
I can’t help feeling a little. Yes, the war is coming to an end, and the Annan people are at the end of their tether.

The country can fight again, and the Khmer elite division is blocked by the western front corps. Sabah can’t come back to the river gate to open the hole. This war is really over! After this battle, we can March into Hehe with our heads held high and hold a grand military parade. These are all winners, especially if we win the love. Then what? Then … then it’s time for us to withdraw our troops. We didn’t attempt to occupy Annan’s territory, let alone foster a puppet government to split Annan’s economic strength. More than 10,000 people can be evacuated, and thousands of men are injured. We will keep a cavity of hot bayonets and pour blood on this strange red land, and then withdraw. What can we finally get? Is it worth it? I’ve never thought about this, and I don’t care about it once in a while. I’m a soldier. The state orders us to fight, and we fight. The blood belongs to the soldier. It belongs to the glory and pride of the Republic. It’s as simple as that.
If I have to care about paying more than 20 thousand casualties, it’s worth it in the end. I will answer "yes!" Twenty years after this war, no one will dare to provoke us! "
This is our greatest gain.
I smiled. "Yes, the war will be over after this battle."
Lilac said, "Be careful. I don’t want to see you fall in the last battle."
I said, "I won’t die. People who can kill me here haven’t been born yet!" "
The rumbling cannon silenced my voice, and the cannon group began to fire. In the queue of Annan Capital Division, yellow and white lotus flowers filled with steel slowly burst into pieces, bleeding from them. These lotus flowers painted a touch of sadness and purples …
And chapter 163 Glory belongs to the Republic (2)
This is the easiest and most tragic war I have ever fought.
Easy is for us, bitter is for Annan Capital Division.
All the way back to Annan Capital Division, almost no guns were left. Anti-tank grenades became their last heavy weapons, and what about us? Our position was flat, and two heavy machine guns were paved on several floors. There was a 15-heavy artillery group. We couldn’t support the artillery fire. Within a minute, a signal was sent back, and long-range artillery and long-range self-propelled rockets and even tactical missiles hit their heads. After fighting for so long, the country’s preparations for this war have long been spent, but all kinds of technical weapons have not been reduced, but on the contrary, they have become more and more frequent, and the front lines of the Annan army, which have been given mass killing, have always been shrouded in rolling smoke, flames and whistling. In the shrapnel rubble, the charging infantry seemed to be thrown into a huge meat grinder, and it was terrible to see their flesh flying. Often, their offensive was destroyed by gunfire before we fired, even though a few of them were surprisingly lucky enough to break through the interception barrage, and they were smashed alive by Gaoping two heavy machine guns before we aimed at them a little slowly.
Attack again and again and be crushed again and again.
The wounded beast of Annan Capital Division has invested more and more troops. At first, two battalions are connected, and in the end, the whole regiment is overwhelmed. Modern warfare has long been no more than the number of people and rifles. Modern warfare is a direct fight of strategy, science and technology, and national strength. This kind of open terrain can crush the whole company. Even if you press the whole division, it will be nothing more than a few more deaths
After the seventh attack was repulsed, Annan Capital Division sent 200 or 300 death squads, all covered with explosives, to attack our defense line in multiple ways. Shells chased them and bombed them. Every shell fell and caused a chain explosion. It was amazing that the death squads splashed with shrapnel, and one by one, the explosives melted into a fiery glow. We swept them out and the bombs smashed their bones one after another, but they still didn’t retreat, bite their teeth and howled like beasts. They were covered with broken bodies and rushed forward. I don’t know whether it’s them or splashing these guys. It’s really unbearable, but we’re no better than them when we get crazy. We’ll reimburse as much as we burn with machine guns, mortars and flamethrowers, so we don’t want to go back. Finally, this death squad collapsed at the forefront of our position. The nearest one is only 30 meters away from our trench. He couldn’t rush because a bullet from Guangxi broke his neck and blood gushed out. When he came out, he was probably white. Even if he wore his pants outside, Superman couldn’t rush through such a dense barrage. With a sad expression
Scattered bones wounded two of our soldiers, which is probably the only result achieved by the death squads.
In the evening, we learned a good news that all three main regiments had arrived at the central government and were determined to flatten the river! All of a sudden, the position was cheered and cheered, and everyone was happier than the Chinese New Year. Yes, what can we be more proud of than setting foot on the enemy’s capital? In the past, we have left the front finger alone and are worried that the central government will repair it. Now it seems that this kind of worry is redundant. The division finger requires us to hold on for another five hours, which is enough for the main force of the division to smash the dog’s day into pieces and kill it behind the capital division. Don’t say five hours, even five days. What’s the problem? That’s what we all think.
It turns out that we laughed a little early.
Night arrival took a little breath, and Annan Capital Division launched a fierce attack again. They also knew that they were running out of time, and if they didn’t break through our defense, they would die! God knows how many troops they put in. Anyway, like a Kuroshio, shells rained down on them like hail. They didn’t lie down and hide, so they moved forward silently and quickly. The gasoline grazed the bayonet, and the thin figure of Annan soldier was dim. The shell exploded in the fire, and it was like a group of resurrected ghosts. Their impact was decisive and rapid, and their marksmanship was also very accurate. Several of our machine gunners were shot in the head by them and sacrificed on the spot. I also saw an Annan soldier who had his legs blown off, twisted his machine gun frame and threw bullets at us until it was smashed by mortar shells.
"Secret service?"
I heard Lilac cry out with doubts. I think she has received almost cruel training for the secret service or veterans. Only they can be so murderous and crazy.
The lilac conductor in our class never paused for a second to face the hot bullet rain. In the impenetrable gun, I also heard Xiao Guangxi yelling, "Oh, my god, these bastards are really killing me!" I killed one in Tangshan, Shandong. How many did you kill? "
I’m too lazy to pay attention to him. This guy is just crazy about war. Shandong Han said, "I swept two classes!" "
"Are you? Then I can’t lose to you! " Small Guangxi asked Lilac while changing magazines, "How many have you killed, beautiful monitor?"
Lilac said, "More than you and him combined." The light machine gun swept out a sector, and several Annan agents were pitted all over, and the small Guangxi disguised as a strange rifle to help the Annan people mend iron.
After paying a huge price, the Annan special agent battalion finally rushed into our trench, and the two armies twisted their rifles and almost lost their bitter hand-to-hand combat.
We can avoid all the people in our platoon. Without a retreat, they swept the magazine and bayonets rushed to the mountains and plains. Agent Annan fought to the death! Guns fired round after round at the back of Annan’s special agent camp, and long-range artillery units came. Shells also exploded behind Annan people in groups, cutting them down like mowing grass, but they kept coming! Mom’s crazy! She’s crazy! I’m going crazy, too. I grabbed the bayonet and rushed out alone in the face of three Annan agents. If Lilac hadn’t shot me and knocked down two of them for me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be proud for long. Only that abnormal calm surrounded me and stared at me like a snake, looking for my flaw. I raised my army and stabbed me by rote. I said, "Do you really believe in winning something?" Idiot! " The first step was a sudden stab. This guy reacted quickly, twisted his waist and dodged the bayonet. Mom is a master! But in this respect, I’m not a rookie. The bayonet fended off this fatal blow at one point, and I pushed myself into the butt of the gun and crashed into his lower abdomen. Agent Annan may not have been forced to fend off this blow with my arm so desperately. Hey hey, I guess his arm was numb, right? I yelled at several bayonet knives for attacking the truth, and I didn’t have to defend myself. The key points were protected by bulletproof vests and helmets. I just had to protect my neck and limbs, but he wouldn’t be able to do it, and he would die! He was forced by me to retreat again and again. Suddenly, he slipped on a shell casing. Of course, I won’t miss this good opportunity. I’ll take a sharp stab in the previous step.Several blood lines gushed out from the chest after the chest, and his body curled up into a ball. As a result, a Grenade flew around and fell to a target. The explosion blew me down, making me see stars and trying to get up, but I couldn’t get up. I didn’t see clearly that I was really trampled until the Venus dispersed. But I was not an elephant, but an Annan monkey was stepping on me, waving a sapper shovel and fighting with Shandong. I didn’t know that I was rude. It was too much to step on a big living person! Watching him spread his legs, I admit that I am evil. I loved martial arts stories since I was a child, and I never got tired of listening to them. I also secretly learned them. I didn’t expect to go back here. I was almost conditioned, familiar and flashing. A monkey stole a peach and grabbed his two balls. He made a determined effort, pinched them, exaggerated them and screamed at the extreme, scaring Shandong to take a step back. That guy rolled on the ground with his body covered. He wouldn’t be killed alive and he would have to become a eunuch. This is stepping on our court! I got up and smiled at Shandong. He smirked. I found that he was consciously clamping his legs. Er, I didn’t scare him, did I?
The company commander howled excitedly, and rushed two engineers wherever there were many people among the Annan agents.
The shovel dances into a ball of black wind, which is darker than the black whirlwind. When the blood splashes everywhere, people tumble and bump into his hands. Agent Annan can’t expect to live. I found that his tricks are all called to the neck. This guy is really poisonous. The neck is really too fragile. Five of the ten tricks in the special forces learn to kill. Five of them are attacking the neck. If you don’t die, you have to spread a disabled sapper shovel. Is it still alive if it is so sharp? He is like an ancient general with more than 20 trumpeters and thousands of troops, who killed a seven-in and seven-out. No one can stop him. Many Annan agents have tried their best to avoid him. Lilac is not so fierce, but it is extremely cold. I saw with my own eyes that she was surrounded by three Annan agents for less than a minute. Those three Annan agents all let her stab her with a combat knife, so that she can quickly and ruthlessly watch me. My cold sweat is running.
Handfuls of sharp, sharp, triangular army thorns form a cold dead line and hit this dead line. Annan soldiers have two choices: death or retreat. Speaking of hand-to-hand combat, who are we afraid of? Annan soldiers howled and rushed out of the wall of fire, screaming and fell our bayonets. They rushed three times in a row and were repelled three times by us. Maybe the commander of Annan Capital Division wanted these veterans to tear a hole in our defense at first, but we forced him to go back. He had to put more Annan agents into this unsatisfied grave, and at last the main attack force was replaced by agents. My God, they used these special warfare elites to fight hard. Their teachers are really cruel! The whole battalion of Annan agents took advantage of our artillery fire to transfer, and suddenly they rushed over and were swept down by our machine guns in rows. Whether they were injured or not, they became bloody people. They screamed hoarsely and walked through a pool of blood and continued to rush forward. At this time, Annan agents were a group of wounded beasts! But they are doomed to be impossible to succeed because lilac guided two short-range tactical missiles launched by self-propelled rockets have hit them! We were all stunned when the missile landed-
More dazzling than ten suns rising at the same time, white light from the explosion point almost tore the night into two pieces! Two white mushroom clouds thundered and roared as the earth shook. The Ran Ran rose, and the 100-meter gravel in Fiona Fang was completely melted and cooled by high temperature in less than a second, and then re-condensed into smooth glass particles. The wind exploded at an extreme speed of 9 kilometers per second, and what experienced veterans, mortars and anti-aircraft guns spread layer by layer. This torrent of death was so fragile in front of us, whether it was squatting or hiding in a depression, it suddenly rolled up and disappeared completely in the blast wind, leaving us with faces full of surprise and despair …
What kind of weapon is this? Tactical nuclear weapons?
The explosion wave crashed across the battlefield in silence, and there was still gunfire in the distance. That was our main force beating the seventh division.
Annan Capital Division didn’t attack again, and they only had a little morale, which was blown to pieces by these two terrible missiles. No one wanted to take a step forward because of how the officers shouted, and we were also scared. Naturally, we wouldn’t fight against the impact. The battlefield became very quiet and quiet, unlike the silence of the battlefield. I heard toads croak croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak
I asked Lilac in a low voice, "Were those two nuclear bombs?"
Lilac looked at me like an idiot. "If it’s a nuclear bomb, do you still have life to ask questions?"
I don’t think it’s necessary for the country to eliminate an agent to engage in nuclear weapons. Besides, the two of us don’t even reimburse us for the real thing here. I said, "I don’t think so, but it’s so powerful that it can only be done with nuclear weapons. It’s not nuclear weapons. What is it?"
Lilac gave me a stern stare. "Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t say, don’t say, don’t know. Even if you know, you should pretend that you don’t know these. Haven’t you heard of them? If you don’t want to cause trouble, forget what just happened and pretend you didn’t see anything or hear anything! "
My mother is so strict! I spit out my tongue. I’d better concentrate on finishing this battle and go back to sleep …
Chapter DiYiLiuSi Glory belongs to the Republic (3)
Major General Chen Youzhen’s body shook several times to get rid of the telescope, and the guards rushed to hold him. He waved his hand to show that he was fine, but the guards saw that the teachers were pale and almost white, and their waists had been straight. Suddenly, they stooped slightly as if the sky were falling, as if the proud soldier were under pressure to crush Chen Youzhen. They stared at the two groups almost and hugged each other in the snow-white mushroom cloud, shaking badly and murmured, "What weapon is this? What have I never heard of? " Suddenly "poof" spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the guards were shocked to hold him and shouted, "The teacher is injured! The military doctor is injured! "
The military doctor braved the horizontal missile film and the fire rain and rushed over to check Chen Youzhen’s injury. Chen Youzhen swept him aside with a wave of his arm, and his voice was hoarse. "Let the troops stop attacking, disperse and hide, and call even the cadres for a meeting!"
When the guards hesitated to reach the order, they were blown to pieces and fought again. Annan Capital Division silently withdrew from the attack starting point, scattered and concealed, and suffered from the roaring shells and the emotional torture of the heart. Did you lose like this? What should we do? What should Annan do? The Soviets abandoned us in Japan, but who will save Annan? The outcome has not been completely decided, but the feeling of failure has enveloped Annan Capital Division.
Once the troops have this kind of emotion and the law guides them correctly, then no matter how strong the troops are, they can lose the battle.
A large number of muddy officers in the headquarters were crowded together, and none of them smoked cigarettes. The unspeakable emotional torture deprived them of their desire to speak. Their lofty aspirations had already been shattered by even the sky’s artillery fire, and their blood was almost exhausted. There was fatigue and deep despair, and they tried their best to save the day. There was a major who waved his arm and shouted, "The despicable Chinese army will inevitably invite the world to beg for weapons of mass destruction against us … We should take active actions and never sit still!"
The head of the secret service asked coldly, "Then what should we do?"
I don’t know the little major even said with gestures that all the troops washed away the Chinese army’s infantry defense line like a tsunami and returned to the capital! To return to the capital, our bad situation will be completely improved, and the advantage of the Chinese army will be brought into full play. If they dare to attack the river, they will inevitably fall into a Stalingrad-style protracted street fighting. They have long been exhausted, but we can get help from the Chinese people. It must be them! Glory belongs to Annan, who wants us to act bravely, and the victory must be us in the end! "
Several heads wry smile is really new.
Calves are not afraid of tigers. At present, all the divisions in the capital rely on bayonets to pry open the Chinese army’s defense line. The casualty ratio between the two sides has almost reached six to one, and the Chinese army has sacrificed such terrible weapons. How can we fight this battle? Shock the Chinese defense line like a tsunami? Luckily, he can think of it! Although the stormy sea was fierce, it shook the rocks for half a minute. And that Chinese army is the rock that stand in front of them!
Zhou Fengshan said, "The most important thing now is to find out what weapons the Chinese military ambassador is and what is so horrible! This is very important. If we can’t figure out, his troops are likely to follow in our footsteps, and the consequences are unimaginable. "


