
"Tell me about it. What’s going on?" Zhao Li unceremoniously occupied the conference room and waited patiently for Kang Hongyuan to finish a cup of coffee slowly.

"Yes, it’s a bit of a big shot." Kang Hongyuan nodded and praised. "I didn’t have a chance to enjoy this cup of coffee."
Zhao Li didn’t say much but quietly watched Kang Hongyuan wait for him. Zhao Li urged Li Mengdie as if he couldn’t help but hurry up. "What’s going on? Why is it still involved in reselling military supplies?" Battleship, she and Christine have heard from Zhao Li. It is natural to be anxious to get information from General Lucas.
"I won’t say much about the present status of the marginal planet." Kang Hongyuan finally stopped selling slowly. "General Chen has always used this place to buy military and civilian materials that they don’t produce." There is a class rhyme that Kang Hongyuan called Chen Yong no longer a rebel but changed his name to General Chen.
"About two weeks ago, someone contacted the representative of General Chen and said that they had a batch of special steel products that they wanted to sell." Kang Hongyuan felt out a cigar from nowhere and gestured to everyone. No one objected and then he came out of prison by himself. This guy liked cigars. It is estimated that he was deeply influenced by the old warden.
"The representative asked General Chen for instructions. General Chen knew that there was a problem in it. Even in the military, that kind of special steel was controlled. Not everyone could do this kind of business." Kang Hongyuan vomited a smoke turn and then introduced "General Chen contacted me for the first time and then asked him to cooperate with him to play a play to stabilize that person."
"But after a little investigation, we found that things were not so simple." Kang Hongyuan still downplayed it as if he was not so nervous. "Someone had already stared at both sides of the transaction when he first contacted it, and according to our guess, it should be the military intelligence department or the Ministry."
"They may know that General Chen represents the buyer and didn’t do more research, but focused the investigation on the seller. Although we also paid attention to it, we didn’t start to let the seller continue to swindle until the Ministry of Military Affairs heard that it was the special steel, and now almost all of them are in the Bai Niao Military Region."
"We noticed that it was wrong and continued to let General Chen represent us for a few days before the seller mysteriously said that the goods were to be sold by Bai Niao. Although it was not specifically you, now some spearheads have pointed to you."
"Then why not arrest that guy and clarify the facts?" Zhao Li was silent for a while and digested the news before asking Kang Hongyuan.
"Now we already know that it’s a conspiracy against you," Kang Hongyuan replied unhurriedly. "And if you want to sit tight, you have to face this kind of continuous conspiracy attack. We discussed it and thought that we should take this opportunity to give a major blow to the conspirators and let others not dare to start work on you for a short time."
"Am I being too kind?" Zhao Li frowned slightly. "What do you think, Lao Kang?"
"No way, even the Supreme Commander has political enemies who don’t talk about you." Kang Hongyuan slowly exhorted Zhao Li. "You should get used to it and learn to fight back and take the initiative."
"So you’re waiting for me to come and deal with it myself?" Zhao Li nodded and asked 1
"It’s not just these." Kang Hongyuan’s words surprised Zhao Li and looked up at this side.
"General Chen also hopes to take this opportunity to defeat the conspiracy of those guys, and secondly, he really needs a batch of special steel."
Chapter three hundred and fifty-five Mysterious seller
Before the advent of energy additives, these special steels were just a little tight, but later they became military control projects. Half of the products produced by all manufacturers were purchased by the military, and then designated to be sent to a certain manufacturer for the production of core components of energy firearms, and the military personnel were responsible for monitoring the situation.
Chen Yong needs this batch of special steel, which is beyond doubt. Before the energy weapon was born, the demand for this kind of steel was relatively small, but now Chen Yong is under great pressure to change his body. Even if there are some libraries before, he has to find a way to get this batch of special metals.
Former Zhao Like didn’t consider Chen Yong’s request, but the existing class Yunchan added himself and Chen Yong’s bet, but he had to help.
"Where is the seller? I want to see him! " Zhao Li has always been a style of words and deeds. When he has determined what to do, he will do it accordingly. Now that he knows that there is a seller, he naturally needs to have a good look at who this guy is in his own name.
"Missing!" Kang Hongyuan sat there without batting an eye as if saying something irrelevant: "They disappeared when we were going to monitor the closing of the net."
"They?" Zhao Li was one leng, but immediately Ma Relieved that it was absolutely impossible for a person to do such a thing. There must be a gang, but several people on the edge planet were missing, which was simply impossible.
