers away from the city, where Barbat was just resting for a while. Sabinin came from the same evil breath in his body and had a special induction, which turned Sabinin into a war monster. This strange force drove Sabinin to run wildly towards Yasuo Town without Barbat’s control.
However, instead of being angry, Barbat became extremely excited because he felt two words from Sabinin’s consciousness, one word is food and the other word is the same kind. These two words made Barbat very excited to understand Sabinin’s body composition, because he knew that for Sabinin, food meant low-level evil forces were rich, while the same kind was possessed of evil spirits and evil forces constituted new monsters.
Barbat did not hesitate to turn and ordered a huge army to move quickly towards Yasu town, and it took less than an hour to reach a village on the border of Yasu town. In less than a quarter of an hour, the border village was completely in ruins.
When the village was in ruins, Chen Kai and others had been pulled into the wall by the rope of the wall adventurer, but before Chen Kai could catch his breath and follow him, Motom suddenly pulled out his weapon from his waist and rushed at a person not far away.
"Achilles, you bastard!" There is no doubt that Motom managed to escape from the Lord’s Mansion, Aceh, but at the moment, the rebel leader not long ago has been unable to find the revenge when he broke into the Lord’s Mansion. The whole person hung his head, even though Motom waved his weapon and rushed to him, he didn’t look up.
"Get up for me! Achilles, get up like a man! Didn’t you look great not long ago? Now look what has become of Yasu Town! !” Motom is very angry. Although he doesn’t know how all this happened in Yasu Town, there is no doubt that the city would not be like this at this moment if there were no rebellion by Aceris and others.
"It’s Motom! You’re not dead? That’s great! " Aceris’s eyes are far away, and the words that look extremely happy sound as if they are lifeless. Because during this period, Aceris was really in great pain, watching soldiers who followed him become enemies, but he had to wield weapons to kill them. The scene made his whole spirit collapse. Although he is alive now, he is not much different from death.
"You … you!" Looking at his face numb, Aceris Motom was extremely depressed. He really wanted to teach each other a hard lesson. But at the moment, he looked at each other with a sword in his hand, but he couldn’t cut it off.
Llewellyn looked at Aceris squatting on the ground and sighed, then walked towards the Adventurers Association. However, at this moment, the Adventurers Association has become an injury camp, and the injured adventurers are here to take over the treatment. Chen Yi and Wang Feifei joined them soon after their arrival and became one of the main treatment personnel.
Of course, Chen Kai came in not as an assistant, but to look for Nero Aria and others. However, after he toured a circle, he did not find any traces of elf wizards and saw Hillan, president of the Adventurers Association who was resting against the counter.
"President Hillan, I think we need to talk!" Chen Kai went straight to the middle-aged elf. Although he looked at each other’s tired figure, he was a little reluctant, but he had to ask each other in order to find out the source of the matter.
"It’s baron Berkner! Sorry, I fell asleep because I was too tired! " The middle-aged elf sighed gently and then slowly reached out and motioned ll to follow him to the second floor.
"I know your purpose! Baron Berkner, but I want to tell you that this is an accident that no one wants! " Hillan sighed, and to tell the truth, he regrets his mistakes more and more now, but since the mistakes have been made, the only thing he can do now is to make up for them as much as possible.
"What’s the accident? Where’s Nero Eluge? What? They are not here! " Chen Kai saw that some experience had been suddenly added to his experience tank, which showed that he had deliberately completed a source of change in Yasu Town, but Chen Kai did not want this in his heart like a depressed middle-aged elf.
"They have left here! As you know, the evil spirit body was sealed in Nero Ai Lou in the world of Ness, and the evil spirit body seal was broken again, but Nero Aria had no power to seal it, so I had to help, but we didn’t expect that a ray of power escaped from the evil spirit body at the moment of opening the seal and re-sealing, which caused this tragedy! " Slowly pick up the glass in front of you and pour the wine into your mouth. The spicy wine makes the middle-aged elf look extremely rosy, but the face is depressed and painful, but it is still extremely clear.
"Alas ~ ~" Listening to Hillan’s words, Chen Kainai sighed. Although the other party hasn’t said the reason why Nero Aria and others left, Chen Kai has guessed a large part of these reasons. The most important point is to protect the evil body carried by Nero Aria. Because God knows if those evil forces who escaped will create monsters and rob the things left in Nero Ai, so it is the best solution to prevent Nero Aria and others from leaving.
When Chen Kai left the Adventurers Association, he sat in the Hillan office for nearly half an hour. Of course, he didn’t drink elf wine, but he was thinking about the situation in Yasu Town at the moment. There is no doubt that Yasu Town is extremely dangerous at the moment, but it is also full of opportunities for players. Actually, if you look at the forum, you can see that many players are shouting that people here don’t want to get rich quickly.
Actually, Chen Kai and others actually searched some residential houses along the way, but they didn’t find much money because Yasu Town is not a rich city. Although there are still rich families here, it’s a pity that Chen Kai and others are not there. At the moment, there are two roads in front of Chen Kai and them. The first one is naturally the safest, and the second one is a little dangerous, that is, staying in Yasu Town to clean up the monsters in the city. Relatively speaking, the latter one has higher income, although it is not necessarily experienced, but it can get some money, while the former one is undoubtedly the safest.
Of course, when Chen Kai made a decision, he didn’t know that Barbat was taking thousands of dark knights and two war puppets at the moment. They had seen Sally, a white-boned dog, and moved quickly to Yasu Town for dozens of kilometers. It took them almost two or three hours to get there at a speed close to running.
Once they arrive, it will definitely be a disaster for the defenders and lucky people in Yasu town, because there is not much power in Yasu town to fight against the powerful forces in Barbat’s hands. The most important thing is that there is a Sabinin in Barbat’s hands, and its arrival is the biggest disaster. No one knows what consequences two monsters with the same evil spirit will have in the end.
The first volume Chapter 14 Kandohart Day of Destruction (11)
When the scattered sunshine is shining from the clouds, everyone thinks it should be a very fresh and comfortable afternoon, especially for the residents of Yasuo town, who should have sat at home and drunk tea comfortably. Even the hardest workers have a chance to rest for a while now, but now Yasuo town is gloomy and bleak.
Merry is a lovely little girl who is only nine years old in the eyes of neighbors. She is definitely synonymous with innocence and cuteness, but now she is a complete demon in the eyes of her parents, because she has become an evil spirit less than five minutes ago. Merry directly took out her grandmother’s heart and slapped her grandfather’s head for more than a dozen times.
This kind of thing is not uncommon in Yasuo town, especially in the initial period. Meili’s parents would never have thought that their children would have such a terrible scene, especially when they saw Meili put her grandmother’s heart in her mouth. The only feeling was that the sky was falling, and Meili’s mother almost fainted on the spot. Fortunately, they were much luckier than others. Just after Meili ate her grandmother’s heart and slowly turned to her parents, the door was kicked.
"mom! What is this? Breaking the door is so fragile! " Zhao Tiezhu patted the scattered sawdust on his leg armor, and then pushed the broken wooden door thoroughly. Of course, the pushed wooden door soon fell to the ground in crunch one, and finally a large piece of dust was photographed.
Of course, Zhao Tiezhu’s move was very easy to attract the attention of turning into a monster. Meryl looked at the little girl Zhao Tiezhu, who had turned into a monster in front of her eyes, and there was a pity in her eyes. But soon, he turned pity into a shield in the hands of the ruling. He patted the little girl on the body very quickly and directly took the other shield out of the room.
"Let’s go! If you want to live, get out of here quickly. There is always hope for people to live! " Zhao Tiezhu said to the middle-aged couple who embraced each other, relatively speaking, Meili’s parents lost two generations of relatives in one day, but at least they were still alive. However, when Meili’s mother saw her daughter being taken out of the house with a shield from Zhao Tiezhu, she suddenly remembered something. She suddenly struggled from her husband’s arms.
"Don’t kill my daughter! Please! Don’t kill my daughter! She’s not a monster! She’s not a monster! !” The piercing sound is full of sadness, but this is relatively outside the door. It’s not like humans yelling at ll outside. They will soon solve the problem of Meili who has become a monster.
When Meili’s mother broke free from her husband, the only thing she could see was her own child’s burning body. In this street, the bodies were being dragged into the fire by the numb residents, and her child was walking slowly towards the fire by her neighbors.
"no! Give me my daughter back! Give me my daughter back! ! !” Seeing her daughter’s body being dragged backwards, Meili’s mother was almost crazy, but in a moment, she was severely hugged and fell to the ground. At this time, her husband ran out and threw his wife to the ground with tears in his eyes.
"Stop shouting! Anisha! Merry is dead! She’s dead! ! !” The language full of tears floated into Chen Kai’s ears in the helmet, which made him sigh, because he had seen many things like this and watched many at the same time.
As time went by, when Chen Kai and others left the Adventurers Association area and entered the main city to search for materials, this was the first thing they encountered. They searched for lucky residents in one broken house after another, but some residents were sent away soon after being rescued, but because many residents didn’t want to leave their homes, they burned those bodies and piled them up, causing plague.
Of course, if Chen Kai knew that a group of more terrible enemies would attack Yasuo in the near future, there was no doubt that Chen Kai would definitely let these residents stay but send them away as soon as possible. Of course, because he didn’t know, he himself stayed in Yasuo Town to find some supplies in the urban area. Chen Kai did find a lot of potions in some broken shops, but of course, there were some gold coins. However, after the initial wealth, the situation was like a nightmare, because the whole town of Yasuo was full of unknown enemies and sad things.
Compared with the Meili family, they are actually lucky because many residents have few living people in their homes. The closer they get to the Lord’s House, the more the residents are affected by evil forces, especially because of the rebellion of Aceris and others. As a result, most residents hide in their homes, resulting in a family tragedy. The father died in the hands of his son and the husband died in the hands of his wife. These are not the most tragic, but they still have a chance to live. As a result, when Chen Kai and others hit a residential house, they first saw several dead people hanging from the beams. This scene was full of nai and sadness.
Of course, it is even more depressing that these residents who commit suicide by hanging themselves are uneasy even if they die. When Chen Kai wasted a lot of effort to release their bodies from the beams, they were resurrected and turned into undead. Besides preventing the plague, another important reason is to prevent them from being resurrected and turned into undead.
In the bonfire full of corpse odor, Yasu town gradually ushered in the first night after the change. In this cold night, Chen Kai found a somewhat dilapidated church, which was a glorious temple church. In this church, it was full of rich and morning light, but now the sacred power in the church has been lost, because the church was covered with black blood and scattered human limbs.
When Chen Kai and others walked into this church, they saw an abomination made of corpses among many piles of corpses. This huge abomination was made of corpses, and its huge legs looked twisted even more than of course, or its head consisted of three or four heads, and its body had several faces growing in the pile of meat. If this abomination body and limbs were merged again, there was no doubt that Chen Kai and others would spend great effort to kill it.
But now most of the limbs have been thrown into the fire, and they have also found many things in this hateful body, such as a jewel pendant that looks a little beautiful, the presiding priest of the glorious temple, the walking stick to protect the church, the knight’s helmet and weapons, etc. There is no doubt that these things have effectively explained the reasons for the collapse of the church and the disappearance of clergy in the church
"Hua!" Clear water from the well behind the church quickly washed on the polluted ground. Chen Kai slowly shook his hands, picked up the brush and scraped the ground a little. After all, this is where they sleep at night. Although it is a very dangerous period, it is always good to tidy up their living place.
"To tell the truth! Boss! I always feel Mao Mao when I sleep here! " Zhao Tiezhu slowly let go of the hammer, and the broken window in the church was simply nailed by him with the board.
"What a good Mao Mao! Even if it is a ghost, we will still kill it!" Chen Kai waved a brush stained with black blood, then rushed the bucket filled with clean water toward the ground and washed the ground with clean water, which quickly recovered. Of course, some black marks can still be seen in some places.
"all right! Hurry up and get ready for dinner! " Ll slowly threw the bucket in his hand toward the outside and hit it directly on an evil monster body that appeared at the entrance of the church. The huge impact force made it involuntarily lean back, and then the weapons in everyone’s hands quickly greeted it. In the past, those residents who were huddled in the corner of the church did not take part in the battle because they knew that they could not help at all.