I will definitely have fewer words in each chapter than in normal chapters, and I won’t cheat everyone in this respect.

It’s a chaotic chapter. Look at your uncle Magikarp, Longye, and suddenly several alpacas ran by in my heart.
Longye, an impressive supporting character with no official name in the pet elf animation, knows a lot about Uncle Magikarp’s deeds. On the St. Annu, the uncle sold Magikarp, which is said to be able to produce gold. As a result, Kojiro, a fool, spent 30,000 yuan to buy a trio of rockets that sank on the St. Annu, but with the help of this Magikarp, Magikarp almost killed Kojiro and abandoned Magikarp in anger. As a result, the carp king instantly evolved into a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the rockets and Xiaozhi were blown away together.
This is the first time. After that, this uncle also sold Magikarp as a stupid fish to Musashi, and Chimecho as a rare one to Kojiro. The worst thing is that this uncle was able to change Kojiro’s big-eating flowers. You know, big-eating flowers are the evolution of big-eating flowers!
Such a character turned out to be his father? Am I going to sell Magikarp with him in the future?
Suddenly, Longye thought of one thing. Since this wretched uncle is his father, shouldn’t he grow into this wretched appearance?
Longye immediately got up and went to look in the mirror. Fortunately, the young man in the mirror looks less handsome.
"You are still so smug when you get up." Uncle Magikarp said with a smile.
"Is Longye awake? Let mom see how worried you are these days. Why are you so naughty?"
When I saw my mother Longye running in, I finally knew what I was like. It turned out that he looked more like Longye than his mother. I couldn’t help thinking to myself, "This uncle Magikarp is very good, and he can marry such a beautiful wife. If it weren’t for his looks, my buddy, I must be a member of the idol school now."
"Mom and Dad are not worried, I’m fine," Longye said.
After seeing that Longye was all right, the two charged a few words before letting Longye have a good rest.
Alone, Ryuno finally checks the fusion memory sometimes. It turns out that this body is named Fujiwara Ryono. His father is seven years old this year, and uncle Magikarp’s name is Fujiwara. My mother’s name is Sakura. According to uncle Magikarp’s grade, Ryono knows that Xiao Zhi has not traveled yet. Now it is an animated plot. A few years ago, Ryono could not accurately know it.
After resting in bed for two days, Longye’s physical injury has healed. During this time, he found that his cheap dad is definitely not as simple as it looks.
First of all, they lived in a place where Longye was able to walk around, only to find that it turned out to be a giant villa, and there was a super courtyard around the villa. In the animation, Longye thought that Dr. Damu’s house for stocking all kinds of elves was big enough, and now he found that his home was bigger than that.
Such villas and courtyards are not for sale. Magikarp can buy them.
There are also many elves living in this courtyard, but what Longye sees are all Bibi birds, green caterpillars, which are very common elves, and of course, more are the Magikarp in the river.
The first time I came into contact with the real little faerie dragon wild, I was so excited that he squatted by the river and stared at Magikarp in the river for a long time. He didn’t even notice that he had completed a random.
When Longye looked at the system in the evening, he found that he had not only completed a "first contact" randomly, but also gave the light runner a random reward of five achievement points, while the established one was rewarded with one achievement point.
However, 15 achievement points in the mall are just able to change a few trees and fruits. There is a long way to go after Longye.
After living in this home for a week, Longye has accepted his present identity, and at the same time, he finally knows his father’s identity after he intentionally asks. It turns out that this uncle Magikarp is the biggest hidden boss in the pet elf world.
Fujiwara Masayoshi is the current patriarch of Fujiwara family, and this huge villa is just the tip of the iceberg of Fujiwara family industry. Because Fujiwara Masayoshi likes a quiet place, I took my family on vacation here.
Fujiwara family is a family with a long history. Its history is longer than that of the Imperial Dragon Family in Yanmo City and the Guardian Rinrin Tower Family in Yuanzhu City. Even the Elf Alliance dare not provoke the top families easily. However, Fujiwara family and alliance have no conflicts of interest, and they have always lived in peace.
The main industry of Fujiwara family is to cultivate rare or special elves for sale. Longye saw that this courtyard is the outer area of the family courtyard and there are no precious elves. If it enters the core area of the family, there are many rare elves there.
The Fujiwara family’s cultivation of elves is not limited to powerful ones, such as Hakelon and land shark, which are rare and have great potential, but also ordinary elves like horned goldfish.
However, although it is a horned goldfish, the horned goldfish cultivated by Fujiwara family is completely different from those cultivated in the wild. The family has specialized personnel to cultivate horned goldfish with different body colors, such as a goldfish with red horns and white horns around it or a goldfish with black and white horns. Although these elves are not strong in fighting ability, they have strong ornamental value. Some rich people will spend tens of millions to buy a special horned goldfish.
Chapter 533 Young Cheren
Theft prevention is also forced. I hope everyone can understand.
If you decide whether to start, click or take off, you can continue reading if you click on the page length of the directory and press the title of this chapter to confirm again.
I measure only 120,000 words a month, and ordinary members also need 6 yuan, that is, two bottles of iced black tea. I hope you can support me.
I will definitely have fewer words in each chapter than in normal chapters, and I won’t cheat everyone in this respect.
It’s a chaotic chapter. Look at your uncle Magikarp, Longye, and suddenly several alpacas ran by in my heart.
Longye, an impressive supporting character with no official name in the pet elf animation, knows a lot about Uncle Magikarp’s deeds. On the St. Annu, the uncle sold Magikarp, which is said to be able to produce gold. As a result, Kojiro, a fool, spent 30,000 yuan to buy a trio of rockets that sank on the St. Annu, but with the help of this Magikarp, Magikarp almost killed Kojiro and abandoned Magikarp in anger. As a result, the carp king instantly evolved into a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the rockets and Xiaozhi were blown away together.
This is the first time. After that, this uncle also sold Magikarp as a stupid fish to Musashi, and Chimecho as a rare one to Kojiro. The worst thing is that this uncle was able to change Kojiro’s big-eating flowers. You know, big-eating flowers are the evolution of big-eating flowers!
Such a character turned out to be his father? Am I going to sell Magikarp with him in the future?
Suddenly, Longye thought of one thing. Since this wretched uncle is his father, shouldn’t he grow into this wretched appearance?
Longye immediately got up and went to look in the mirror. Fortunately, the young man in the mirror looks less handsome.
"You are still so smug when you get up." Uncle Magikarp said with a smile.
"Is Longye awake? Let mom see how worried you are these days. Why are you so naughty?"
When I saw my mother Longye running in, I finally knew what I was like. It turned out that he looked more like Longye than his mother. I couldn’t help thinking to myself, "This uncle Magikarp is very good, and he can marry such a beautiful wife. If it weren’t for his looks, my buddy, I must be a member of the idol school now."
"Mom and Dad are not worried, I’m fine," Longye said.
After seeing that Longye was all right, the two charged a few words before letting Longye have a good rest.
Alone, Ryuno finally checks the fusion memory sometimes. It turns out that this body is named Fujiwara Ryono. His father is seven years old this year, and uncle Magikarp’s name is Fujiwara. My mother’s name is Sakura. According to uncle Magikarp’s grade, Ryono knows that Xiao Zhi has not traveled yet. Now it is an animated plot. A few years ago, Ryono could not accurately know it.
After resting in bed for two days, Longye’s physical injury has healed. During this time, he found that his cheap dad is definitely not as simple as it looks.
First of all, they lived in a place where Longye was able to walk around, only to find that it turned out to be a giant villa, and there was a super courtyard around the villa. In the animation, Longye thought that Dr. Damu’s house for stocking all kinds of elves was big enough, and now he found that his home was bigger than that.
Such villas and courtyards are not for sale. Magikarp can buy them.
There are also many elves living in this courtyard, but what Longye sees are all Bibi birds, green caterpillars, which are very common elves, and of course, more are the Magikarp in the river.
The first time I came into contact with the real little faerie dragon wild, I was so excited that he squatted by the river and stared at Magikarp in the river for a long time. He didn’t even notice that he had completed a random.
When Longye looked at the system in the evening, he found that he had not only completed a "first contact" randomly, but also gave the light runner a random reward of five achievement points, while the established one was rewarded with one achievement point.
However, 15 achievement points in the mall are just able to change a few trees and fruits. There is a long way to go after Longye.
After living in this home for a week, Longye has accepted his present identity, and at the same time, he finally knows his father’s identity after he intentionally asks. It turns out that this uncle Magikarp is the biggest hidden boss in the pet elf world.
Fujiwara Masayoshi is the current patriarch of Fujiwara family, and this huge villa is just the tip of the iceberg of Fujiwara family industry. Because Fujiwara Masayoshi likes a quiet place, I took my family on vacation here.
Fujiwara family is a family with a long history. Its history is longer than that of the Imperial Dragon Family in Yanmo City and the Guardian Rinrin Tower Family in Yuanzhu City. Even the Elf Alliance dare not provoke the top families easily. However, Fujiwara family and alliance have no conflicts of interest, and they have always lived in peace.
The main industry of Fujiwara family is to cultivate rare or special elves for sale. Longye saw that this courtyard is the outer area of the family courtyard and there are no precious elves. If it enters the core area of the family, there are many rare elves there.
The Fujiwara family’s cultivation of elves is not limited to powerful ones, such as Hakelon and land shark, which are rare and have great potential, but also ordinary elves like horned goldfish.
However, although it is a horned goldfish, the horned goldfish cultivated by Fujiwara family is completely different from those cultivated in the wild. The family has specialized personnel to cultivate horned goldfish with different body colors, such as a goldfish with red horns and white horns around it or a goldfish with black and white horns. Although these elves are not strong in fighting ability, they have strong ornamental value. Some rich people will spend tens of millions to buy a special horned goldfish.
Chapter 534 United champion Alder
Theft prevention is also forced. I hope everyone can understand.
If you know whether the anti-theft chapter is a starting point, a point or a leap, Xuncheng should click on the page length of the directory and press the title of this chapter to confirm it again, so you can continue reading.
I will definitely have fewer words in each anti-theft chapter than in the normal chapter, and I will not cheat everyone in this respect.
It’s a chaotic chapter. Look at your uncle Magikarp, Longye, and suddenly several alpacas ran by in my heart.
Longye, an impressive supporting character with no official name in the pet elf animation, knows a lot about Uncle Magikarp’s deeds. On the St. Annu, the uncle sold Magikarp, which is said to be able to produce gold. As a result, Kojiro, a fool, spent 30,000 yuan to buy a trio of rockets that sank on the St. Annu, but with the help of this Magikarp, Magikarp almost killed Kojiro and abandoned Magikarp in anger. As a result, the carp king instantly evolved into a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the rockets and Xiaozhi were blown away together.
This is the first time. After that, this uncle also sold Magikarp as a stupid fish to Musashi, and Chimecho as a rare one to Kojiro. The worst thing is that this uncle was able to change Kojiro’s big-eating flowers. You know, big-eating flowers are the evolution of big-eating flowers!
Such a character turned out to be his father? Am I going to sell Magikarp with him in the future?
Suddenly, Longye thought of one thing. Since this wretched uncle is his father, shouldn’t he grow into this wretched appearance?