"A total of six people used to live in Jinhai Hotel, and then one day they suddenly disappeared and never found anyone." Kang Hongyuan nodded and introduced the situation to Zhao Li in detail. "One of them was the main person in charge, and others had four bodyguards and a similar staff officer."
"What do you mean by missing?" Zhao Li can’t believe that there are still six living people in the iron bucket of the marginal planet, which is too careless of the urban management guard and the indigenous people of the marginal planet.
"It didn’t disturb us to monitor the manpower situation." Kang Hongyuan introduced what happened in detail, but he didn’t show any surprise at all.
"Then you can still sit still like this?" Zhao Li didn’t understand that Kang Hongyuan was as steady as Mount Tai, so he asked out as the Tathagata.
"If you want to bring you down, you can’t do it alone." Kang Hongyuan smiled. "There is no way for a person who hasn’t made a deal to have real evidence, such as catching thieves and taking stolen goods."
"White" Zhao Li immediately heard the string songs and knew your kindness. Since someone wants to knock him down behind his back, it is too difficult to find someone to say what he wants to do. That is, Kang Hongyuan said that there is no irrefutable evidence. It is simply a joke to want to bring down a military commander.
Those people are missing, if they are not hiding themselves, or they have been in the hands of some investigators. The only way to get real evidence is to continue to trade with the existing Chen Yong representative. It is easy to see them again. No wonder Kang Hongyuan is in no hurry.
Now Zhao Li wants to know whether those people are missing, hiding according to the requirements of those behind the scenes, or have been found by the military intelligence department or the Ministry. General Lucas said that they have fallen into the eyes of the military intelligence department and are likely to be controlled by the military.
If so, it’s still a little trouble. Zhao Li also has to consider the consequences of these people falling into the military intelligence department. But think about Zhao Li, but he is not too worried about the fact that General Philip of the military intelligence department and himself are long-standing friendship. The only problem is that once these people fall into the control of the Ministry, they will be slightly in trouble.
When General Cleveland took control of the sub-media incident, Zhao Li vaguely knew that if they beat and controlled these people this time, there might be some troubles, but of course, only some troubles were not enough to hurt the bones.
"Send people to pay attention to those outsiders, especially those with military skills." Unlike Kang Hongyuan, Zhao Li did not master the armed forces. Most of the time, he took advantage of the situation. Zhao Li has considerable strength to deal with some troubles in the simplest way
"Maybe I can help." Ban Yunchan chipped in at the right time, and everyone’s eyes immediately focused on the past. In the face of everyone’s questions, Ban Yunchan smiled slightly. "There are many people in my bank, and all transactions on the edge planet are settled by the edge bank."
This is a message, but it may not be of much help. Those people will not do this. Knowing that the edge bank has Zhao Li’s support, they will be so bold to carry out activities. However, Ban Yunchan seems to have a well-planned plan. Zhao Li nodded, "Then find them as soon as possible."
Ban Yunchan didn’t say anything. Everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding. Zhao Li thought about it and ordered Christine to check the logistics warehouse of a military region and ask them to count and seal the batch of special steel. No one is allowed to fight without my order.
"It’s a general!" This is a business occasion. Christine does not hesitate to call Zhao Li by rank.
After thinking about it, there is nothing else for the time being. Zhao Li and Kang Hongyuan briefly exchanged views on the current development of marginal planets and learned more about Kang Hongyuan’s administrative measures. After that, it was getting a little dark. Ban Yunchan arranged for Zhao Li and his party to stay in the most luxurious hotel in the Golden Five Star.
That night, Zhao Li spent the most ridiculous night in his history. Li Mengdie, Christine and Ban Yunchan all seemed to have a very tacit understanding. I haven’t seen Ban Yunchan for a long time. When Zhao Li and Ban Yunchan went to Wushan for sex, they suddenly found that Li Mengdie and Christine also appeared in their room at the same time.
Fortunately, there is a basic body-building technique, otherwise Zhao Li was almost drained by three women. Fortunately, the result was that three women were extremely tired and were put down by Zhao Li’s department. Then Zhao Li was very fulfilled. She smiled and hugged three women to sleep, but after this night, it seemed that all three women were more United and more United. On the other hand, Zhao Li was forced to make a vicious oath never to increase the number of his girlfriends again.
Ban Yunchan’s channel is very efficient. Early the next morning, Zhao Li received a notice from Ban Yunchan that six people were missing and were imprisoned in a secret place by a group of people who looked very tough.
The news is not very limited, and the Ministry has not said anything about the identity of those people, whether they are armed forces, etc., but at least there is a very accurate location.
This is not too difficult for Zhao Li. After thinking about it, Zhao Li directly called ten former female assassins to the side.