The unknown releases the intellectual man’s lightness skill for himself. People are floating when they walk. Although I am an iron rider, I didn’t insist on my past. Let the unknown be careful and take people to wait in place to be continued.

Dry this bowl of Ganges water
Unknown to control his own direction, Elena refused to give him a torch, and groped for the rock wall with both hands and slowly drifted to the sound direction.
The cave is full of moist gas, and the road is gradually narrowing. Tick-tock can be heard everywhere. It is water droplets dripping from stalactites into small puddles on the ground.
A large number of small puddles of water on the ground will be separated from the torch, and the cave will be opaque, so that it can barely see the scene of the cave with this faint water light.
Although I am an iron rider, I have been paying attention to the unknown dynamics. I think he has stopped for a long time and should have arrived at his destination.
Team, don’t look at me. I’m an iron rider. Are you here?
The team is unknown. I’m not close to it. It’s really that famous dumpling. I’m still at this distance. You put out the torch and come here in the dark. It’s not surprising that one person bends down and walks. In some places, one person can bend over and pass.
Secret chat, you quietly said to the unknown, Great God, what are your first few bags? # Sneak
I’ll tell you quietly that you’ll know your first few bags when you feel your way over.
Streamer pie pie her night vision ability is excellent. You can still see it in the cave where you can’t see your fingers. Don’t look at me. I’m an iron rider holding hands with my fingers clasped. He’s at the front, giving love to the vegetation and behind Elena Road.
Oh, it’s really enviable.
Just when she thought that Elena stopped to reach out and groped in the direction of streamer, she said, "Streamer, where are you coming to hold my hand?"
Liuguang obediently put her hand in her hand, as if she had done it a long time ago, a little older than her, holding her fleshy little hand and shaking it gently.
Well, can Xiao Yurou be so warm?
She thought back, but no matter what she thought, Zhang Yongyuan’s batting practice face was gherardini.
They groped all the way over and turned east and west to meet the unknown success.
There is diffuse water light to help them barely see the famous dumpling.
Boss chose a good place, which should be the center of the cave. They are located in the mountainside, and its resting place is as wide as a sports ground. It needs to be rolled up, rolled flat or stretched freely, but the passage leading to it is very narrow. They are still bending over their heads and stalactites are hanging like swords, which makes people breathless.
Unless one person is secretly rubbing and stabbing, it is absolutely impossible for two or more people to sneak up on it. There is a way to get here from outside the cave, which is the streamer. They can put an end to the sneak attack where their feet are now, or they can appear in the square in groups to attack and attract its attention.
The wind in the cave is very strong, and there should be no entrance and exit.
You have found the trace of the famous dumpling.
Everyone came to broadcast in unison, right now!
A dumpling suddenly opened its eyes and looked in their direction with a vertical pupil, spraying air claws, and the light spot soon condensed into a solid light mass.
Team, don’t look at me as an iron rider. It’s worse! Time, you come here, we two support the shields, and the rest of you speed back. It’s fate that you are brushing blood in the middle!
The streamer dialed the person in front to squeeze in. Don’t look at me. I’m an iron rider. I just got up. The cave passage is as bright as day. The white light is so dazzling that everyone looks bright. Descendants! Everyone has to close their eyes, which doesn’t affect the streamer and don’t look at me. I am an iron rider, releasing the vegetation and feeling strong.
The light hit the shield with a loud bang, and the streamer spewed out a mouthful of blood. Life value jumped off the cliff and fell to the bottom, leaving only a little blood skin.
The group treatment of vegetation and affection favored her to get a trickle of rain reply
Before she chewed gold sore medicine and blood coagulation pills herself, she was able to make natural enemies by combining the enemy’s state with her senior brothers’ double shields. In the final analysis, they were too far away from the famous dumpling, and the enemy became crushed together by defeat.
Team, don’t look at me. I’m an iron rider. We’ll go out and fight.
They left the cave passage one after another and left the passage. In the square, there was outside light, and the only light was on the famous dumpling body.
Famous dumpling with "weak" debuff blood is visible, but more than 10,000 health values. It is estimated that the five of them will have to fight for half a day …
It has been angered into a red name and actively attacked them. The streamer hasn’t left yet. Don’t look at me. I’m an iron rider. Charge to resist it. The dragon’s tail sweeps the vegetation. The speed is in place. Don’t look at me. I’m an iron rider and unknown. Elena is in the middle. She has a range of treatment skills. She can also be treated remotely behind her.
Time, etc. Don’t look at me. I’m an iron fighter, stabilizing hatred and attacking in front of a shield.
I didn’t know how difficult this boss was until I faced it myself.
Team Elena, God, so many mss!
It’s hard to break the iron horse without knowing the team. Try it first.
The famous dumpling and streamer are unknown, and their level gap is too big. There is no way to break through the defense at all. Even if they can attack, they will attack with 11 streamers, and a large number of skills will appear. The mss is very depressed and unknown.
Seeing grass at the sight of the wind can restrain the famous dumpling, but they don’t know whether they can succeed in the end. I hope that the system will not harm them here
Don’t look at me. I am an iron fighter. I quickly bring up a tree from my backpack, crush it, squeeze out the juice and smear it on the weapon to attack the dumpling again.
In addition to being "weak", debuff, a famous dumpling, appeared a state called "paralysis".
Paralytic wind sees grass toxin intrusion and reduces defense remaining time by 56 seconds.
The streamer pike followed closely. Although I was attacked by fighters, the bright red value floated out. She was ecstatic, which was a breakthrough. Otherwise, these 11 girls would have to fight for a long time.
The team has broken the defense!
Don’t look at the team. I am an iron rider. It takes one minute to see the grass in the wind. If I remember correctly, there are 21 trees in all of us. We also have 21 minutes to break through the defense. If we can’t finish the fight, we will go back to the camp and collect more grass in the wind, and then we will make dumplings.
Can do the same.
Everyone agrees not to look at me as an iron rider.
When a tree sees grass in the wind, it is unknown that it is too big in the middle. Just one move by him will knock out boss5′ s health and set a record of 10,000 dps per second for the individual of the squad. Unfortunately, it is handsome, but there is half an hour of cooling and half an hour behind the 10,000 dps for 3 seconds … which is exactly their limit.
In the first minute of the game, the team joined forces to play boss, and 5 of them were contributed independently by the unknown.
I roughly calculate the fate of the reads’s vegetation; The heartbeat is calculated according to the health value of hitting boss4 for one minute. We have 21 trees that can hit its blood line. 2boss should be able to break through the defense level, and then your attack will not be annoying again. mss can be worn out and refueled!
The relationship between plants and trees is the ideal state, and the boss does not move, so he just plays hide-and-seek with them, as if they can walk and keep attacking once in a while
However … Is it really that easy?
Mingjiao said you were naive.
It thunders all over the sky to express deep feelings. Calm down, teenagers.
The Agkistrodon is thick, and every silver split can smell the fragrance of meat. Besides, her friends have all been wiped out by the famous dumpling thunder. Whoever crushed it will be judged as high or low, and they can score 1.
Streamer lying on the ground