The person in my arms seems very nervous and stiff. I didn’t care about Wu Yun, but she is next door. This girl must be afraid of making a sound and being heard by Wu Yun. It’s hard to be nervous! Besides, this girl probably knows that I will definitely come to her secretly without wearing any equipment. Hey, hey, light rain, this girl still knows me best!

Slowly hold the girl’s hand in front of me, gently grope her mouth in the girl’s body, and directly find the lips of’ Xiaoyu’. In the past, I felt a little strange. At ordinary times, Xiaoyu’s caressing in this way must have been slowly relaxing. Today, even if someone is next door, it shouldn’t be so stiff. And it seems that this girl is plump and a lot. Is it a long time without encountering illusion?
But at this time, I didn’t care so much about it ~ I kissed Wu Yun and Lulu as early as in Death Canyon, and I was aroused by evil fire for a while, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of them and they were already burning!
Turn over and press it to this perfect charming body, find the right target, raise your gun slowly and firmly, push it into your arms, and your charming body shudders, and your hands cling to my shoulders, but you just can’t make a sound! I was excited, and suddenly I trembled all over ~ Shit ~ What’s the matter? We’ve only advanced for a short time, and we’ve met with obstacles! This is not a light rain!
Looking back, I just felt different. I immediately realized that this girl is not a light rain! Lulu’s bedroom. I know there is one-Wu Yun! It is no wonder that I feel that some places are more plump and stalwart. I can observe it a lot at ordinary times ~ how can Wu Yun be in this room? This is me and the rain room! On second thought, I’m white. It’s Xiaoyu again! She must have deliberately let me fall asleep because this girl knew I would definitely come to her. She ran to the next room by herself! I’m dizzy ~ but why didn’t Wu Yun respond when we came in? And ~ this ~ this girl is actually ~ this is the first time!
I was thinking about it, and my charming body seemed to feel that I was moving slightly and then I gave a low hum, which was terrible ~ I still hesitated and didn’t know what to do, but I couldn’t stop this movement. A hum suddenly seemed like pouring a bucket of gasoline on the burning matchstick, and the fire suddenly burned up!
About ten minutes later, I stopped. Although I haven’t explained it yet, I dare not continue. I’m afraid this girl can’t stand it. Hey, hey, look at you. How dare you say I’m day trader?
Gently hug the girl in my arms. I smiled and leaned into her ear and said, "Do you dare to say that your husband and I are day trader?"
"Well ~ no ~ I dare not!" The maid in my arms replied to me with a bad smile, "Do you know this is my room, Little Yun?"
"Ah?" Wu Yun one leng immediately seems to realize that he was cheated by light rain!
"Light rain didn’t tell you this is my room? And let you sleep here? "
"hmm ~"
"Hey, hey, little crowd, you have to tell the truth. Why did you get all the equipment?"
"I ~ I am used to it!"
"Oh ~ Do you regret believing in Xiaoyu?"
"No ~ I don’t regret it!"
"Hey hey, just don’t regret it. Even if you regret it, you are also my Lu Yang woman. Don’t want to run away in this life!" I am proud of the way
"Ah ~ don’t move!" Wu Yun cried, "Lu Yang, can you promise me one thing?"
"Hey, hey, what is it?"
"People can’t stand it ~ Go to the next room to find Xiaoyu!" Wu Yun pathetic said
Now go find Xiaoyu? Shit ~ it’s exciting to think about it! But can the light rain promise in the past now? Besides, can we really leave now?
"Don’t break the idea that I’m not going anywhere right here! Little Yun, sleep well! My husband won’t move, so I’ll hold you until the line is ready! "
"You really don’t move?"
"Do you dare not believe the husband? Do you want my family to serve you? "
"What is French?"
"This is it!" I force a Wu Yun exclaimed repeatedly for mercy. I hey hey smiled and said, "If you dare to disobey me, I will be served by French! Go to sleep! "
"hmm ~"
I feel that Wu Yun is really sleeping on my chest, and I am very proud. This girl has really changed a lot!
Chapter 49 is complete!
Hugging Wu Yun and waiting for the girl to fall asleep slowly, I slowly withdrew! I feel that my little brother is still holding his head high, and I smile bitterly
I was just about to send a message to Xiao Yu, who knows that just then I found that there seemed to be some movement at the door of the house ~ I pricked up my ears and listened carefully, as if someone had come in? I suddenly came to the spirit, and now I will sneak up here. Who else but Xiaoyu? Hey, hey, we couldn’t come to you, but you came by yourself. That would be great!
Gently touch the bed behind a screen next to it. After a few seconds, I saw a vague and charming figure touch in. I slowly walked to the bed and looked at it for a while. After that, this girl turned softly. I guess this girl wanted to leave my heart and snigger for two steps. Then she took this girl in her arms.
"Ah ~ well ~" I knew this girl would scream and I quickly blocked her mouth.
I feel that this girl is familiar with the breath, and the little brother is more tall and straight! "Xiao Yu, hey hey, this is your own!"
"Ah ~ Liu Yang ~ You bad guy, let my non-success sister be here ~"
"Of course I know where she is? You’re the girl who arranged it! Light rain, but you have gone bad ~ "
"I ~ I just gave my room to Sister Yun!"
"Are you? Hey, hey, drizzle, you are getting more and more considerate! I know that my husband will definitely not be satisfied with myself! " Hey, hey, smile, I kissed Xiaoyu’s lips again, and soon the girl stopped struggling. The warm response was the greatest support for us. Thank you!
Slowly, this girl seems to have been thrown away, and who else slowly fell on the bed, but she was still afraid of meeting Wu Yun to wake her up!
Seeing that the girl has completely surrendered, I gently jumped on her and judo "Xiaoyu is good, unload the equipment quickly!" "
Soon I worked hard in Xiaoyu’s body, but this girl was used to it. Although she was still shy every time, she kept the bass as low as possible, but she couldn’t hold her breath like Wu Yun’s girl and didn’t make a sound ~ this time, too
After more than 20 minutes, this girl was too tired to move, but I continued. This girl said intermittently, "Yang ~ you ~ you go to Sister Yun ~ I ~ can’t ~ ah ~"
I can’t stand seeing this girl. Look at Wu Yun, who seems to be still asleep. But hey hey, this can’t fool me. This girl must have woken up long ago. I’m embarrassed to have been pretending to sleep!
From Xiao Yu’s body to Wu Yunshen’s body, this girl is really pretending to sleep. I just rushed to get up ~ "Ah ~ Liu Yang, don’t ~ I can’t stand it ~"
Hey, hey, you can’t stand the rest for so long?
After more than ten minutes, I met with two girls in my arms, and my breath was full of two women’s bodies emitting fragrance! Feeling the heavy breathing of two girls, my heart was full of pride and happiness, and I fell asleep unconsciously!
When I woke up, the two girls in my arms were gone, and Li took a deep breath and sniffed, and there were two women smelling! Sit up and wear all the equipment out of the room. Look at the garden on the balcony. All three girls are chatting in the gazebo in the garden. It’s almost time for the line!
Once again, I sent a message in the mercenary group channel. Online cadres must organize the guild. Online members will do a good job in fortress defense. Don’t go wrong. After getting the reply from everyone, I called Xiaoyu and several girls to Ling Zhou Lin Hao Lengfeng. They all sent messages and quit the game!
After quitting the game and washing, I came to the hall. A few minutes later, everyone came out one after another. Xiaoyu took Lulu and Wu Yun, two girls, and next to them was Ling Zhou. When four girls came to see me from the building together, Lulu Wu Yun and Xiaoyu were a little embarrassed. Lulu must have been embarrassed because she promised to be with us in the future in the game, but Xiaoyu and Wu Yun hey hey ~ "Eh? How does this feel a little different? " Lin Hao, this guy also ran out after washing, looking at four women touching the bar from the floor and wondering to himself.
"What’s different?" I asked doubtfully.
"Well, I’m white! It must be so! Hey hey Pei! " If Lin Hao this guy stared at me to think, he cried
Just at this time of cold front and flow cream also came out. Everyone looked at Lin Hao. This guy seemed to stare at me without any notice. The thief smiled and said, "Miss Wu is different! Hey, hey, I kissed you in public in the game. Now I don’t know how many times I clicked on the forum video! Now the players all know that the vice president of the Women’s League Xiaoyun is also our eldest woman! It looks a little different when it’s renamed! Lu Yangpei haha got it so quickly! "


