
Suddenly, there was a rare scene in the middle of nowhere, when several Luo Jinxian and Taiyi Jin Xian smashed into the lich battlefield like dumplings.

At this time, the large array was broken, and Di Jun was also seriously injured for the first time, losing his combat capability. At the same time, he also hurt Di Jun Daoji’s associated Lingbao, and the dim light was obviously hit hard.
After the large array was broken, Di Jiang focused on Taiyi and Fuxi again, so they kept resisting the low-grade in the storm attack of ancestor Wu.
But just recklessly, Fuxi was attacked by the Wu clan. When people didn’t pay attention, they saw that after Fuxi’s death, there was a y and n sun be the spirit that swept Fuxi away.
At this time, in the Wa Palace, Nuwa immediately shouted "Brother!" when she saw her brother’s death.
But after seeing that Y and N sun be the spirit swept away his brother’s true spirit, he bowed to shouyangshan and said, "Thank you for your help."
After Fuxi’s death, Taiyi was also seriously injured and lost his fighting ability. At this time, Kunpeng was left alone in the lich battlefield. When Zuwu was preparing to turn Kunpeng into ash, he suddenly received the sound "All right! Kunpeng, stay! After he also can’t afford to turn over much wind and waves to do business matters. "
Hearing the measured sound, everyone quickly gave up Kun Peng’s oath according to the measured command, and swore one by one when he saw that the ancestors and witches were maintaining the large array of twelve gods and evil spirits.
Di Jiang "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Di Jiang, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to embody the law to manage the flood law so that the flood is not in turmoil. "
Candle nine y and n "Pangu Father God is here! Today, the ancestor of the Wu clan, the witch candle, y and n, is willing to embody the temporal law to manage the universe, so that the universe is out of order. "
Ju Mang "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Ju Mang, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to embody the law of wood to manage the law of wild wood so that the law of wild wood is not in chaos. "
Ru Shou "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Ru Shou, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to embody the golden rule to manage the golden rule of the flood and drought so that the golden rule of the flood and drought will not be chaotic. "
Gong Gong "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Wu Zu Wu Gong Gong is willing to embody the water law to manage the flood water law so that the flood water law is not chaotic. "
Zhu Rong "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Zhu Rong, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to change the law of fire to manage the law of flood and fire so that the law of flood and fire is not chaotic. "
Hou Yi "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Houyi, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to embody the law of soil to manage the law of flood and wasteland so that the law of flood and wasteland is not chaotic. "
Tianwu; "Pangu father in god! Today, Wu Tianwu, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to change the wind law to manage the flood wind law so that the flood wind law will not be chaotic. "
Strong and good "Pangu Father God is here! Today, the ancestor of the Wu clan is willing to embody the law of thunder to manage the law of flood and drought so that the law of flood and drought will not be chaotic. "
Huzi "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Wuzi, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to embody the law to manage the law of the wild and the wild so that the law of the wild and the wild is not in chaos. "
Luxury corpse "Pangu father god is here! Today, Shebi, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to embody the weather rules to manage the flood weather rules so that the flood weather rules are not chaotic. "
Xuan Ming "Pangu Father God is here! Today, Xuan Ming, the ancestor of the Wu nationality, is willing to embody the law of rain to manage the law of flood and drought so that the law of flood and drought will not be chaotic. "
May the father allow the road to help the heaven to learn!
Ask for collection, support and recommendation! ! ! !
Chapter sixty-three The general trend does not change the small trend
As the voice of Zuwu just fell, the lich battlefield suddenly darkened, and the dark clouds gathered for a short time to form a purple Se eye.
It was that day that the Taoist eye came, but this time the Taoist eye was bigger than it appeared. The twelve heavenly gods and evil spirits just appeared, and the virtual shadow of Pangu became deep, and the whole virtual shadow atmosphere continued to rise.
Zuwu suddenly found that this virtual shadow was out of his control, and it was not long before the virtual shadow was completely solidified.
Heaven’s eye is also condensed, and it is emitting terror and power, and the eyes keep flashing with the destructive thunder; Let the eyes of the creatures who watch the Battle of the Unforeseen Mountain be filled with horror, and they can’t help showing a little shock in the eyes of the saints in their respective Dojo.
With the appearance of Heaven Eye and Pangu, the two lich families have stopped fighting, and they all look at the giant man and the horrible purple Se eye. The mountain is full of depressing breath, and everyone is suppressed by this breath, and some people are unable to breathe properly, but they are sweating.
But it didn’t take long for everyone to wait. Pangu and Zi Se’s giant eyes all moved. Pangu raised his axe in his hand and pointed it at the eye of Heaven. It was a split and an attack on the strange axe. Huge and windy, like the eye of heaven.
As the axe gas approaches; Heaven’s eye is not to be outdone. There is a destructive thunder, and two attacks collide in the middle.