Yuan Gungun didn’t expect that his hand was so strong that he was choked by suddenly flying feathers, both in his nose and mouth.

Yan Yanche looked at her and stretched out her hand to wave the feathers in front of her, but she got more and more stupid. When she waved her hand, the feathers flew to the wall like an arrow
Yuan Gungun wait for a while looked at those feathers embedded in the wall and stared at him.
"Hurry up and eat" Yan Yan Che light way
When Yuan Gungun saw his face, he thought of putting his hand over his face last night and didn’t want him to see it.
This time, Yan Yanche was really unhappy. He pulled her hand and whispered, "What the hell are you doing?"
Yuan Gungun flushed and looked at him with some injustice.
Yan Yan Che looked at her as red as a tomato with a little face leng leng.
"Are you shy?"
Yuan Gungun was even redder by his question and turned away without saying a word.
"Ha ha fool have what good shy? It is normal for us to be husband and wife. "Yan Yan smiled and poked her red face with her finger.
"Don’t say it!" Yuan Gungun became angry from embarrassment and put his hand over his mouth. Diane’s eyebrows wrinkled into a ball.
Yan Yanche easily pulled her little hand and continued to tease "Why can’t you say it after you have done it?"
Chapter 149 Go home
Yuan Gungun looked at him with a playful face and frustrated his eyes.
"This also want to cry?" Yan Yan Che leaned over her lips and kissed her one leng.
"Blare … you bully me" Yuan Gungun covered his eyes with the back of his hand and tears fell from his eyes in a second.
"Shh … don’t cry, don’t cry." Yan Yanche took it from her and was torn in half and wrapped her up.
Yuan Gungun turned his back on him in anger.
Yan Yanche held her rare good temper from behind and gently coaxed "Don’t cry, Xiao Pang"
"You are fat! Your family is fat! " Yuan gungun didn’t good the spirit way
"My family also includes you." Yan Yan wiped her tears with a funny smile.
Yuan Gungun mercilessly stared his one eye and continued to cry.
"I like you to bully you, do you understand?" Yan Yan che wanted to think a little awkward and said
Yuan Gungun looked back at him. "Do you like me?"
"Well," Yan Yan Che faintly replied with a little blush for the first time.
"really?" Yuan Gungun asked uncertainly
"True" anger burned her face with a kiss.
Yuan Gungun gawked at him and didn’t know what to do.
"What about you? Do you like me?" But only he knows how nervous he is, and he is a little scared. It is also ironic to think about it. No one can ever make him feel this kind of fear. Only she has her.
Yuan rolling red in the face slightly invisible nodded his head.
She likes him differently from brother Rui, and she knows very well that he is the man who makes her tempted.
"Mouth" said that the inflammation reached her lips and lured her mouth.
"I … like … you" Yuan Gungun looked at him as if he had magic purple eyes and unconsciously spit out that he wanted to be obedient.
"Good boy" Yan Yanche murmured and kissed her lips.
"Well …" Yuan Gungun closed his eyes and put his arm around his neck, touching his breath.
After the kiss, Yan Yan stroked her blushing cheek, but I couldn’t say how satisfied I was.
"Then do you love me?" Yuan gungun gasped for air and asked.
Hu phlogistic leng leng didn’t speak.


Coming out of the ladder, Liu Yichen strode to his office, where Jiang Zhuomu was exposed and shouted, "Jiang Zhuomu, get in here."

I was scared at the door, president. What’s going on?
Jiang Zhuomu came in trembling and dared not come out of the atmosphere before Liu Yichen.
Lu Yichen sat behind his desk and tapped his finger on the face. "Did you find out?"
Jiang Zhuomu looked up and looked at Liu Yichen, who was frightened by his cold eyes and bowed his head hurriedly.
"say it!" Liu Yichen a roar.
His mother’s inexplicable tie made Sue feel so disgusted that he didn’t even take the bus, preferring to take the bus.
Jiang Zhuomu sighed and said, "It’s Miss Yan."
Section 74
"What?" Liu Yichen asked uncertainly if Yan Mumu was not removed.
Jiang Zhuomu raised his head and bravely looked at Liu Yichen. "I checked these three days to monitor the women who entered your office these days, except for the secret, Miss Su and Miss Yan."
Tell me the truth when it’s in front of you.
Liu Yichen’s fingers clenched together and rattled.
This woman provokes him again and again. It’s true that she got a knife for him three years ago and can do whatever she wants.
"Get out."
Liu Yichen got up and walked to the French window and looked at the building like an ant. The crowd mused.
Jiang Zhuomu pushed the door and showed a head. He was really afraid of manager Lu.
It’s like a volcano. It will erupt at any moment, but he has to come in again.
"What is it?" Liu Yichen asked without looking back.
"Manager Lu today is when Miss Su went to the hospital for examination." Miss Su Jiang Zhuomu had to die and wake up.
"got it"
Recommend a new love and old love for the end of the marriage.
Wen is also known as "the second spring of older women"
When Liu Zhuanghe returned from a business trip, he picked up his luggage at the airport and just returned from abroad. Gu Silang took the luggage by mistake and ate at her mother-in-law’s house late. Liu Zhuanghe’s questioning was denied by her husband. Her mother-in-law hoped that her son would divorce her sister-in-law and her brother would marry her.
When I came home to pack my luggage, I found that it was not my own luggage, but my husband misunderstood that she was cheating because there were two dozen men’s boxers in the suitcase besides clothes.
She walked down the street penniless, and when she fell, he picked her up and whispered in her ear, "I will make those who bullied you pay with me."
Since then, she has been entangled with all the women’s dream lovers in this city …
I want to marry Sue.
Too much sugar will make you feel bitter, too much love will make you feel dull.
Sue came into the office at night and saw the soybean milk fritters frowning at the table.
Habit is really a terrible thing. I have become accustomed to eating Lujia breakfast these days. Now I feel greasy when I see fried dough sticks. How can there be millet porridge and exquisite dishes?
Helen pointed to the breakfast and said smilingly, "Lawyer Liu …"
Sue looked at the fritters at night and then at Helen. "Want to eat?"
Helen nodded sharply. God buys it. It tastes different naturally.
"Take it to eat." Then put away your bag and take the USB flash drive to find Liu Anfeng.
Be sure to tell Liu Yang not to buy her breakfast again when you find one.
Knocked on Liu Jingli’s office for a long time, and no one answered Sue’s request. She pushed the door and there was no one in it quietly.
Didn’t Liu Jingli come to class today, thinking that she was a little flustered after answering the phone yesterday?
Back to my seat, Sue took out Su’s plan and studied it carefully.
The desk phone rang and Su Evening picked up "Hello, Su Evening, Lushi Marketing Department. Who are you looking for?"
If you listen to a woman’s formula, your voice is soft and timid. If you don’t see her, you will be a gentle woman.
Remembering that she had pinched her eyebrows "come to my office" for her bash elbows.
Listening to the microphone, DuDu Su despised it.
Knowing that calling her cell phone will stop her from answering the phone and calling the landline directly, this is for personal gain.
Despite her reluctance, Sue took the ladder to the top floor.
In the company, Lu Yichen is the president. How can she not go if the president asks her to go?
Pushing the door, Liu Yichen was answering the phone and saw her pointing to the sofa.
Sue gave the sofa a hiss at night and slightly twisted her eyebrows and didn’t move.
She is sick even to see that sofa now.
Liu Yichen finished talking and saw Sue in the same place. She said nothing, picked up the car keys, grabbed her arm and walked out.
"What do you do when it’s class now?" Sue threw Liu Yichen’s hand away in the evening, and it hurt a little because of the force on her arm wound, but she didn’t say anything.
Liu Yichen sighed, "I’ll take you to the hospital for review." Then she clutched her hand tightly and walked towards the ladder.
After several unsuccessful struggles, Sue finally gave up.
Fortunately, there is no one in the corridor at this time, otherwise the scandal between her and Liu Yichen will fly all over the company.
Sue night feeling or choose to sit in the back seat Liu Yichen gave her a look and said nothing.
Neither of them spoke all the way.
The car stopped at a private hospital. Lu Yichen held the steering wheel without a carriage, but looked in the rearview mirror and said, "That tie was either me or someone did it on purpose to leave us."
Does Sue feel funny at night?
In the company, I know that they are Yan Mumu except Jiang Zhuomu.
He took great pains to protect Yan Mumu.
Liu Yichen knew that Sue didn’t believe it, but he really didn’t know how to explain it.
Say too much, even he himself doesn’t believe it.