"Mirror sharingan! 」

"Pupils, days! 」
When I just finished my skill, I cooled my pupil, and the sky was instantly launched by the dragon soul. The purple flame invaded the whole unformed dragon department in a wide range, and the purple flame burned impudently and an unpleasant smell made the grease in the body crackle.
Beside the dragon soul, the star Wu Tian also launched a skill to attack the unformed dragon, and suddenly the scene became very beautiful. The purple flame summoned by the dragon soul set off several starlight scattered from the sky like fireworks, but at this time, no one had the mind to enjoy such a beautiful scenery.
Rose-purple once again summoned the North Ghost Xuanwu, and the North Ghost Xuanwu joined forces with the blood-winged dragons to launch an attack on the dragon that is tenaciously forming.
The white beam emitted from the mouth of Beiming Xuanwu accompanied by the cross chop of the blood-winged dragon heaven can also cause great damage to the dragon.
Crysal, on the other hand, specializes in casting skills on the dragon’s head. It seems that she has a strong hatred for the monsters in the nether world.
The image of the dragon became clearer and clearer, and everyone tried to maintain their skills. The dragon soul consumed the most, and he had to start burning his own experience to maintain the skill launch.
"Guardians, don’t you think it’s shameful to do it yourself? ? ?” Suddenly, no one was prepared for a loud sound that echoed throughout the palace. Everyone stopped their skills and turned their eyes to the dragon that had been summoned successfully.
It’s a huge western dragon, covered in black with blood, and the red dragon soul is trying to lift its head, but it can’t see his head. There, you can see his huge body and wings as big as the bat behind him.
"Stars, can you see his head? ? ? How can this guy be so tall that I can’t see his head … "Dragon Soul asked uneasily," The stars are heavenly.
The star Wu Tian nodded, "I can see it, but he is really too tall. His head is blocked by the ceiling and hangs in front." The dragon soul rushed to the front and saw that the huge head was hanging in front of the dragon. Two big yellow eyes were glaring at the blood-winged dragon. It was almost like a child than the blood-winged dragon, but in the imposing manner, it was nothing but a confrontation with the dragon.
The dragon emperor in the blood prison was once a terrible hell, and was later dismembered and sealed in the lake of the underworld. Once summoned, it will cause great catastrophe again. Because it has been sealed for too long, once it is unsealed, it will have a strong resentment level 1 BOSS.
The dragon soul looked at the blood prison and the dragon emperor’s data was silly. So powerful BOSS was summoned. Now he really regrets why he didn’t directly kill the monster of the nether lake. Speaking of it, it’s not that he is afraid that this BOSS will consume a lot when fighting with such a powerful BOSS. Besides, it’s not a simple battle when everyone’s skills are still cooling down just now.
"I can see that you are not a simple dragon ….." The dragon emperor of the blood prison said to the evil spirit of the blood wing dragon. I don’t know what it looks like from the blood prison dragon emperor just now that he is very unhappy with the blood wing dragon, as if he was relatively quick to kill it.
"Being ridden on the back is like a humble mule. It really deserves to be a dragon. You have lost all our dragon faces …" Say that finish, the golden shock wave all the way to Zhangkou sprayed the blood wing dragon, and the speed of the blood wing dragon quickly escaped the instantaneous arrival at the blood prison dragon emperor’s side. A curse was thrown at the blood prison dragon emperor’s body. The blood prison dragon emperor moved his huge body and just wanted to attack the blood wing dragon, but it was bypassed by the latter from behind.
"Death cyclotron wave! 」
The defense of the dragon emperor in the blood prison has been greatly weakened by the curse. This attack will be a big test for him. However, the dragon emperor in the blood prison suddenly came to light and condensed a black shield in front of him, which easily bounced the death cyclotron wave to the ceiling, and suddenly the ceiling was a huge hole.
Chapter 52 Dragon Wars
The dragon emperor of the blood prison was excited to see the big hole in the ceiling being blown up. He was finally able to stretch his wings and shake it. The dragon emperor of the blood prison rushed out through the crack in the ceiling, and the whole crack was hit harder.
Everyone took a look at the stars all over the sky, almost covered by the huge wings of the dragon emperor of the blood prison. Now the whole exhibition of the dragon emperor of the blood prison looks even bigger, and a bunch of huge wings stretch like a civil airliner
Suddenly, the blood prison dragon emperor’s yellow eyes burst into an evil light, and a dive crashed into the bottom of the blood wing dragon. The blood wing dragon pulled out to dodge the blood prison dragon emperor almost bumped into the ground, but I didn’t expect him to be so big and so heavy. Since he could stop turning his head, it was a shock wave that roared out and flew towards the blood wing dragon.
"Long Lin breast wall! 」
A series of Long Lin formed an impenetrable protective wall in front of the blood wing dragon, and achieved an absolute defense of 360 degrees. The powerful shock wave rushed to the front and crashed into the Long Lin protective wall. Although it did not cause real damage to the blood wing dragon, the blood wing dragon retreated several steps.
Ten seconds later, the skills dispersed and the blood-winged dragon has seen the dragon soul, the stars and the sky have rushed to the front of the blood prison dragon emperor, and the dragon soul has jumped to the blood prison dragon emperor. Two people’s attacks can cause little damage to the blood prison dragon emperor.
The northern ghost Xuanwu is at the bottom of the blood prison, and the dragon emperor’s feet are huge. The northern ghost Xuanwu plate is steady and trying to hold the blood prison dragon emperor’s body. The blood prison dragon emperor has now taken care of the blood wing Feilong’s bottom, and the northern ghost Xuanwu power is also very strong. His contradiction makes it difficult for the blood prison dragon emperor to distract himself.
Crystal Crysal rose-purple has already jumped up. The crystal is behind the dragon emperor of the blood prison, and the wind magic arrows fly to the dragon emperor of the blood prison. Although the blood volume of the dragon emperor of the blood prison is a quarter (everyone was outstanding before the dragon emperor of the blood prison was formed just now), everyone has been attacking for so long, but the blood volume has not been found to drop significantly.
"Star cross cut! 」
Stars Wu Tian jumped high in the sky, and the clouds crossed and landed in the blood prison dragon emperor body, but the blood prison dragon emperor Long Lin was too thick. Stars Wu Tian felt that his knife landed on him and he felt that he was about to be bounced.
The dragon soul’s attack on the dragon emperor in the blood prison is not very effective, especially the physical defense ability of the dragon emperor in the blood prison is particularly strong and the blood volume is amazing, but it seems to be worse for the defense of light magic.
"Holy light! 」
The holy light ring shot at the blood prison dragon emperor’s eyes, but it hit at the fragile place of the blood prison dragon emperor. The most vulnerable place of the dragon is his eyes, especially the light attack.
The blood prison dragon emperor gave up the North Ghost Xuanwu entangled two thick forelimbs and tightly covered his eyes. The North Ghost Xuanwu stared at the opportunity to back the prickly back armor and slammed the blood prison dragon emperor’s body back a few steps. An aurora struck the blood prison dragon emperor’s belly, and its powerful freezing ability temporarily paralyzed his body.
The dragon soul saw the blood prison and the dragon emperor’s heart was happy, and then launched the strongest physical attack.
"The dragon right hand! 」


You have thought about it, but we have found a way, haven’t we? Asked Dantè s eagerly.

Is it true or not? They happened to send a deaf and blind sentry to guard this corridor outside us.
He is blind and deaf. The young man said in a very firm tone that the priest could not help shivering.
No, no, the priest said it was impossible. Dantè s tried to bring the subject back, but the priest shook his head and refused to talk about it any more.
Three months have passed.
Do you feel strong enough? The priest asked the young man Dantè s, and he answered that he picked up the chisel, bent it into a horseshoe, and then straightened it easily.
Can you promise me that you will have to hurt that sentry if you can’t?
My personality guarantee
Then the priest said that we might be able to carry out our plan.
How long will it take us to finish the necessary work?
One year less
Shall we do it right away
We have wasted a year, said Dantè s.
Do you think that the past twelve months have been waves? asked the priest in a warm reproachful tone.
Ah, I’m sorry, said Edmund, blushing
Forget it, forget it, said the priest. People are people after all, and you are probably the best person I have ever met. Let me show you my plan. Said the priest, he took a design drawing and showed it to Dantè s. The tunnel in Dantè s’ dungeon is connected.
In this tunnel, he proposed to dig another tunnel, which would be the same as the miners’ roadway, but once they reached the sentry post, they would dig a big hole, and at the same time, they would spread a big stone in the corridor to loosen a piece. When necessary, the sentry’s foot would collapse when he stepped on it, and the sentry would fall to the bottom of the hole, so that they would tie him up and gag him. He would never be shocked by this fall, so they fled from the corridor window to the priest’s rope ladder to climb the outer wall. As soon as Dants heard this simple and obviously grasped the successful plan, his eyes were filled with
On the same day, the two diggers began to work together. Because of their long rest, they recovered from fatigue, and most of their hopes were destined to come true. They worked very hard, and there was nothing to disturb their work except that they had to go back to their cells and wait for the jailer to see them. When the jailer came to their cells from the stairs, his footsteps were very light, but they had learned to distinguish this almost imperceptible sound. The jailer never realized that they were doing it. They dug new soil this time. But they were extremely careful to throw the old tunnel away from the window of Faria or Dantè s’ cell, and they crushed it into powder and let the night wind blow it far away without leaving a trace.
They spent more than a year in this project, and their tools were a chisel, a knife and a wooden stick. Faria taught Dantè s this language while working, and sometimes told him the history of various countries when she spoke that language. Those great men who left behind a glorious footprint remembered that the priest was a man who had experienced many vicissitudes. At that time, he was good at imitating Dantè s, and at the same time he absorbed his elegant and gentle demeanor, which he lacked before, unless he had the opportunity to associate with those noble and educated people frequently.
Fifteen months later, the tunnel was dug into the corridor, and the cave was completed. Whenever the sentry walked up and down the two excavation heads, they could clearly hear the even footsteps. They were waiting for a dark moon night to cover their escape. What they were most afraid of now was that the stone was destined to fall from there. The stone would fall before the time was ripe. To prevent this, they had to take another measure to prop it up. This pillar was made in the foundation of the wall when they were digging tunnels. Now on this day, Dantes is propping up this piece of wood, and Faria is cutting a rope ladder buckle in Edmond’s cell. Suddenly, Dantes hears Faria calling him in a painful voice. He hurried back to his cell and found his face pale in the middle of the room, his forehead sweating and his hands clasped tightly.
Oh, my God, exclaimed Dants. What’s the matter? What’s the matter with you?
Quick, quick, said the priest, listen to me.
Dants looked at the face in horror. Faria Faria’s eyes were covered with black and blue, his lips were white and his hair stood up. He was shocked and held it in his hand. What happened when he fell to the ground? He exclaimed
I’m finished. The priest said that I had a terrible disease, and I might die. I think the horse will be sent soon. I also sent a medicine to deal with this disease once a year before I went to prison. I’ll tell you what it is. Go to my cell and dismantle the foot of the bed. Can you see a small bottle of red liquid hidden in a hole at the foot of the bed? Bring it to me or no, no, I may be found here. Help me back to my room while I still have a little strength. Who knows what will happen when I get sick?
This unexpected trouble dealt a very heavy blow to Dantè s’ passion, but Dantè s was not blinded by it. He dragged his unfortunate companion through the tunnel and dragged him back to his room, and immediately put him to bed.
Thank you, said the priest. His limbs are shaking like ice in his veins. I have epilepsy. When it is very severe, I may lie still and cry like a dead man, but maybe the disease will be much more severe than this. I may have a terrible spasm and foaming at the mouth and scream uncontrollably. This is important because if I shout, if someone hears me, they will move me to another place, so that we will be separated forever when I become motionless. Don’t move, it’s cold and hard, like a dead body. You should remember when it’s necessary, but don’t pry my teeth too early and drop ten drops of medicine in the bottle into my throat. Maybe I’ll recover.
Perhaps dantes asked painfully.
Help! Help! The priest suddenly shouted, I’m dead, and I’m so ill that the unfortunate prisoner couldn’t finish the sentence. He twitched violently and trembled. His eyes bulged out, his mouth turned askew and his cheeks turned purple. He twisted and frothed, and it was terrible. He told Dantè s to cover his head with a sheet quickly. This hair lasted for two hours, and then he twitched for the last time, and his face blacked out. It was almost colder than a piece of rotten wood, whiter than a big stone, and weaker than a reed stepping on his foot.
Edmond waited until life seemed to have completely disappeared from his friend’s body before picking up the chisel and prying the closed teeth. He carefully dropped the red liquid into the stiff throat according to a certain number of drops, and then anxiously waited for an hour to pass before the old man showed signs of recovery.
Dantè s was afraid. He was afraid that the medicine might be too late. He put his hands in his hair and stared at his friend’s angry face in pain and despair. At last, his iron blue cheeks flushed and his consciousness returned to his dull eyes. A slight sigh came from his mouth. The patient struggled hard to move his body.
Save the life. Save the life. Dantè s couldn’t help shouting.
Although the patient was still unable to speak, he pointed to the door and looked very anxious. Dants listened to tell the jailer’s footsteps. At that time, it was almost seven o’clock. Edmond was so anxious that he forgot. When the young man rushed to the mouth of the cave and carefully covered it with stones, he went back to his cell. He had just finished everything, and the jailer took a casual look and saw the prisoner sitting by his bed as usual. Dants was obsessed with remembering that his friend didn’t want to eat. He didn’t wait for the key to lock it. Without waiting for the jailer’s footsteps to disappear in that long corridor, he hurried back to the priest’s room. As soon as the stone on his head rushed to the patient’s bedside, Faria was completely conscious now, but he was still very weak and lying on the bed.