At that time, the whole universe was filled with the light formed by the impact of these two attacks, and hanging the sun star high in the sky was better than going to the universe. Everyone was temporarily blinded by this light.
When everyone lost their vision in the wild, they heard a roar from the wrong direction. When everyone regained their vision in the wild, they saw that every day the Taoist eye had disappeared and the giant man had disappeared.
At that time, everyone didn’t know what had just happened. Some quasi-holy magicians vaguely saw that the big fellow seriously injured the eye of Heaven, and then the two of them retreated as if to discuss it.
At this moment, from the chaos in the two worlds, a piece of merit and golden clouds rushed out, and instantly arrived at the disbanded large array of ancestors and witches, and all ethnic groups saw that these witches had changed in the baptism of merit.
When I saw that the body of Zuwu was slowly dissipating when the merits shone, I saw a mass of J: ng blood with the breath of the earth in the place where Zuwu dissipated.
With the disappearance of the ancestors, twelve Hanazono Sakura world appeared all over the world at this time. See those twelve ancestors who have become J: ng blood and their tribal people all disappeared instantly in the mountain. In their respective Hanazono Sakura world.
At this time, I heard that the twelve ancestors swore together that "Heaven is here! I, a witch, would like to maintain the world in the wild. I, a witch, officially changed its name to the wild witch protoss. When the wild was in Jin Mu, the weather was hot, rainy and thunderous. I, a witch, officially became a god in the wild.
With the vowing of the witch tribe, Heaven has been here for a while; Decreasing the number of merits means acknowledging the oath of the witch. After the witch was admitted in heaven, the whole witch’s fortune rose a lot, and those witch wizards at the boundary point also broke through to the quasi-saint. Now they should be called the witch protoss
At this time, the heaven was hurt by Pangu’s remnant thoughts, and there was no way to help it. This heaven seemed to be compromised by the witch family. This witch ancestor also helped break through the quasi-saint and reach the mixed yuan and pick the golden fairy in the avenue.
Moreover, the amount of calculation has become a master who is not in the position of the saint’s law. All this āo longitudinal amount has also been rewarded by the merits of the avenue, but it has been fooled by the vast universe and the heaven, and at the same time, it will permanently enjoy 20% luck of the witch.
The first batch of gods and witches gave themselves good names when the Wu clan became a flood. Di Jiang called the Lord God Candle Nine y and N called the Lord God Ru Shou called the Lord God Golden Ju Mang called the Lord God Wood Gong Gong Gong, the Lord God Water Zhu Rong called the Lord Fire God Hou Yi called the Lord Earth God Tian Wu called the Lord Wind God Strong and Strong, and the Lord Thunder God Hu Zi called the Lord God extravagant, the Lord Weather God Xuan Ming called the Lord Rain God Twelve people called Pangu the Father of Creation.
Then Zuwu named Houdi the reincarnation of the Lord God, and measured the evil corpse. feng du’s ghost god Yun Teng’s good corpse was transformed into ten halls, and Yamaraja’s ghost god’s hand was called the Lord God at the same time.
Aside from hearing the titles of the ancestors and witches, they all laughed and encouraged them to give him a title and let him down a peg or two.
Just when Zuwu and Quanliang cheered, the demon race left behind in Buzhoushan is now miserable. Now Nu Wa has been invited to keep the chat room, and no one cares about them. At this time, Di Jun feels that the demon race has a few luck left.
Di Jun looked up for a week and couldn’t help but flash across a sadness in his heart. When did his demon race actually become like this?
At this moment, Taiyi also woke up to see the surrounding situation and felt bad in my heart. At this moment, Di Jun suddenly heard xi he sound "Di Jun! A robbery cloud suddenly gathered outside the Sun Palace, and this robbery cloud is directed at our son. "
Hearing xi he’s words, Di Jun’s heart was in a hurry to transport himself to the only mana calculation; Knowing that one’s demon race’s luck had plummeted, he could not suppress the karma of the three little golden bodies, so he was found by heaven before.
Get this situation Di Jun suddenly rushed to spit out one mouthful blood. At this time, Taiyi came to Di Jun and quickly asked what was going on. Di Jun didn’t answer Taiyi’s question. His eyes were dementia and he looked at the sky and muttered, "The sky is going to die, my demon family!"
When I heard Di Jun mumbling to Taiyi, I was surprised. It was a calculation that I learned that my demon race was not only in a bad luck, but also in the number of karma, which made Taiyi worry that my three nephews were threatened by the scourge at this time.
At this moment, Di Jun’s eyes suddenly flashed yoshimitsu and struggled to get up and shouted to the sky, "Today, there is a demon emperor who is willing to continue the demon race’s fate and hope that Heaven will allow him! After that, I saw a golden light of merit from heaven cancel out the karma of the demon family, so that the demon family left a trace of blood and at the same time dispersed their own punishment.