These ghosts are not monsters. No one knows when they will appear, and it is the first time for everyone to see such a strange necklace. For a while, everyone was attracted by this necklace.

"Hey, hey, this necklace is the best equipment except the unique wind sword. In terms of comprehensive aspects, this necklace may be better than the unique wind sword. It’s not much to say. I will directly publish the information." Mu Feng said with a calm smile and hit the necklace attributes
Chapter 394 Rev. The dead bone chain
[Initiator’s Dead Bone Chain] Purple God-level equipment can be equipped in the necklace position. The equipment level is 4, which makes the demand level 35 God-equipped star ★★★★★★★ ★ Make the professional mage add intelligence to all two-turn occupations and special occupational attributes +1 point physique +6 points agility +35 points magic attack +2~3 points defense +1 point God-equipped unique special attribute. The critical strike damage is increased by an additional 35%.
Additional Skills Dead Door Active Skills Players make the strength contained in the bone chain of the initiator’s dead soul turn on the gate of the underworld to summon the dead soul to help players fight. Every time a dead soul is summoned, it costs 1 point of magic, and the number of summoned dead souls in a single day is limited to 1 when cooling down.
Equipment Introduction The skeleton chain of the Initiator and the Dead was forged by a master from an ancient race in the underworld who studied equipment for generations. At first, the skeleton chain of the Initiator and the Dead was not called by this name, but the way to the underworld was to deliver it to the people in a short distance. Later, the underworld caused an outside monster to invade, and the outside monster destroyed many things in the underworld, including the destruction of the underworld door at that time, which angered the foundry master who created the underworld door. So the angry master decided to transform such things and inject a large number of dead souls. Among them, people from the underworld, monsters from the outside world, died. Later, the gate of the underworld was upgraded to the bone chain of the dead. When the invasion of the outside monsters stopped, the bone chain of the master’s dead was also completed. However, the master felt that there was something missing in this bone chain, so the master ground his ribs into a bone chain and injected his soul into it. Finally, the master’s name was Andy, the Initiator of the underworld.
The appearance of the bone chain of the revealer and the dead is like a head lurking in the deep sea for thousands of years, which brings people that kind of shock. It is incomparable theory that the appearance properties of the bone chain can make people crazy and want to rob it. After all, the properties of the bone chain of the revealer and the dead are too powerful.
Close to 2000 points of main attribute bonus and extra magic attack super defense. For mage players, this is no longer an ordinary equipment. This is a very unusual god-class equipment! Because the mage is fragile, this kind of defensive attribute will not appear at the root of magical attack equipment. This bone chain also adds 1 point of defense, and the only attribute behind it is even more powerful, so that the critical strike becomes a dark critical strike and the damage is increased by 35%, that is, if you hit a critical strike with a value of 30,000, it will increase the damage by 10,000 to 40,000. This bonus is not only for the player, but also for the boss.
There is also the additional skill of the bone chain of the revealer’s dead soul. The Dead Door can summon one dead soul every day to help the player fight. Each dead soul consumes 1 point, that is, it takes 10,000 magic points to summon a dead legion. This skill is combined with ghost summoning or other summoning skills, which makes the horror almost unimaginable.
It’s no wonder that Mu Feng will say that this equipment surpasses the Juefengjian in a certain level, because Juefengjian is very powerful for swordsmen, but it is not good for French players like Mu Feng. This bone chain of the dead is the wizard’s paradise.
"Magic Day depends on who has better luck this time." Mu Feng smiled heroically and was about to start equipment distribution when he was stopped by magic day. The latter looked at Mu Feng with a cold expression. "We discuss one thing. If it becomes equipment, you can take it away."
"Do you want me to join the magic door?" Mu Feng stared at him and probably guessed the magical providence and said it.
Magic day smell speech after zheng was obviously Mu Feng guessed right, for the rev dead bone chain this equipment magic day attitude is still indifferent, this equipment is dispensable for him, but it happened that magic day don’t want this god level equipment to fall into the hands of Mu Feng.
After all, Mu Feng’s strength is not bad. When playing Xiao Shengfeng, he also paid attention to the fact that Mu Feng switched several staves. These staves don’t look like ordinary weapons. If he becomes his enemy or targets the magic door in the future, God knows that he is not the magic genius of his opponent. He wants Mu Feng to join the magic door. He would rather give up this equipment.
But the magic day didn’t expect this Mu Feng to put on his own mind. It seems that this guy is more powerful than he thought, but even so, the magic day needs to know whether Mu Feng thinks he will enter the magic door.
"Magic door, I think I will integrate into this big family in the near future, but not now. Let’s divide the equipment. I’ll roll the dice first!" Mu Feng ha ha smiled and called out the interface and clapped his hand on the virtual button. Then the interface popped up a flip roll. After a while, the roll stopped and Mu Feng threw it out at six o’clock. The limit for two-person equipment was six o’clock, and Mu Feng took it full.
Mu Feng’s results have come out, but the magic day has been slow to make moves. He is wondering what Mu Feng means when he talks. Does it mean that he will join his magic door soon? Or does he want to collect the magic door? It’s not just magic days thinking, even fire inflammation keeps a close eye on Mu Feng. Fire inflammation vaguely feels that he must have met Mu Feng before.
"Brother Wang, it’s your turn!" Nana touched him with her little arm when she saw that the magic day was still in a trance-like state. Nana felt that the magic day was strange today, and it was not as usual. Of course, she was indifferent to herself as usual.
After waking up in the magic day, he came up with an amazing idea, and then the virtual interface disappeared in front of the magic day. The magic day canceled the equipment distribution and gave the equipment directly to Mu Feng
"I believe that you will owe me a favor when we meet again." In the face of everyone, the magical sky is indifferent with full doubts.
It’s better to make him owe a favor than to fight for a piece of equipment with him. This is what the magic heavenly heart thinks. After all, there will be a chance for this Mu Feng to owe himself a favor after the god-class equipment, but it’s hard to come by.
Mu Feng, ha ha, smiled and took the skeleton chain of the revealer to his hand. It’s better for magic to give up the equipment than human feelings. It’s not worth the money. It’s the most important thing to help if you can’t help magic. You can’t get the equipment yourself
Chapter 395 Eggplant Beauty Luck
Once again, I saw the bone chain of the dead. Mu Feng still thinks this necklace is good, but it can be compared with the weapons of the Emperor Lingshi. Mu Feng just wanted to take other measures to rob the equipment such as pk or other equipment for this magic door. Now it seems really great. It is a verbal favor to give nothing.
However, Mu Feng believes that his human feelings are enough to crush the skeleton chain of the dead, because in the near future, hey hey … Mu Feng will not fantasize in the future with low-key people.
"Well, I wish us a happy reunion." Mu Feng said to the magical day with a smile, and then Mu Feng looked at another person. At this time, the mad cow, the low-key god, the arrow through the heart and the eggplant beauty, including Nana, all fell into a brief consternation. For the magical day, the bone chain will be handed over, which is unexpected for no one, because as far as they know, Mu Feng is magical, and it is the first time that it is closed for the first time. It must be false if you are not surprised.
However, Mu Feng didn’t care much about everyone’s doubts and surprises. After calming everyone’s "injured" hearts, he took out the fourth piece of god-class equipment and said, "Everyone is optimistic that this is a ring without professional restrictions."
The phrase "ring without professional restrictions" has just been said, and everyone’s attention has focused on Mu Feng’s body. To be precise, it is the ring in Mu Feng’s hand. The shape of this ring looks different from that of an ordinary ring. It is a hoop, a hoop, a black ring, and a gem is also black. Compared with being full of strange gas and dead people popping out of bone chains, this ring is dark and dark as ink, except for black.
But is Jin Lin a thing in the pool? How can god-class equipment be ordinary? Even if it is a dark ring, everyone’s eyes will not twist from the ring until Mu Feng shares the ring attributes.
[Abyss Crime] Purple God-level equipment can be equipped in the ring position. The equipment level is 4, which makes the demand level 35. God-equipped star ★★★★ Makes the occupation restriction attribute add intelligence +5 points of physique +5 points of agility +2 points of strength +3 magic attacks +1~25 points of physical attacks +2 special attributes of God-equipped equipment. Every time you release a dark skill, three ordinary attacks will add 3% of damage. These three attacks will crit additional skills. Abyss fear initiative skills will apply abyss fear to enemy targets for another ten seconds. Can restore life, reduce movement speed and attack speed by 5%, parry attack by 5%, and enter a state of fear, that is, be numb. If you are frightened, move for ten seconds, the release effect of the player will be halved, and the magic will be consumed by 5 points and the cooling time will be 5 hours.