Qi Yufeng nodded and immediately saw the blue bricks on his feet and cried and sank more than half an inch.

Ling Huchong immediately exulted, "Come on, let’s try Jianping." Then he put his arm around his shoulder and walked to the back with a smile.
On the way, I met the people around me. Ling Huchong suddenly met Se Yizheng and said, "Thanks to his brothers, there is one more thing. You have to do me a favor."
Qi Yufeng laughed. "But about the Hua Quan Gate."
Ling Huchong nodded. "Yes, it’s quite strange. I want to find out about this Huashan Mountain near Ri Mountain, but you have to stay in the town before."
Qi Yufeng just thought about it and knew that although many people in this mountain got through the governor’s second vein, fencing was far from him. If a master like Yu Canghai came, he should be his opponent except him.
If you go to the poor Huashan Sect, it will be enough. At this time, this growth medicine is in the mountains, but it is difficult for anyone to peek.
When he also face se a grave nodded and said, "well, I remember"
Ling Huchong added, "Then there is Lao Denuo …"
Qi Yufeng had this doubt yesterday. He knew this person was a jiān, and he was fine. Later, I was even more puzzled to see that he actually helped Lao Denuo break through the second pulse of the governor
Ling Huchong sighed, "After all, Lao Denuo stayed in Huashan for more than ten years and asked him not to make any movement. How can I kill him casually? In that case, wouldn’t it be cold for all the younger brothers? I hope everyone will be happy."
Qi Yufeng frowned. "Brother Hu Ling, this woman is kind …"
Ling Huchong waved his hand and said, "When my master dies, the Huashan Sect is lonely and lonely, and all factions in the Jianghu are cold-shouldered. I hope that one day I will recover my Huashan Sect. Lao Denuo is now diligent and kind to Huashan, so I can’t easily punish him."
Qi Yufeng added, "But …"
Ling Huchong looked at Qi Yufeng in a hurry and smiled with interest. "But what?"
Qi Yufeng said urgently, "But what if he tells Zuo Lengchan that we have all improved our skills in this snake soup?"
Ling Huchong touched the Pakistan and mused, "On the tenth day of every month, Lao Denuo Mountain handed the message to Songshan Mountain. He will have a red flower in a tree …"
Qi Yufeng couldn’t help but get a fright and quickly cried, "Do you know all this …?"
Ling Huchong nodded and said, "No, I’m afraid everyone knows that I’m a three-teacher, four-teacher, Gao Gen and six-monkey."
Qi Yufeng collapsed on the spot. What is this? jiān is fine. It is the first failure in history to do such a failure.
When you think about it, he is also aware that these other disciples are laughing and talking with each other. It seems that these people are keeping a certain distance from Lao Denuo in intimacy, and there is both indifference and pity in their eyes.
Ling Huchong sighed, "In fact, when the master was here, he did a perfect job, but our other disciples never found out that it was the crisis of Huashan School three years ago. Everyone helped each other in the same boat, but he showed some flaws at this time and deliberately let us find out that you said it was strange."
Qi Yufeng frowned. "Does he have the intention of taking refuge in Huashan School?"
Ling Huchong shook his head and said, "I don’t know if I have this idea. Huashan School is short of manpower. I hope he can be a monk for a day."
Qi Yufeng bowed his head and said in silence for a while, "But it is a hidden danger for him to go like this after all."
Ling Huchong nodded and then looked up at Qi Yufeng and laughed. "This is why I came to see you this time."
Chapter 5
Ling Huchong and Qi Yufeng spoke for a while, and then they went back to their rooms. When the rest of Huashan brothers saw that Ri’s head was getting higher, they all gave up breakfast and went back to their rooms to sleep.
After turning his room, Qi Yufeng lay high in bed and carefully experienced some changes in his body. If he said that he had done a good job in practicing magic and hanging Yandang Mountain, then now this snake soup has made him have a certain foundation.
Now, his strength and power have increased a lot. Although this bowl of snake soup can’t let him have decades of kung fu skills at once, he also realizes that he should have achieved great success among his peers.
He is lying on his side in bed at this time, but he can feel a burst of fever in the abdomen, and the hot air slowly flows around the governor’s second pulse. If you guide the breath a little and control the running speed of the true qi, you can feel a mass of gas rolling and boiling in the abdomen, slowly growing up and rushing to the top of your head along the body cavity. For a moment, he felt that the hot air seemed to lift the top of your head to come out from scratch, and his mind was clearer than before.
He studied the Yandang Mountain Skill, breathing the true qi into the abdomen, inhaling the true qi into the sea of qi, and breathing for a moment, forming a circulation of supervision. It is not fast to enter the country, and it is not necessary to deliberately seek natural conditions to achieve "breathing * * gas * * to keep the spirit"
At this time, he has to do a little work on the governor’s second pulse, and the acceleration of blood flow is extremely fast and continuous, and there is absolutely no exhaustion. If he practices it, he will gain extremely fast.
However, according to Sanqi, this kind of force is forced by medicine. Although it is strong, strong and overbearing, it may not be solid and mellow. It is not pure yang and righteousness, and it is not a way of keeping in good health. In the past, there was a great warrior whose martial arts were extremely powerful and almost enemy. Unfortunately, he was too persistent in his practice and never died well.
It’s the authentic skill to learn from time to time and let nature take its course and rely on its own potential.
Qi Yufeng thought that he still had a long time to do this, which was a rare situation and would be insatiable? When I think of Sanqi again, he once said that there are four sentences in practicing this skill: thinking rules, forgetting physical weakness, being lucky and dying, being alive and flourishing, and being y and n gone.
To sum up these four sentences … wouldn’t it be best to practice while sleeping?
At this time, his body’s drug power has not completely subsided, and there is still a residual stirring in his bowels. When he leans on his side according to the practice method, he is a city master who is clear and soul-wandering.
At first, he thought about this day, and he still had some thoughts about the ups and downs of Hao, but he gradually thought about the work, breathing, luck, quiet and contemplation, breathing and breathing slowly for a long time, and he felt calm and calm. There was a hot air slowly flowing through all the limbs in Andantian, and soon he snored and fell asleep.
At noon, he didn’t get up for dinner, but he heard that Ling Huchong had already led Gao Gen and Lu Dayou Mountain, so after dinner, he slowly came to Shijianping to watch Lao Denuo guide the teenagers to practice.
Lao Denuo is looking at a group of second-generation brother Zama bu "or horse stance just look at Qi Yufeng walked near and couldn’t help smiling and saying" Brother Qi ".
Qi Yufeng smile happily also said good morning and nodded his head, then put the sword on the side and stared at Lao Denuo’s teaching.
After a while, I heard a young brother say, "My uncle’s leg is sore. Can you have a rest?"
Lao Denuo cried with a straight face. "I have to plunge into the horse for three years to get started. This is the Huashan gate rule. If I violate it, I will be expelled from my master!"
That brother immediately spat out his tongue when he heard this martial uncle pressing people with the door rules, and dared not speak again.
Qi Yufeng observed for a while and found that these younger brothers’ skills were already quite deep. They practiced hard but didn’t lose their chance. I couldn’t help but frown.


"Yes, indeed," Tianyu mused for a moment and thought of something and said, "practice on behalf of others."

"substitute training?"
"Yes, we don’t have the money at present, but sometimes it’s also a good job if we don’t go out to work. The most important thing is that it’s very free. What’s more, we are two people. If we are tired, we will change to another person to continue." Tianyu remembered that when introducing those male guests in "Non-gay guy", it would show that there are many occupations of the other party. The occupations of sunshine boys are all games.
"Well, that’s a good idea. It would be better if everyone could have a brain." Erxiu nodded in the dark and said.
"Hey, these will happen sooner or later. What we have to do now is to earn enough starting capital as soon as possible and wait for the game to change into business opportunities."
"Silly bear game really will have big business opportunities? I think I just changed it once yesterday, right? There is no big change in prices. "Two whew questions.
"Do you think there is anything that needs to be improved in this game now?" Tianyu slightly laughed
"Generally speaking, there will be an auction house for currency circulation games, right? It will be more convenient for everyone to trade. "
Really hit the nail on the head
Tianyu immediately said, "There will definitely be another game in the auction house in the future. It can’t be the same. Didn’t you add a few new maps this time and open the abyss of Tiancheng?" There is a new map in Korea, and it will definitely be added in the future. Moreover, the number of occupations is not large at present, and the total number of skills is not large. These will be changed, so will the materials needed, and there will be business opportunities. "
Erxiu was told by Tianyu that one leng one leng didn’t know Tianyu was somewhat sure, but he just said that he had played Korea and there was no doubt. After all, pk technology was there. At the same time, Erxiu suddenly felt that it would be a wise choice to follow Tianyu.
"People have their own strengths, and he has a good idea. He will drag me back, but now it seems that 1+1 is greater than everyone’s specialization and division of labor, so the actual effect should be better than the original effect. If you want to succeed, you must unite." Erxiu said in his heart
It took me two months to start writing because I kept looking for games and tried to keep up with the game changes, but it’s a pity that not all activities are listed in the network, and there is no way to ensure that all the changes will be true.
(The name of the chapter is greater than the number, but the recognition of the greater than the number by the method of slightly pitted net has become garbled, so it can be modified into Chinese characters.)
Chapter 43 Who are you?
"Then let me ask you a question." Two whew listened to Tianyu’s statement and came to the novel.
"What’s the problem?"
"What do you think is the most important thing for businessmen?"
"Businessmen are the most important? ….. business opportunities! " Tianyu thought for a moment and answered
"credibility?" Tianyu to choose a answered.
"Not right either"
"It’s benefit" said Erxiu seriously.
"…" Tianyu language heart way "this is not nonsense?"
"But from the way you received the goods, you have already violated this criterion."
Tianyu one leng after hearing what he said, he really violated the original intention of the businessman.
"But before a businessman, the word’ person’ is the first thing. When a businessman is a businessman, he has to be a good person first. If a person has no basic moral bottom line, he is not a businessman and may be a liar or a robber." Erxiu said meaningfully.
"Have you been cheated by the game?" Tianyu quietly replied
"Yes, a lot of paving says double-click to try on the fruit, and then you really wear it, but you have less money and you can’t ask for a return without three bags," said Erxiu Nai.
Tianyu smiled gently and said, "Novices are novices after all. How many people have walked these roads?"
"Have you ever seen a pet collection website?" Tianyu laughed
"Of course I’ve seen it, but I can tell it’s a horn at a glance, and then I enter those websites and open them. It’s really like that." Erxiu also said ()
"Cherish it. These things are actually beautiful." Tianyu suddenly connected.
Two wheezes and one leng didn’t understand what he said.
There is also Tianyu, a player who has been playing for many years, who knows how much players want to go back to the weak years when they brushed pictures with friends, chatted with pk and dropped calls …
"Ah woo ~" Erxiu yawned and said, "The couple next door finally stopped."
Tianyu picked up his mobile phone and looked at it and said, "It’s getting late. It’s already a quarter past two in the morning. Go to bed early."
"Good night" Tianyu said softly.
"Good night …" Two whew said with some hesitation.
Tianyu didn’t pay attention to his tone is turned over and went to find the duke of Zhou chess.
"Good night, wanan, if the first letter of Chinese characters is interpreted as’ I (w) love a, you n love a, you n’, I said too much in high school …" Erxiu sighed in her heart and then turned over and closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.
It was only 6: 30 on September 4th, and Yu got up quietly.
"Do not harm people’s hearts, but do not prevent people’s hearts." Tianyu glanced at it and shook his head with snoring. Xiao Naidao
Tianyu really finished his letter to Erxiu because he has experienced a lot of people who know that the society is sinister. If you want to trust each other further, you always need to test one.
Then he tried not to make any noise, cleaned up the room, went to the bathroom to wash, left the living room and left the house.
About half an hour ago, I snored and wheezed. I was awakened by a thunderbolt and cried, "It’s over! It’s over! I’m going to be late for work and my salary will be deducted!" Said hurriedly put on a short-sleeved shirt and get up and wear glasses.
When he finished his expression, he just stood there looking around for a week and smirked, "By the way, I quit my job and came to his house with the silly bear last night to start a new life."
After talking to himself, he took his shorts and put two legs with sparse legs into it. His feet stepped on the shoes and got up the shorts.
Then he glanced at the bed not far away to see it folded, but one person frowned.
Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He immediately took out his trouser pocket and took out some worn-out wallets. He looked at them and said, "The money is still there … but where is Tianyu?"
Erxiuyuan got up early by himself. After all, he didn’t go to bed until two o’clock last night.
Later, he found a bag at Tianyu’s bedside, remembering that Tianyu had said that the bag contained valuables, looked at the layout of the room four times and shook his head to himself, "There is no furniture in the room. It seems that valuables can also be put on the bedside or bed."