Equipment introduction Abyss crime depravity fiend Caderas collects rings-Caderas is a very fond of collecting ring equipment. When the demon people in the underworld invaded the soul world, Caderas distributed his collection rings to all the demons. Among them, the most powerful Abyss ring suit not only contains powerful dark power, but also can deter people from being alarmed. It is said that anyone who owns a Caderas ring suit will have Caderas’s depraved magic. The depraved fiend Caderas said, "Ha ha … ambitious people, do you want to gain my power?" Then look for my re and fuse my ring! "
"This ring called" abyss crime "is not what I said, is it? I believe that you have also seen that the Abyss Ring Kit has four main attributes and special attributes of double attack bonus. Although it is necessary to darken the skills, the effect is very strong, and there are additional skills that must have a good effect against boss. The most important thing is that all professions can. "
Mu Feng said it from the bottom of his heart. This abyss crime was valued as early as when Mu Feng was too palace. His comprehensive ability was as good as the bone chain of the revealer and the dead. Of course, it was the best choice for some physical magic double attack players and Mu Feng, the emperor’s spiritual master.
Of course, Mu Feng is also optimistic about this equipment. Although he can’t get it, it’s all the same to whoever takes it. After all, everyone will have to play Huangfuyi in the future. Whoever takes Mu Feng is very optimistic.
Present Mu Feng and fire inflammation have taken the equipment, and the distribution of abyss crime has been far away from them. Two big men are also embarrassed to make do with it and give up the other seven people in turn.
The maximum number of points for the first roll between mad cow and Nana is 21 points, but the mad cow throws a little Nana at 11 points, and both mice throw a low number of points, followed by Ji Yue and an arrow through the heart. Ji Yue is lucky to throw a shock field at 1 point, and an arrow through the heart is 1 point, so there is no chance to take the abyss crime.
Ji Yue, a doctor should not be guilty of the abyss, but she rolled the dice. Mu Feng guessed that Ji Yue must want to get the ring herself. After all, the abyss crime is a god-class ring. Ji Yue has no reason to abandon Ji Yue and was not too happy after throwing it out at 1 o’clock. She responded with a red face and an egg smile and prayed for the ring at the same time.
In the back, it’s a low-key god. 15 o’clock is still high. Unfortunately, it’s a pity that the lovely Ji Yue Ji Yue has been very lucky in this random sub-equipment. This time, I’m afraid it’s difficult for others to get this magic ring with her participation.
It was only 17 o’clock on magic day, but it also made him lose the chance. The highest score was Ji Yue.
"Xi Yueyue congratulates you on getting the ring." An arrow pierced the heart and looked at the people who lost in Ji Yueyue’s point in a row and immediately laughed and said that it was like seeing the abyss crime fall into Ji Yueyue’s hands.
"There will be eggplant sister ….." Ji month small whispering and then du du mouth charming.
The eggplant beauty has been afraid to press the button to roll the dice. She didn’t react until she heard Ji Yue’s words. She said in a low voice, "I … You are so lucky there. I’ll give up …"
"Er, eggplant, you’d better try it. It’s important to take part in it." The sitting position is quite similar to that of eggplant beauty. The low-key God said that it is understandable that Mu Feng and Huo Yan abandoned it, but eggplant beauty should try it anyway.
Listening to the low-key God’s advice, the eggplant beauty looked up again. MengMeng looked at the fire inflammation and smiled and nodded his head to make it mean that the eggplant beauty tried.
As soon as the latter expressed it, she smiled and raised her little hand and pressed the button "buzz". After five seconds, a number appeared in front of everyone and shocked everyone. The number of eggplant beauty points was-2 points!
Chapter 396 is also a god-made man
The limit of points thrown by four people for the crime of allocating abyss is 21 points, and then the eggplant beauty throws 2 points, which can be said to be the limit and the highest point of luck for the eggplant beauty.
"ah? 2 o’clock … "The eggplant beauty looked at the number in front of her eyes. Zhang Xiuqing’s face appeared incredible. The eggplant beauty never thought that she would throw such a high number of points. She also came to throw it with a focus on the forehead, but she never thought that this throw would directly take the ring that was originally intended for Ji Yue.
Watching the abyss crime be taken away by the eggplant beauty, everyone else blessed the latter. Only Ji Yue pouted and moped. Ji Yue didn’t envy her, but she felt so bad that she couldn’t even get a ring. If she got the abyss crime to Mu Feng, Mu Feng would be much stronger. Ji Yue thought simply.
"Ha Yueyue, don’t be sad. The eggplant beauty took the fourth costume. I have another one here. This one is specially for you." Mu Feng didn’t follow her sad because she didn’t get the abyss crime, but she still laughed. In fact, Mu Feng didn’t care about the abyss crime when she came. Whether Jiyue got it or not, this ring was called the anti-eggplant beauty. Then Mu Feng would be congratulated
Because this equipment is the exclusive doctor!
When Ji Yue looked at herself glumly, Mu Feng put a new ring in the palm of Mu Feng’s hand, and an abyss was finished. On the contrary, the former was dark and dim, but now the ring in Mu Feng is crystal clear. * * A white ring gem exudes a bright and beautiful white luster. This ring can be said to be exclusive to female players, especially female doctors.
[Moon Guarding Soul] Purple God-level equipment can be equipped in the ring position. The equipment level is 4, which makes the demand level 35. God-equipped star ★★★ makes the professional doctors and doctors change their occupation and special occupation attributes to add intelligence +1 point physique+point God-equipped special attributes. The player’s own life and magic recovery speed will increase by 1%, and the effect of all released treatment skills will increase by 15%.
Additional skills: Kyauk Moon God Shelter Active Skills Physician players can apply Kyauk Moon God Shelter to a maximum of five people at the same time, and get Kyauk Moon God Shelter in 5 seconds. Players will reduce all damage and treat the enchantment effect. The value of enchantment treatment is equal to 2% of the total life magic of players who get Kyauk Moon God Shelter. After 5 seconds, players will have 5% to trigger Kyauk Moon God Shelter, and the subsequent effect will be reduced by 5% for 5 seconds. It takes 2 magic to apply skills to one of our targets, and so on, it will take 1 magic cooldown for 1 hour.
Equipment Introduction: This equipment originated from a very old story. There is an ancient sealed valley entrance in an isolated mountain peak closest to the moonlight. There is a gorgeous armor and a beautiful ring in the middle of the ruins of the valley. No one knows the origin of these two equipments until one day someone enters that place and takes them away. It is from this that the beautiful ring is taken out.
The additional skill of Kyoyue Guardian Soul is extremely overbearing, especially for Mu Feng, who brushes a small team for five seconds, and there is still a certain chance to reduce the damage. It’s a bunker-to-bunker skill, and the god-equipped attribute is also good, which can strengthen Kyoyue’s treatment for everyone. It’s simply a waste of time not to give such an equipment to Kyoyue, which is why Mu Feng doesn’t care about the crime of eggplant beauty getting the abyss, because she can’t get the ring again.
No one objected to giving this ring to Ji Yue, no matter whether it was the turn of the wind or other reasons. After all, eggplant beauty is a judge’s profession, and this kind of doctor’s professional ability to return blood is not strong enough to be used as a skill. To be precise, it is obviously not as good as Ji Yue’s, and eggplant beauty has also got a piece of equipment. Naturally, she is afraid to participate in the guardian spirit of Jiao Yue.
So it’s no surprise that this equipment didn’t even have a chance to allocate it to the system, so it was handed over to Ji Yue by Mu Feng, and Ji Yuemei got a bright moon ring in her hand, and smiled wearily, which also made Mu Feng understand that he hid this equipment until the last time to take it out, so as not to let eggplant beauty share it with himself.
In this way, Ji Yue is also a god-pretending person.
There are five people left: mad cow, low-key god and magic day, and Nana, although they didn’t get the magic costume, but it’s understandable that the first three people regret that an arrow goes through the heart and low-key god can’t get the equipment. After all, there is no shooter and stabbing spirit in these magic costumes. Because of the typical RP problem, magic day and Nana don’t lack the equipment. They will get it in a few days.
"Well, the equipment has been divided up. Let’s try to upgrade these days. Try to get to level 35 in three days, and then we will kill the Thundercat and Huangfuyi once and for all. I don’t want to go to that palace for n times." Mu Feng cleared his throat and said to everyone present.


When I heard the news, I had the biggest reaction. Fortunately, her place was far behind, and few people saw her with a look of surprise.

I don’t know how to look at the streamer. The reaction is different from others, which makes him think more.
"At this difficult time, you must make every effort. This is the moment when the mark of the career can be released. You can block a fatal move to protect your safety." Xunxun commanded five marks to fall into the back of their hands with a wave of his hand, as if a pig had passed the quarantine inspection.
The famous dumpling is still in that cave, and she is puzzled all the way. Maybe she was dragged away by some people as if by car?
When Elena decided that several people lamented that the years in the cave were long and the caves were different, and the caves were as big and spacious as the performance hall.
Mingjiao is also here.
The streamer looked intently and saw the famous dumpling, but she couldn’t help shouting. Others glared at the streamer, and the news was sent to a nearby channel. She was really sure that she had taken the famous dumpling away, but what dumpling was still in this hole? Isn’t it taken by her? What, is it still yawning? !
She’s full of thoughts, and even though I’m an iron fighter and unknown, I’ll be assigned
When I was called back, I looked at her and asked her something unknown. My eyes were tight. "I’m sorry, what did you say just now?"
"Why are you absent-minded" is unknown. First of all, the state of her mind is assigned to attack. She has been restless physically and mentally, which has a lot of influence on their attacks. But don’t look at me as an iron rider; It’s hard for a famous dumpling to hit this NPC once, and she’s also distributed the same to her.
"Probably had a bad dream and didn’t sleep well." Streamer smiled and looked at her deeply. Streamer’s words and smiles were very perfunctory and didn’t want to say to him.
I hope BOSS can push it better this time.
Don’t look at me. I made an OK gesture to them, and then I attacked the BOSS. Unknown, Elena followed behind, and attacked the vegetation. Running with melee distance just formed a triangle. She can get milk. Don’t look at me. I can also get Elena and unknown.
Time is too slow to attack.
Unknown frown streamer was upset after seeing BOSS. What happened to her?
You know, streamer DPS is relatively high, not selling cute DPS. After eating Elena pills and increasing BUFF, she can hit two people by one person, and they will have five people. The output is higher. Everyone chews Elena pills and everyone outputs double DPS, but streamer. Now DPS is the bottom.
"Streamer, what are you thinking!"
Can’t let her go like this. It’s not far from the BOSS’s first amplification. Unknown in the team channel, drink a way
"Oh, oh, I’m sorry." Streamer realized that she was distracted, and she still had the lock dragon map in her backpack. She also confirmed that the name of the lock dragon map dumpling was also in the process of fighting. She took an appraisal of this famous dumpling in front of her.
Its information appear in front of that streamer.
Famous dumpling (virtual shadow) level 450,000/50,000
Virtual shadow? These two words are so dim that she can hardly see them clearly. Does everyone else know that this is a virtual shadow?
A flash of doubt proved that the dragon was not real. If it was, she would have vomited blood for nothing.
Roughly after the white streamer into the attack, I climbed to the clock with others when I read the skill of the famous dumpling, and then I went back to continue beating after reading the skill of avoiding the stone.
Even if it’s fake, the dumpling’s life value is not underestimated. The skill damage is worse than catching the dragon with her. If you accidentally get caught, you won’t kill yourself on the spot.
"When it spits out Dan, beat it violently. If it doesn’t beat Dan, it will be as violent as it can be. At that time, don’t treat everyone," said Unknown.
"Good" vegetation shows that I know.
When Dan became famous as a dumpling, there appeared a "weak" DEBUFF. Everyone broke out and pressed the blood of BOSS hard. Of course, this blood volume was also visible to the naked eye. He rushed to poke his eyes with a long sword, and the sword rose up. It was pumped three times in one second, which made two men’s stomachs ache faintly.
"BOSS wants to take back Dan’s vegetation, so you should stay away from adding blood, don’t continue to fight, and you should retreat first." Unknown continues to command "fighters, hello, reduce injuries."
No, I don’t know more. One second before BOSS takes back Dan’s enlarged move, don’t look at me as a good enemy of the fighters. She has followed suit and got a shield. Although she finished the famous dumpling alone, she took Dan medicine to tide over the waves. Don’t look at me as an fighters and an unknown body. She still has a lot to learn.
Reduce the injury and carry the BOSS skill once. The vegetation slowly raises everyone’s blood volume.
A few people continue to beat.
A dumpling’s virtual shadow spits green fog at them. As soon as it rolls on the spot, the green fog covers behind her for a few seconds, and the place is corroded and there is a little corrosive liquid.
Scared her into a cold sweat. Fortunately, she ran fast.
"Elena, I told you not to enter the melee circle at will, and you should pay more attention to yourself." The unknown continued to command.
Time flies, eyes wander, and consciously follow me. I’m an iron rider, and I’m a famous dumpling. If something happens, you spit on you ~
15 dragon blood millstone
"That’s it?" The famous dumpling burst out all over the place. Although I am an iron rider, it feels particularly unreal. He also said that they will die hard and come back from the resurrection point again and again, and then they will not be psychologically prepared until they have done it ten times.
When they are still groping for the famous dumpling skills, they are too disillusioned at one time.
"Well, that’s it." Unknown gives an affirmative sentence.
"It’s good that this BOSS is so hard to fight." Elena patted her chest and didn’t slow down. After entering the battle, her heart was always hanging up for fear that she was in the wrong position and would die or bring trouble to others.
Although I am an iron rider and unknown, I still haven’t figured it out. Is this BOSS weakened?
Time pays attention to other people around you. The dumpling looks so good. It’s really what she expected. Although it’s not clear how to pop up a virtual shadow illusion, compared with the entity, the strength is greatly weakened and the blood volume is sharply reduced. They are five people playing fast. That’s for granted.
She wants to put the name dumpling (virtual shadow) on other maps such as Yuhui City, that is, there are more BOSS people in the world, but there are fewer! It is because they have not been made public on the map of Sanxian Mountain. There are five players in Sanxian Mountain. Considering that it is difficult to push BOSS planning with few people, it is difficult to make some adjustments in BOSS life, defense, attack and other aspects. Nevertheless, it is difficult for five people to make a name for themselves at the hero level.
The smooth push depends on their strong team.
Although I am an iron rider, I never wave a defense CD accurately. He is both the output of the second DPS;; DPS first belongs to the five elements of the unknown, which belongs to the accurate response and quick response skills. The talent of predicting is also full of poisonous fog sprayed by BOSS, and he gets the corner to run and output instantly; Streamer DPS is a little higher than Elena, and her own crisis response talent is also full, which often relieves the pressure of wet nurses at the most critical time.
Elena, not to mention a flying feather gate, but the first mother of the team successfully promoted to a pharmaceutical guru. She spilled her promotion drugs in the scope of BOSS, which was almost seconds to kill and hit the damage-
Gan Linlu’s center radius is 20 feet, and the maximum number of friendly targets does not exceed 1. Every second, you can recover 1 point of health of friendly people. The duration is 5 seconds, so that the interval is 3 minutes.
Rubbing her face with expression, she is a little skeptical about life. Elena is Xiao Yu’s gentle upbringing, right? Well, she has been pitted and never surpassed, while Elena is a golden finger, and she has been stout all the way. Sure enough, Elena is the hostess.
Tired or not?
[Team] [Don’t look at me as an iron rider] Whoever comes to the ROLL point with high points will touch the equipment in the past.
A rolling dice pops up on the team panel. Click it and it will stop. The value of 1~1 will be born here. Watch the dice slowly stop and display the square value of 1.