Andre didn’t respond to whispering in his ear. He was holding his breath to resist the opponent’s attack, while his eyes were still looking at the magic circle that was about to be completed not far away. He was very anxious at the moment, but now he was in a hurry and didn’t have any reality. If the wall dwarves’ magic crystal guns could still fire shells at the moment, it is estimated that Andre and them wouldn’t need to take the risk to destroy them. But now the dwarves have no way to fire a shell. If the dwarves can still fire shells, the bones demon won’t straighten the magic circle. Put it in front of the dwarves. Of course, the dwarves in the city wall are not doing nothing now. They are trying to repair the magic crystal gun destroyed by the undead, while the foundry in the rear is trying to make shells.

But all this takes time. What the dwarves lack most now is the same time. There is Andre, who has been forced by the Bones Devil to breathe hard. It can be said that he can distance himself from the other side if he dodges. Of course, Andre knows better that if he distances himself from the other side, he may die even worse, because from the dwarf’s mouth, he knows that the Bones Devil is still a powerful undead caster, and a caster fights at a distance. It’s not that Andre doesn’t know how to write dead words and how to do such a stupid thing.
Therefore, not only can he not distance himself from the other side, but he must always be close to the other side in close combat to slowly compete for a chance of life. Of course, his greatest reliance is the weapon behind him, but the Bones Devil is not stupid. He can clearly feel the surging power of the weapon handed out, so he has been trying to snatch it. Finally, Andre has to hold it in his hand with two weapons in his hand. He is less than three meters away from the Bones Devil, and a chain impact keeps ringing from his hand.
"Why? Ready to play cards? Little guy! Come on! Make it! Let me see what power this weapon with great power has, so that I will be more happy when I rob him! By the way, you have one minute before my magic circle will be finished! " Holding his chest in his hands, Latamius had no scruples in front of Andre. At this moment, if the dwarves still had hundreds of magic crystal rockets, he would never dare to be exposed to the dwarves so openly, but the dwarves didn’t. They didn’t even have a magic crystal shell
Without saying a word, Andre’s hand was shaking slowly, and the filar silk creaked in his palm, making his hair stand up. At the same time, Andre held a sword in his other hand and stuffed it into his own equipment. At the same time, he held a chain-wrapped blade to dominate the crime.
"My saint Andre bartovid degrees! The seal is broken! !” With Andre’s roar, the original chain wrapped around the weapon instantly disintegrated, and the violent flash appeared in the underground world. The power that was more violent than the lightning contained in the god’s punishment hammer wandered freely in the lava city, sealing a demon to dominate the flash power weapon and showing itself to the world.
"Ha ha! This is it! This is what I nee! What a wonderful smell! I smell the devil dominating! Give up your weapon! " Feeling the strength in the air, the soul fire of the white bone demon is beating wildly. He is not afraid to master this weapon, Andrejin. He has his own confidence. At the moment when Andre unsealed the weapon, the former busy dwarf undead caster had completed the final work, and the magic circle was slowly running with evil breath.
The first volume Chapter four hundred and sixty-one Burning Rapier four blades (2)
"Leading the first dawn in the sky to take control of the first dawn in the sky, and doing my best wherever my light shines!" This is the second time that the brilliant sword has appeared in Chen Kai’s hands. His magic cost nearly ten thousand points, and the magic can only last for a few seconds.
However, for Chen Kai, these two seconds are enough, because he was already waving in one hand at the moment when this god weapon appeared, and when this weapon appeared, he just held it in his hands and swept it across to the surrounding undead.
You know, even if Chen Kai’s brilliant sword castrates the body, it only needs 5% to release the magic value of 5,000 points, and it takes nearly 1 point to maintain it for one second. The total amount of Chen Kai’s magic power can only last for more than 4 seconds, but it has an extremely terrible sharp value. The giant sword sweeps the body of the dead and breaks into two pieces directly, even the magic weapon in its hand is cut off directly.
When ll hands swept a circle, the weapon condensed into a god disappeared completely, while the circle around him was full of two pieces of undead, which were stronger than the divine power, not only cut off their bodies, but also completely cut off the fire that controlled their bodies and souls in their bodies. Now these undead are lying on the ground, let alone waving weapons at ll, and they can even reassemble them.
Of course, Chen Kai is a little weak after finishing the brilliant sword, but the brilliant sword pair has not been fully displayed. After all, all the pairs will not be displayed until two hours later. At the same time, Chen Kai has received four kinds of magical blessings, but his combat effectiveness has soared. From the Bishop of the Temple of Dawn, the blessing of magical powers is absolutely powerful, and whether it is a blessing of strength or a blessing of recovery has an increase effect of less than 5% to 10%
Although the growth rate of the brilliant sword was forcibly lifted by Chen Kai himself after the magical effect disappeared, so that he could be slightly bitten by himself, the bishop-level god officer released the blessing of strength, but it allowed Chen Kai to gain a 10% strength increase, and this increase even added to the strength after the power broke out. After the power broke out, Chen Kai’s strength value exceeded 500 points, which directly brought him close to 600 points, and at the same time restored the blessing, which made Chen Kai’s fighting spirit and physical strength recover more than the usual speed of 5% The recovery effect is better after recovery, so the magic value of Chen Kai’s loss is restored to more than 1000 points in a short time, and the pissing match value is almost the same at the speed of tens of points per second, but it is recovered at a higher speed because the quality of the pissing match recovery medicine carried by Chen Kai is better than that of the magic recovery medicine.
However, if these quarrelling methods support Chen Kai’s profligacy, he can also do it as freely as Bath and others. After the first qualitative change of quarrelling, Chen Kai will be white and ordinary. For some J and jīng English, the damage is actually very small. More often, the damage method caused by quarrelling is the same as the value you have paid. The most important reason why Chen Kai’s quarrelling can cause a lot of damage to demons and undead is that he has obtained the permanent blessing instead of his own fighting ability. The true power of quarrelling was completely revealed after the first qualitative change of Qi was added to the genus Xing, but at the moment, the power of quarrelling and chopping is still equal to that of the strong in the sanctuary. After all, the strong in the sanctuary have at least two kinds of quarrelling genera, in which the qualitative change and the cohesion of quarrelling are enough to make the most common quarrelling become devastating.
Actually, because of the eternal blessing, Chen Kai’s fighting damage sometimes exceeds that of some dwarf sanctuaries, and the fighting damage of the strong is less than that of the undead, which is a filthy creature. In terms of the same fighting value consumption, Chen Kai definitely wins, but the fighting value of Chen Kai is too rare compared with those dwarf sanctuaries. Even if a dwarf who has just advanced to the sanctuary, the total fighting value of the strong is more than 500,000, which is dozens of times that of Chen Kai. The most important thing is that their fighting recovery speed is several times that of Chen Kai. Otherwise, the fighting values of these sanctuaries will almost always be in a
Compared with Chen Kai, it is necessary to count the number of quarrelling values to fight. When these dwarves make quarrelling, the root is whether they tolerate it or not. Almost every attack is filled with a hammer of quarrelling to directly defeat the body defense of the undead, and then quarrelling savagely is better than scattering the soul fire of the other party. Of course, compared with Bath, the strong dwarves in the morning temple sanctuary are simply not enough, because even a paladin with the worst strength can easily fight quarrelling than killing a dozen ordinary undead. This is the damage that temple professionals do to filthy creatures. In fact, the biggest damage to dead creatures is not the Temple of Dawn or the Temple of Glory, nor the Temple of Life, but the Temple of Death, where players are resurrected. Those who play with the Temple of Death can directly destroy thousands of undead with one hand, because it is possible for them to turn the undead into corpse roots again, but they never take part in mortal battles. Unless the undead touch the gate of the Temple of Death, these guardian temples will not make moves.
At the same time, all the undead are naturally afraid of the temple of hades, not to mention touching the gate of the temple of hades, and they are almost afraid to go near that area. But there is no temple of hades in lava city. Dwarves, like most tribes in the underground, believe that they will go to the resting place of their ancestors after their death, rather than the place where hades leads the underworld. There is no temple of hades underground. This is also why Latamisus will summon the undead in the underground without scruples and openly summon the undead in the city.
Andre Dawn Temple sent reinforcements. He was carrying two weapons. One was that he had been making a holy sword, and the other was given a new weapon when he left the holy mountain. However, this weapon was always behind his back. More than a dozen chains with silver Se light were firmly locked. This weapon exuded a hot temperature as if it had just been cast. In fact, this weapon was actually cast not long ago, because the hilt of this weapon was not often held, but it was similar to the bone with a threaded handle like a horn.
When Andre got this weapon, he also knew the name of this weapon, Leila, the master of the crime-breaking blade. From this name, he could tell who the material of this weapon was taken from. The unlucky one was cheated by one of his own people. The demon master had the first-class divine power, Leila, and the material was made into a demon master. The unlucky one was so sad that he was cheated by himself and lost in front of several gods that it eventually became the source of several gods’ materials. The demons around the dawn Lord dominated a horn and made this weapon with powerful flash power. A new dawn temple was built.
However, this handle is not easy to control, because the source of the material is an unruly demon, and it can be said that it is a powerful master who wants to blow himself up when he is caught. The leaked force from the divine power source makes this weapon extremely destructive after it is manufactured. The high-level officials of the original Dawn Temple wanted to find a master for him after obtaining this new handle, but several paladins almost spilled and flashed into coke when trying to control this weapon, so this weapon was finally banned by multiple chains, but even so, the banned sacristy still exudes a terrible flow.
This time, I supported the dwarven kingdom. Although it can’t be said that the Dawn Temple has all the money, just this sacred handle represents the sincerity of the temple. Unfortunately, sometimes sincerity can’t be eaten. For Thuram, they don’t need any sincerity now, but they need real reinforcements to help them recover the city reinforcements.
Of course, for Andre, he has never used this weapon before, even when he rushed to the wall, he always carried his sword with him. The specific effect of this handle on his back, such as he is not clear at all, but only from the feeling, he thinks that the power of this handle should be very terrible.
Accompanied by a rushing chain collision, Andre’s body kept shuttling among the undead. He not only had to make quarrelling against the invasion of the stream, but also had to fight with weapons, but even if he died in his hands, the number of undead was not less than three figures
But what makes Andre feel strange is that up to now, there should have been dwarves, undead knights, and even undead helldogs have not appeared, but on the wall, hundreds of short undead are arranging a magic circle, and the center of the magic circle is a huge blue Se ice.
"buzz! Ron! Seeing the undead didn’t kill them for me! " Andre said to Bath and Ron, of course, his words were more directed at the dwarves around him, saying that these dwarves are not idiots. When he heard Andre’s words, Ma Bai meant the other side, and the devil peed on the wall dwarves. Therefore, when Bath and Ron jumped over the wall with two paladins, several dwarves jumped over the wall and rushed over to the small undead who were arranging.
However, when they rushed to the wall, Mibby undead blocked their way, and the six dead knights riding undead hellhounds also appeared in Bath. Mibby defense line surrounded the wall layer by layer in front of them. At that moment, Andre felt his heart thumped. He felt that the arrangement of the undead at this moment was not a magic circle, but a trap to induce the short people of the wall to destroy.
But then Andre found out that even if Bass and the others fell into the trap, the undead didn’t stop building the magic circle. One by one, the undead spellcasters kept turning white bones into Se runes and melting them into the ground. At the same time, pieces of magic crystals were found from dwarf cities and were embedded in the ground, emitting an extremely evil light.
"Not a trap! So these arrangements are just to stop the dwarves from destroying them! " Andre shook the sword in his hand, and then with a wave of his hand, he turned his side trying to get close to the undead into a piece of broken bones.
"buzz! Ron! Don’t wave the horse to destroy that magic circle! !” Andre’s loud voice shouted at Bath, who was trying to destroy the undead around him, which made the paladin Bath, who was waving a huge weapon, extremely depressed and shouted at the wall.
"Mom! Why don’t you come yourself! " Of course, although the mouth says so, Buzz and Ron are still very obedient, jumping directly from the ground, emitting a strong holy order and flying towards the location of the magic circle
"Young man! Don’t be in such a hurry Will you talk to me, an old guy? " Just as Bath and Ron were about to rush to the edge of the magic circle, a strange sound suddenly appeared beside them, and at the same time, a large number of strong forces than death gathered around them, so the weapons that had gathered in Bath’s hands were directly chopped to the side of their bodies, and the strong sacred forces formed a grudge chop that was more than three meters long
It was none other than bones demon Latamius who appeared beside Bath. When he saw Bath wielding a grudge chop, the flame in his eyes flashed suddenly, and he had been preparing for the spell. Latamius’ claws pulled towards him, and a barrier thicker than death appeared in front of him, forming a surge and a rotating dark cloud. Bath wielded a grudge chop and there was a fierce collision.
"Who are you!" This is the first sentence spoken by the paladin after landing, but his eyes are full of alert, and Ron has set up seven magical skills for himself and Bath. Whether it is a blessing of strength or a blessing of recovery, even a blessing of speed is imposed. After all this, the bishop-level combat god officer takes his own hammer to guard behind Bath. Although Ron is a combat god officer, his defense is still much worse than that of Bath.
"I! Just an old guy climb out of that underworld! " Latamius didn’t attack directly. He wasn’t in a hurry because he was not in a hurry, but in front of two undead spellcasters not far away, he quickly completed the magic circle, and one by one, the bones runes full of evil breath were portrayed on the ground and eventually became a part of the magic circle.
"Then go back to the underworld!" This is Bath’s answer to the Bones Devil. At that moment, a huge weapon exudes sacred power, and even more terrible power emerges. The original weapon disappears and the runes light up one by one, which finally makes the whole weapon emit unprecedented brilliance.
"A handle Rapier? It looks incomplete, but there is no doubt that it is a Rapier! Give me the weapon in your hand and I’ll leave you a corpse! " Latamius saw that the weapon in Bath’s hand exuded extremely powerful divine power. Although the weapon was incomplete, it must have been an extremely famous sacristy in the past.
"Leave a corpse! But I’m going to crush you! Go back to hell! " Turbulent burning and fighting, Bass held a huge weapon in his hand, and finally unsealed it and turned it into a magnificent sword. However, there was a small gap in the position of the sword, and there was a slight problem in the operation of the sacred power. At the moment when Bass waved the weapon, the giant sword lit up and several sacred inscriptions were written. These inscriptions directly spread into the air and formed a circle of shining sacred inscriptions around Bass.
At the same time, behind Bass, Ron pressed the holy deed with one hand, full of charm, and a lot of sacred power spewed out in his mouth. As he sang, he formed a sacred inscription to help Bass attack. At the moment when he saw the joint attack of the two men, the soul fire in the skull of the white bone demon suddenly ignited violently, and then his finger, which was built of white bones, gently buckled and made a ring in the middle.
Then I wanted to swing the sword in my hand to the Bones Devil Bath, and directly turned it around and put it behind me, chopping it out. At that moment, a sword with a length of more than ten meters of gold was smashed, and Roberta, a three-headed felhunter, came towards Bath and Ron.
Roaring and the sword Gang let Roberta prepare to sneak attack the body. Three heads suddenly stopped and immediately sprayed the terror magic power toward the front. However, these spells directly disintegrated when they touched Bath and chopped out the sword Gang. Eventually, the sword Gang was severely chopped in Roberta’s body, and he chopped hard on his left head and middle head to cut out a huge wound that was one meter deep and more than ten centimeters.
"Ow ~ ~ ~" Three heads screamed at the same time, which was extremely shocking. Grusia, another hellhound around Roberta, stopped directly. Three heads stared at his battered wife and then his eyes turned red completely.
The first volume Chapter four hundred and sixty Burning Rapier four blades (1)
Selam’s face became more ugly after listening to Andre’s words. He clenched his fist as hard as a bull M who was about to get angry, but soon his hand loosened and hung down beside him, because he found that he was almost out of anger now. Although the anger flame was still burning above his head, it looked as if it was about to extinguish the candle.