After receiving the couch, they turned to the side door at the end of the main hall and walked to the back hall.

But even after several halls, there is no other gain.
There are a lot of things in this temple, but they are always tables, chairs, curtains and beds, and they can’t root anything.
Nan Yunqing didn’t respond, but Xiao Wen wasn’t disappointed. He hit the door of the temple, and he had to make it crazy to suck and move the mountain demon tactic. Until now, his body is a little empty.
Seeing that the temple is about to be turned around, Xiao Wen seems to be unwilling to give up Nan Yunqing’s service road. "For us, the Sea Temple is suspected to be a treasure from the ancient times, but it is just a living place for its original owner. It is not for the purpose, but to meet the needs of those people. Even if it is found here, it is normal."
"Well" Xiao asked can nod.
In fact, as Nan Yunqing said, those natural secret places are just that. Where can a man-made secret place like this be specially for people to treasure? What the hell does the original owner of man-made secret land have to do with them after tens of thousands of years? They create a secret realm, which is not a secret realm at all for themselves, but the most normal place to live and practice. Do they have that meaning to leave no treasures for future generations to discover?
Just like Xiao asked himself if he was going to die, would he hide his fortune and build a secret realm for future generations to explore?
Just kidding!
Xiao Wen, if he is really dying, he will make two pieces and send some of his things out; Second, squander the rest.
It’s not just him, but most people in this world, including those super masters.
After thinking about this section, Xiao Wen couldn’t help secretly laughing and gradually set his mind.
However, this sea temple is not an ordinary place. Just look at the many good things in the sea fields on the outer layer.
Even if the original owner of the Sea Temple didn’t intend to leave anything for later generations, it was enough for them to disdain to take it away.
Xiao Wen actually prefers to believe that this sea temple was hastily abandoned for some reason because there are many irrationalities in other departments.
At this moment, Xiao Wen and Nan Yunqing reached the back of the temple and finally stood in front of a green Se stone gate.
The two men came all the way to see that many doorsteps were not as tightly packed as the last stone door. There was this one.
Two people glances by Xiao Wen first put his hand on the shek mun.
Although the virtual boundary can’t be released in the temple of the sea, he can transfer a part of the boundary force to his body by means of his previous understanding, and then he will gain super perception when something else touches him
Hand gently on the shek mun with that subtle induction Xiao asked immediately determine that this is an ordinary door and banned.
"There should be no danger," Xiao asked Nan Yunqing.
Nan Yunqing nodded his head to indicate that he could push the door.
Hand slightly a force that shek mun will make a not big acrobatics immediately appeared in the eyes of two people.
It was judged that it was a training room because the room was too simple and there was a blue Se square mat in the middle, which should be equivalent to a contemporary futon.
There is a skeleton sitting on the mat, but the skeleton is actually light blue Se instead of white Se, and the appearance of the skeleton is not a normal human. There is a row of bones as thin as blades at the back of its spine, which looks like fins. The number of bones in that row is the most peculiar, and it even emits light blue light.
Xiao asked that the first reaction was demon material!
However, it is still quite stressful for him to remove the demon material directly from human bones.
At this moment, there was a flash of blue se brilliance on the skeleton square pad. Nan Yunqing and Xiao Wen immediately took a look at the past and saw a dark blue se token lying there.
Feeling that there is no danger in this room, the two men look at each other and then walk directly to the middle skeleton.
To the crowd just stopped one or two people at the same time on the alert to the south YunQing hand a recruit finally put the token into the hands.
Xiao Wen immediately turned to see the token’s simple outer ring engraved with decorative patterns, but he didn’t know the two words.
Similarly, Nan Yunqing didn’t seem to know those two words, so he turned the token again.
This time, they got to know each other, because the back of the token was not a word at all, but a small palace was engraved with its outline, which seemed to be different from the sea temple
"Maybe it’s an identity token," Xiao asked uncertainly.
Nan Yunqing handed the token to Xiao Wen, but Xiao Wen didn’t see anything.
"His body pad should have some value" Nan Yunqing suddenly said to be continued.
Chapter four hundred Attack (the first watch)
Obviously, after the Godsworn came in, he also divided the wave. This batch of major instruments came directly to this place where there was a quenching gold fairy liquid, but unfortunately, after they came, they did not get the quenching gold fairy liquid smoothly, but were intercepted by sea animals.
Xiao Wen and Nan Yunqing should naturally be glad that they can judge that the quenched gold fairy liquid is still in the temple by listening to the answers from both sides.
However, at this time, the position of the two people can be quite embarrassing. They are just outside the gate of the square temple. Inside and outside is the battlefield, even if they have the hidden symbol of the spirit water, it is easy to be found.
Waiting a little longer will be more dangerous. The most feared thing is to be beaten to the top by the Godsworn.
Xiao Wen’s teether is to put his head into the open door of the temple, and finally see the situation in the temple through the breath that is not in the blue Se.
The temple is square from the outside, but it is open-air in the shape of "Hui" when looking in! However, because there is a thick ban on the open-air part, you can still walk through the gate.
At this time, the open-air part of the temple with the word "Hui" is in hot water. On the one hand, there are four monks in total. On the other hand, it is a kind of Xiao Wen, who has never seen a creature grow four feet tall and three feet tall. It has an elephant-like body and tail, but a horse’s tail is thick and long like a python’s, but the elephant’s head suddenly becomes magnificent, and its head is similar to a dragon.


Unfortunately, there are no martial arts students at present. It will take a long time if you practice slowly on your own and then remember your body to feel that your martial arts are improved a little bit.

When I didn’t come to Langsuolin, I chose to study, such as studying a virus antidote … I have to say that Lin was lucky to touch not other viruses but zombie viruses, which are composed of tens of thousands of harmful substances. It is definitely not possible to get out the zombie virus antidote for a while, but it may not be possible for this batch.
Lin studied with the spaceship for twenty years and was ready to quit this special training by himself.
Compared with this special training, Lin pays more attention to nature and the special reward of the God Corps. Besides, even if he continues to stay in the special training scene, I am afraid he will continue to stay for another ten or twenty years.
"Are you leaving to say hello to Bayrou?"
"Come on …"
"But this time is so quit? Or suicide? "
"Well …"
"Experience the taste of death so that the memory will be more profound!"
In the special training, everyone quits the special training once his life dies, but there is no loss. Although he dies and can be resurrected outside, he will lose a lot of things and cannot die easily, especially if Lin dies once now, the loss value is really huge.
Lin is a captain … He can’t bear to die once and lose one level. After all, he wants to attend a special training and doesn’t know what rank he needs next time.
"How to die?"
This is a serious problem.
Death is lighter than a feather, and death is heavier than Mount Tai … It seems that no matter how you die now, you have nothing to do with these two.
"Caesarean section … this is definitely not selected!"
"Cutting wrists … is too common!"
"commit suicide … this is a bit heroic!"
"Swallow the gun … this is too fast!"
"* * … this should be very painful!"
"It seems that coming to this scene without changing a zombie is tantamount to coming once in vain." Lin thought for a long time and finally decided, "Yes, choose this way to die!"
Lin found an original to detain the zombie room! (cloning zombies to do research experiments)
Enter the room, lock the door and sit cross-legged directly on the ground.
I looked at my hands, picked the finger rings neatly one by one and put them in front of me, then put my neck necklace in front of me, and picked my anklets or put them in front of me …
Finally, take off your clothes to reveal a silver vest … This vest is a bulletproof vest with strong protective ability and weighs five pounds.
This is the last piece of close-fitting silver
Lin stretched out his hand to untie the silver vest and pulled it quickly. Lin is not a procrastinator and decided to finish it as soon as possible.
Take off this last silver vest and hold it in your hand. This let-go is over.
Lin closed his eyes slowly, holding a silver vest and dropping it to the ground.
Death arrival!
This time, the death arrival was different from the previous encounter. The previous encounter was all from the outside and oppressed from a certain direction. It felt that this time it was completely different from the outside, but all directions appeared in an instant and directly wrapped themselves up to form a sense of terror and oppression, but this is just a sense of oppression. This is the smell of death that Lin has experienced a lot.
At the same time, from the outside, it seems that the hand of death is going to break through and stick out from his chest.
Lin is suddenly opened his eyes at this time, the palm of his hand directly toward his chest position, where death feels, and the hand of death is stretched out, which is very powerful.
This palm, though sudden, was played by him with all the skills and strength that could be used instantly.
Great power exploded in Lin’s chest!
This is the method that Lin learned in the first special training. In this second special training, he learned physical memory. He can play out the dark energy every time if he wants to do it once. This is the great place of physical memory. Learning is learning that he doesn’t need any familiarity and doesn’t need to spend a lot of time practicing.
In front of the forest, the floor was sprayed with blood lines … half bright red and half thick black, and it smelled a little black.
Lin hasn’t hung up yet. Looking at the blood fog in front of him, he turned white.
One mouthful blood spurted out again … This one mouthful blood is red blood without any black blood.
Lin is stupid!


However, Lu Zhan suddenly flashed back at the moment when the last string of laser came out from the muzzle.

The audience was dumbfounded.
The land show flashed its sudden appearance, and the last one was sure to hit.
After the flash, the last blow of the place failed, but the other side actually hit him with a big move.
Through a simple calculation, Lu Zhan actually hit three more than the other side in the same time!
Accurate calculation is simply appalling!
However, this also made Lu Zhan lose the flash, and the back movement was definitely not so smooth.
"What if you don’t flash!"
Obama, the other party, came to Lu Zhan fiercely. Lu Zhan was not afraid to meet him directly.
Two people each lost a Q.
Because the distance is not far and there is a short stop when releasing Q, both of them hit each other’s skills
Then a blue light appeared at the same time from the muzzle of the two men and was thrown at each other’s body, which was that they were ruined and sent to the scene.
By this time, the ruin has been weakened, and the blood-sucking has been reduced by 3%, but it is still very tube for the two people who are in the duel.
After the ruin, the distance between them is very close. In fact, up to now, they have not played general attack, but have developed their skills.
In fact, Obama’s growing popularity depends not only on skills, but also on his passive use of skills, which can be used twice at a time.
Q skills are released, and the two men attack each other two times. Finally, it’s time for the real knife to dry up.
Chapter 696 Around the back
"pa! Hey! "
Relying on the passive effect, two people played two general attacks on each other at the same time, and both of them were adjusting their positions to try to attack each other at the farthest distance.
Lu Zhan obviously doesn’t know Obama as well as the other side, and he doesn’t have a strong sense of distance from the other side. He can observe the scope of Obama’s general attack by pressing the A key, but the effect is no worse than the other side.
After the exchange attack, they reached the farthest distance, and both of them threw a W at each other at the same time.
Cross-shaped lasers are emitted from the guns of the two men and fly towards each other like mirror images.
Lu Zhan dodged that skill when he walked backwards in the middle of the skill, but after the other side played the skill, he actually chased Lu Zhan and ate a W injury, and then gave Lu Zhan a combo, but when Lu Zhan turned around, the other side had already run out of the general attack range.
"Being blindsided!"
Xiao Shengqiang and others were relieved and hung up again. Lu Zhan was not familiar with Obama’s W skill, which was not Obama’s main output skill. The other party was enchanted to resist the banshee’s magic damage and got two general attack opportunities, which was much more painful than his W skill.
Come to Lu Zhan to occupy a slight advantage through big tactics, but in this call, the other side pulled back some blood.
After the two sets of skills are finished, the blood volume of the two people is similar.
"There is still a gap! Lu Zhan has an advantage. "Zhang Xi’s eyes are tense and staring at the projector curtain. Lu Zhan’s double bloodsucking outfit shows an advantage."
Not the kui is being put in the finale battle. I’m afraid the ad showdown is more sinister than the previous one. Just a few exchanges of skills will leave one-third of the blood between the two.
Not surprisingly, the outcome will be decided after a round of skills.
"But Obama’s e skills will be passively reduced by D …" Burning the night shows his concern.
After Obama finishes his skills, he can play two general attacks. If the general attack hits the hero once, it will be reduced by 2 seconds. E skill D Just now, the other party hit two more general attacks than Lu Zhan, which means that his E is four seconds earlier than Lu Zhan.
Getting the displacement four seconds earlier is enough for the other side to make a life-saving weight in such a dangerous game
The other party probably also feels that he has an advantage to pre-empt it.
According to his idea, if he pursues Lu Zhan, he will run at the same speed as the other two. If Lu Zhan does this, there is nothing he can do. Once he has a good E skill, he will have an advantage.
To his surprise, Lu Zhan did not retreat, but actually walked towards him with his own Obama.
The two heroes walked towards each other and narrowed the distance a little.
He was a little confused and didn’t know what medicine was sold in Lu Zhan’s gourd, but he felt that he had e skills and d advantages and was not afraid at all.
He played Lu Zhan Lu Zhan but didn’t give him a general attack. When Lu Zhan came to him, his Q skills improved.
"Is there a small card machine?" Lu Zhan’s persistence made him very confused, but now is not the time to doubt. Play the skills first, willy-nilly! Can you miss at this close range?
With this in mind, he pressed the Q key, and Obama shook his pistol and a laser came out from there.
The two were almost close to each other, but at such a close distance, he actually hit Q!
That laser roared and lit up a white line around it, leaving white traces. Obama is no longer in the way of white light.
Lu Zhan Obama has walked behind the other Obama at the moment when the other side played Q skills.
As we all know, Obama’s Q skills will have a short rigidity, which is very short at this time. It may be nothing at ordinary times, but it seems to be fatal now!
Because Lu Zhan came behind Obama at this time.
Hard to resist a general attack and go around the back of the opponent!
"pa! Hey! "
Around the back at the same time, two general attacks of land exhibition appeared
He just let himself accumulate two general attacks and passives, and he hasn’t played until now
Although he came later than the other party, his e skills had to be refreshed, and he had one more Q than the other party.
Now it’s time to let go of this Q moment.
Lu Zhan had already distanced himself from the other side during these two general attacks, which led to the other side not being able to go around the back like him because of insufficient time.
This laser has an eye longer than the other laser, which makes him avoid it.
His eyes lit up at night. He didn’t expect Lu Exhibition to turn the situation around in his own way after being passive.
Lu Zhan doesn’t know Obama as well as the other side, but he does know the hero communication method, such as Obama’s skills. If he reacts quickly enough, he can avoid it by bypassing his back.
The so-called wrap around the back is to move behind the opponent in a close-fitting position and let him attack his skills head-on
Many people don’t know how to move their position in the fierce battle, so it is much more flexible for the opponent’s skill department to hit the land exhibition. Every time the attack gap is moved, it will achieve its expected effect.
This can be said to be a kind of cutting, but it is higher than cutting, because you have to know when the other party will put this skill.
If Lu Zhan estimates the opponent’s E skill, he may not be accurate to the second, but he can calculate the Q.
The other person loses Q with himself at the same time, which proves that both Q will look at their skills at the same time, and it is not difficult for him to calculate others.
It was at that moment that Lu Zhan came up with the idea of meeting the enemy, bypassing the package and fighting back, and moved the situation back through his mastery of skill D.
The game is still going on. After Lu Zhan and the opponent’s Q, they both played passive two-way attack at the same time. After the attack, their blood volume was very small, but Lu Zhan’s blood volume was more than 1, but it was less than 4.
Not only did he cheat the other side of a Q skill, but also because his double blood-sucking effect was more than the other side, he continued to have an advantage in the general attack and match.
Lu Zhan’s 56-point thrashing chasing each other to attack each other is very unintelligent and flashes back temporarily away from Lu Zhan’s attack range.
Now the blood fight between the two men is almost over, so both of them are very cautious and surround each other again
"Who do you think will win?" Li Xiuyue doesn’t know much about League of Legends. She can determine the situation through the reactions of several professional players around her.