It’s not that Ye Tian is confused about what it is that everyone is not white except Sianina. Although everyone knows the profession of illusionist, it is a rare profession after all, and it is difficult for an outsider to understand the wonders of illusionist.

After everyone asked Nina, she finally said, in fact, these people entered our magical array, and the five senses were confused and they had an illusion before they fought.
It is said that the five senses are the touch of shape, color and taste, that is, the five sensory organs of human beings, namely, vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, and the illusionist is attacking these five senses
In a special way, the illusionist can deprive the enemy of the five senses in the array, but it is obvious that Nina is a stage illusionist and can’t do it yet, which will only make everyone hallucinate.
Once the five senses are deprived, the joy will be great. You can’t see, hear, smell, taste or touch it. Even if people are around you, you can’t feel it. Even if the enemy puts a weapon across your neck, you can’t feel it.
Of course, the deprivation of the five senses belongs to the highest realm of illusion, which is not something Nina can master now, but the new Nina can make the enemy in the array lose his five senses and hallucinate.
At the moment, in the eyes of those enemies, they are not fighting with their companions, but they hate the enemy’s saying that illusion is born from the heart and affects the mind through the five senses. This is the true meaning of illusion
Watching the enemy killed into a ball in the array, Buddy felt goose bumps all over. When everyone was watching West Asia, he didn’t idle to put the seal beast at the enemy’s fray, and the situation became more chaotic.
Looking at two women who are angry, including Ye Tianzai, people have goose bumps. These two women are too strong. One is more terrible than the other. A kind of pressure makes four men feel heavy, but they can’t be compared with women.
Looking at the chaotic battle group, Buddy trembled. Master Tao, this illusionist is terrible. What should we do if we fall into the magic array?
Slightly one leng Ye Tian said with a wry smile, what else can I do? This magical array is actually nothing but a disorder of the five senses. It’s okay if you don’t get upset and the foreign minister changes again.
Yeah, Nina took a surprised look at Ye Tian when she heard Ye Tian’s words. Ye Tian said that the magic array can affect the five senses, but it can affect the mind. If you don’t mess with your heart, the magic array will start.
It’s not enough to think that Nina doesn’t know if you’re at peace with yourself. At most, it’s not affected by the big array, but it’s still broken.
Nina pointed to the front of the battle group and said, look at a battle group. In fact, there are enough 40 or 50 people to keep their minds, but I just want others to entangle them. Before killing all the confused people, they are the Fatuo array, which means they are not confused by the big array, but they are defeated by the law.
Ye Tian smiled at Nina’s provocative words and didn’t want her to argue about anything. Seeing this, Nina was slightly relieved and finally pressed his head.
When he was secretly relieved, Buddy asked Master Ye Tiandao how to break this magic array.
Facing Buddy’s inquiry, Ye Tian hesitated for a while, and then flatly said that there are many ways to break this large array. You remember that everything is not perfect, and it will inevitably have its shortcomings. Although this magical array is powerful, it can also confuse the five senses.
When you heard Ye Tian’s words, Nina opened her mouth in horror. Looking at Ye Tian in disbelief, she looked at a calm face. Ye Tian Nina knew that this magical array was absolutely difficult for this man, but she knew the sixth sense, but what was the seventh sense?
Amazing Ye Tianping said quietly, well, let them call. It’s time for us to get started earlier and find the magic to improve our strength so that we won’t be missed. Well, Nina nodded and agreed, yes, although I know the approximate location of the magic tree, it’s also time-consuming to find it. Let’s go.
Ye Tianshou and his party gradually walked towards the depths of the forest of Warcraft, and hundreds of people scuffled behind them.
Chapter 1 Unicorn King
In the jungle, a lux-haired monkey waved his limbs wildly and attacked a thin figure in front of him, constantly waving a misty claw shadow with sharp claws.
Essien, come on, hurry up and kill him. It’s almost two minutes. If I drag it on, I’ll lose. I yelled in a thick, dumb voice
Look carefully. Buddy in Woodland clenched his fists and growled wildly. Opposite him, Essien was a fire monkey.
After Buddy, Sianina joined hands to cast a seal enchantment and a magic enchantment, which reduced the strength of the fire monkey by half, but even so, the fire monkey still has the sixth-order strength, which is not so easy to deal with for the current third-order Essien.
Ye Tian Baggio sat on the grass behind him, eating wild animals and smiling at Essien’s battle, watching Essien break his sword and pass over the key of the fire monkey again and again, but he was hidden at the last moment. The two men kept nodding and expressing their satisfaction.
The fire monkey is a ninth-order creature. It moves faster and more flexibly than it does. Even if its strength is reduced, its skill flexibility is not much reduced. It is just a way to display a wide range of fighting skills.
Although he fought for two minutes, Essien was already sweaty and covered with visible bone scars. Although he escaped quickly, the fire monkey attack was too fast and too dense. At present, Essien is still hiding from the Ministry of Justice.
Looking at Essien’s more and more scars, Baggio couldn’t sit still. He suddenly got up and growled, Essien, why didn’t you eat last night? You must kill him. You can kill him. I’ll give you half the bet.
Looking at Baggio’s exhaustion, Ye Tian smiled and shook his head. Before the war, Ye Tianshuangba made a bet that Badi believed that Essien would end the battle in two minutes, and Baggio believed that Essien would end the battle in two minutes, while Ye Tianze believed that Essien defeated the fire monkey.
From the present situation, it seems that the combination of Shuangba and Yetian will probably lose, but the probability of victory has become the present problem. The problem is that Essien’s attack will really hurt the fire monkey, and even if the fire monkey has five senses disorder, it can still hurt Essien with the instinct of the beast.
Finally, when people were watching the fire monkey, they suddenly roared upwards, and a pair of claws and forks suddenly spread all over the sky.
All over the sky claw shadow Essien Zhou’s clothes flashed several gaps, and he suffered at least dozens of claw cuts. His whole body was dripping with blood, and he shook his back slightly and fell down.
Seeing this scene, I have been paying attention to the situation. West Asia has been wandering outside the war circle with a wave of his hand. Although the fire monkey is still resisting, it is still completely eaten from resisting the impact of the hundred soldiers for three seconds, leaving nothing but a pool of blood.
Seeing this, Barty Baggio’s eyes were disappointed at the same time. They never thought that Essien would lose to a monkey and his strength was sealed to a sixth-order monkey.
Looking at the lonely expression of Shuangba combination, Ye Tian couldn’t help laughing. Master Ye Tian knew Essien very well when he first met the fire monkey. Ye Tian also observed it for a short time, although it was not long, but Ye Tian still judged each other’s strength with outstanding experience.
I got up and walked slowly to Essien’s side. At this moment, some muscles in Essien’s body have been broken by the fire monkey’s claws. Although I want to struggle to get up, I can do it.
Looking at the whole body dripping with blood, Essien Ye Tian calmly said, Do you know what you will lose?
Hearing Ye Tian’s words, Essien stopped struggling and lay on the ground, his eyes dripping with blood, but he was confused. Yeah, how did he lose?
Thinking that West Asia has been unsealed, the little fragrant pig arrived in Essien with golden wings, constantly waving its wings and sprinkling golden light and rain.
The wounds around Essien’s body stopped bleeding and healed quickly. Although this light healing technique is the most basic spell of light, its effect is definitely one. It takes a long time to treat.


When Xing Xuan saw Bai Ling coming, he knew that his Linxi Palace was all right. He smiled and said, "Ok, I’ll leave the 50,000 prisoners to you!"

Bai Ling smiled and said, "That’s how it should be!"
Say that finish, mandarin duck thunderbolt sword in his hand was inserted into the sea water on both sides, and silver ferns were separated from the sea water and reached the top of Bai Ling’s head. As Bai Ling read spells and changed handprints, those silver ferns immediately turned into three-dimensional small arrays and set them on the heads of demon soldiers who fell to the ground and lost their weapons.
Star xuan eyes flashing red mans, immediately see a understand, the small array turned out to be their own once seized nine head worm body used telepathy array modified, I saw those small array set on the head of the demon soldiers kneeling on the ground, the demon soldiers suddenly have a little soul absorbed by small array, then, a black gas with a silver fern into the demon soldiers mind, the demon soldiers immediately body a quiver.
Xing Xuanjin’s eyes were clear, and his heart couldn’t help but tremble: this is not to brand these prisoners with mind, but a more powerful restraint method than mind branding.
The mind brand is just a ban on leaving one’s own gods in the other person’s mind, because even if a person’s gods are so powerful, they will always be exhausted. Therefore, such a ban on gods can’t be made very big, just with a simple small array, the active attack appears in the other person’s heart when he wants to hurt his master. In general, it is dormant, unless the master has the intention to explore the other person’s state of mind, he will know what the other person is thinking at this time, otherwise, generally.
Bai Ling is not trying to probe the other person’s state of mind, nor is it forbidden in the other person’s mind to prevent him from defecting, but it is another kind of more severe prohibition. This prohibition is to connect his life and death with the other person by extracting the other person’s soul. Once he is injured, he will immediately transfer to those who have been extracted from the soul, and if the owner himself dies, those who have been extracted from the soul will also die before the owner.
After reading it, Xing Xuan was horrified: This Bai Ling is even more cruel than herself, and she even came up with this usage of telepathy array. It really deserves the title of little witch, and shine on you is better than blue!
The chaotic Yin-Yang method deserves to be the mysterious method taught by Nu Wa Empress. In addition, the lunar power is abundant in this seawater. Bai Ling used the chaotic method without consuming the real yuan at all. In a moment, 50,000 improved telepathy arrays flew over the heads of the prisoners. In another moment, those prisoners understood their present situation, stood up pale, and stood in line behind Bai Ling.
Xing Xuan sighed: Now, even if they attack Bai Ling themselves, these sailors will probably come up and fight hard with themselves. Alas, this girl can’t afford to provoke herself now.

Chapter two hundred and fifty-eight Unify the East China Sea
Bai Ling smiled, saw the regret on Xing Xuan’s face, and said, "Don’t bully me in the future, otherwise, hehe, your magic weapons may not work!"
Xing Xuan didn’t have to be angry. He scolded, "Little girl, when have I ever bullied you? It wasn’t you who got into trouble and I helped you settle it. Now I don’t want to repay you?"
"Ha ha, right, brother Xing Xuan, when we first met, I didn’t know who hit me, dozens of times!"
What Bai Ling said immediately stunned Xing Xuan, and it took a long time to think of it.
"Well, don’t pretend I can’t remember! Now, I’m saying goodbye to you. I’m going back to the human world to take Heiyue, my aunt and uncle, and I’ve borrowed my sister’s jade boat! " Bai Ling saw Xing Xuan standing there silly, ha ha a smile and said to Xing Xuan.
"Hey, wait, there is still a hidden danger that has not been eliminated. How can you lead the troops?" Star xuan immediately a pull Bai Ling said.
"Ha ha, brother Xing Xuan, don’t play tricks with me. Do you still need my soldiers to destroy those remnants in Geshang Palace? Brother Xing Xuan had a chance of winning early!" Bai Ling ha ha a smile, said to the star xuan.
Xing Xuan sighed and said in a low voice, "Little girl, are you the patriarch or am I the patriarch? How can I establish prestige in front of everyone in the future?"
Bai Ling giggled again and said to Xing Xuan in a low voice: "Brother Xing Xuan, I don’t care if you can establish authority. If you are only kind to Zirui, I’m afraid that Sister Qiongzhi and Sister Heiyue will leave you, and Lingxi Sect will lose two elders.
It’s not what you want! "
Xing Xuan was suddenly embarrassed and shouted, "Don’t talk nonsense! Be careful on the road. Go back quickly. By the way, Buda Winter Palace can’t bring it. Give it to Fengshen Gate and tell Taoist Feilong that I have Fei Qiong now. Everything is fine. Let him rest assured! "
After listening to Xing Xuan, Bai Ling smiled and shouted, "Yes, Patriarch.
Bai Ling will not fail to live up to her life! "
Say that finish, offering yuyu Qiongzhou. Lead 60,000 sailors to the nearest space passage to the human world.
Long Xingxuan saw that Yuyu Qiongzhou had disappeared from sight. Weihui sighed and thought to herself: After the unification of the East China Sea this time, I really need to practice hard. The achievement method of chaotic Yin and Yang is really wonderful. Originally, Bai Ling’s skill was far worse than her own. Now, after practicing this achievement method, her skill has gradually caught up with herself, especially in the East China Sea. The ancient lunar power is endless. If I don’t have a few chaotic magic weapons in my hand, I’m afraid I won’t be her opponent.
Just thinking, a light flew out of the floating palace. It was Qiongzhi.
"Brother Shi, Ge Lang is clamoring to see you!" Say that finish, Joan branch face don’t in the past.
At this time, Xing Xuan remembered what Bai Ling had said to himself when she left, and her heart couldn’t help trembling. She asked Qiongzhi in a low voice, "Qiongzhi, do you think you will leave Lingxi Sect one day and go to the exhibition yourself?"
After hearing Xing Xuan’s words, Qiongzhi turned pale, grabbed Long Xingxuan’s hand and shouted, "Brother Xing Xuan, what do you mean, are you … are you going to kick me out?"
Xing Xuan ha ha smiled and said, "I’m not driving you away, Qiongzhi. Although you have cultivated the chaotic Yin-Yang technique and your skill has greatly increased, you can still be stagnant. Even Manyun has passed you slowly now. There must be a reason. Tell me, what’s your problem?"
After a few words, the Qiongzhi turned whiter and trembled slightly, unable to speak.
Xing Xuan knows that this is the problem of heart knot. If a person has regrets in his life, he will be brought to practice immediately. It is different from skill cultivation, and the skill is insufficient. It can be solved by eating elixir, refining the ghost, absorbing external forces, and so on. But this cultivation must be improved under the condition of his inner peace and perseverance, and all external forces can’t help her, even if Xing Xuan now masters the ancient magic practice. There is nothing I can do. All I can do is to change their baby status, help them get rid of all these external things, and directly improve their cultivation. Even Nu Wa Niangniang can’t do it, let alone Xing Xuan.
"What is it, Qiongzhi? Say it, and Brother Xing Xuan won’t blame you!" Long Xingxuan said softly to Qiongzhi.
"Brother Xing Xuan, that’s because … because I … always … always, always I like you!" Qiongzhi suppressed for a long time, and her face turned from white to red. Finally, she got up the courage and confided in Xing Xuan.
"Well, do you like me to say it like this? Why keep it in your heart? You can’t improve yourself. Just say it. Ha ha, ha ha … hee hee …" Xing Xuan had a strange laugh and passed away.
"You … you … this bad guy!" Qiongzhi was flushed immediately. For many days, the depression in her heart was suddenly swept away, and she only felt that her body was swollen violently, which was a sign that she was about to break through. Qiongzhi was overjoyed and flew to Linxi Palace. She wanted to practice immediately.
Halfway through the flight, Qiongzhi suddenly remembered something: Did he hear what he had just told Long Xingxuan about Ge Lang’s request to see him?
"I think you heard it. No matter what, it’s important to practice. Go back to Linxi Palace and let Sister Zirui protect me!" Qiongzhi said, and turned into a streamer again, and threw it at Linxi Palace.
Xing Xuan didn’t go to see Ge Lang, but called the moth singer and Man Yun.
"The Dragon Palace has been unable to attack Geshang Palace for a long time, and now it is estimated that it has retreated. You take Ge Lang to occupy Geshang Palace, and then give that Geshang to Prince Mochen!"
Xing Xuan said quietly to the two of them.
"There are hundreds of dragon soldiers, and Geshang Palace has not been attacked yet. We only have 20,000 people here!" The moth sang for a while and still didn’t understand the meaning of Xing Xuan.
"Idiot, we have GeLang, isn’t it? That boy is crying to see the patriarch, and he doesn’t just want the patriarch to spare his life. Since he is so afraid of death, we have to use it. Let him help us knock on the gate of Geshangshui Palace! Ok, moth sings, come with me! " Manyun understood it long ago, and pushed the moth to sing and said.
The moth sang this to understand Xing Xuan’s intention, ha ha smiled and went back to order soldiers.
On this side, the bone spear in Xing Xuan’s hand was scratched, and immediately a ball wrapped in black was formed in front of him, which was handed over to Man Yun. He said, "Let Ge Lang swallow this ball. So, so! " Send a secret message and give Manyun a plan.
After hearing this, Namanyun immediately smiled. Take the ball and leave.
"Wait a minute. After capturing Geshang Palace, we will divide the treasure in it into half. Send it to the Dragon Palace! " Xing Xuan quickly stopped Man Yun and told her.